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JK Rowling accuses female Olympic boxer of being a man who hits women: “Paris, your safeguard is a joke” #Paris2024

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On 8/4/2024 at 2:10 PM, BritneyWiki said:

You're wrong, THIS is science:

The Six Most Common Karyotypes

The six biological karyotype ***es that do not result in death to the fetus are:

X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )

XX – Most common form of female

XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)

XY – Most common form of male

XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people

XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births

When you consider that there are 7,000,000,000 alive on the planet, there are almost assuredly tens of millions of people who are not male or female.   Many times, these people are unaware of their true s**.  It’s interesting to note that everyone assumes that they, personally, are XY or XX.  One study in Great Britain showed that 97 out of 100 people who were XYY had no idea.  They thought they were a traditional male and had few signs otherwise.

Even today, we irrationally, and rather stupidly, think of someone as a “man” if they look masculine and as a “woman” if the look feminine.  It’s entirely arbitrary and can lead to some significant misunderstandings of how the world actually works.

If they canceled the appeal of the result, they basically admitted what the truth is.... 

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On 8/4/2024 at 1:01 PM, Thomkat said:

You’re actually uneducated. Period. Like truly, undeniably, willfully ignorant and uneducated. And so full of conviction that you’re making yourself look like a fool. And this isn’t about ideology. You’re denying the reality of so many human beings who are born inter*** and/or with varying hormonal imbalances that affect a myriad of aspects of their physicality. 
Gender is a spectrum, as with all things in life; always has been, always will be. 

Nvm the embarrassing but predictable Christian uproar about drag queens depicting a feast based on Dionysus and Greek mythology and NOT their precious painting of the last supper that was commissioned by the Catholic Church and painted by a gay man. 

Bigots are running wild in the world and drinking each other’s koolaid and the vast majority are unwilling to properly educate themselves. They’d rather foam at the mouth with hateful diatribes and cling to their failed version of reality. 

This all incorrect. This is all about your ideology. If it wasn’t, there wouldn’t be a discussion. Reality and science is real and that’s that. We’re not “denying” the reality of anyone. These people are less than 1% of the population, it’s an abnormality, not a normality that we need to accept. It’s like having a handicap. Doesn’t make them any less of a person, but they don’t need to be accepted for certain things, and that’s how it’s supposed to be. Nothing to do with bigots, or Christian’s or any of that nonsense. People are denying science that’s already proven by people much smarter than all of us.

And in this case this individual had male hormones running through their body their whole life = male.

There is no spectrum, there is reality and then fantasy.

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That con artist was born a male and is still a male. His birth certificate he showed was issued in 2018 when he decided to be a woman. 

On top of that, he is muslim from a muslim country and not even wearing a hijab. Dressing like a dude and letting other males not related to him touch him. Because they know what's up. This is a man beating up women for sports. 

JK is right about it. 

It is ironic how all the anti religion people suddenly deny science and common sense. All because TV and social media told them so. 


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On 8/4/2024 at 8:10 AM, BritneyWiki said:

You're wrong, THIS is science:

The Six Most Common Karyotypes

The six biological karyotype ***es that do not result in death to the fetus are:

X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )

XX – Most common form of female

XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)

XY – Most common form of male

XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people

XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births

When you consider that there are 7,000,000,000 alive on the planet, there are almost assuredly tens of millions of people who are not male or female.   Many times, these people are unaware of their true s**.  It’s interesting to note that everyone assumes that they, personally, are XY or XX.  One study in Great Britain showed that 97 out of 100 people who were XYY had no idea.  They thought they were a traditional male and had few signs otherwise.

Even today, we irrationally, and rather stupidly, think of someone as a “man” if they look masculine and as a “woman” if the look feminine.  It’s entirely arbitrary and can lead to some significant misunderstandings of how the world actually works.

THIS is not in any sense of the word “science”. Science is peer reviewed research done over many years and has a significance rate of over 65%. You are talking about abnormalities that exist in less than 1% of humans or even animals.

To say this is science is a spit in the face to anyone who has actually studied anything and is a specialist in their field. There is a scientific method, and none of you are following it. These examples are not normal, nor should they be taken as such. 

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On 8/2/2024 at 6:19 PM, noimportku said:

see, i hate the internet i just read a bunch of posts about what i initially said… now i’ve read your comment and actually researched and okay now i see the point :cheese_Britney_awkward_cringe_eek:


oopsie daisy i showed my dumb :walkin_fire_meltdown_burning_flames_panic_mess_exhell:

Thank you so much for actually understanding your stance was wrong. I genuinely appreciate a good, spirited, intelligent discussion. It is what is needed to see the truth. We all know whats happening here, but everyone is playing coy.

Edited by A.a.A
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On 8/10/2024 at 12:42 AM, A.a.A said:

THIS is not in any sense of the word “science”. Science is peer reviewed research done over many years and has a significance rate of over 65%. You are talking about abnormalities that exist in less than 1% of humans or even animals.

To say this is science is a spit in the face to anyone who has actually studied anything and is a specialist in their field. There is a scientific method, and none of you are following it. These examples are not normal, nor should they be taken as such. 

You can't deny nature and biology. Just because an occurrence is rare doesn't mean it doesn't exist. 

I googled "how common is inter***" and it said 1-2 people out of every 100 is inter***. Check it out yourself.

Trans and inter*** people are being studied more and more all the time, there is plenty of research out there.

Not trying to be mean here but you really just sound like you don't know what you are talking about and are having an emotional response to learning new information and not wanting to accept it.

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On 8/10/2024 at 1:57 AM, humstarr said:

That con artist was born a male and is still a male. His birth certificate he showed was issued in 2018 when he decided to be a woman. 

On top of that, he is muslim from a muslim country and not even wearing a hijab. Dressing like a dude and letting other males not related to him touch him. Because they know what's up. This is a man beating up women for sports. 

JK is right about it. 

It is ironic how all the anti religion people suddenly deny science and common sense. All because TV and social media told them so. 



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On 8/8/2024 at 11:00 AM, A.a.A said:

Individuals can either have s** chromosomes generally linked with being female (XX chromosomes) or usually associated with being a man (XY chromosomes), yet have reproductive organs and genitals that may look different.

They are still considered a male, doesn’t matter what is between their legs.
The advantages of someone born with XY chromosomes are:

- Increased muscle mass
- Increased stamina
- Increased lung capacity 
- Increased arm reach
- Increased strength overall…


Your example of a XY male competing with another XY male has nothing to do with a XY male competing with a XX female.

She doesn’t just have a genetic disadvantage but literal overall disadvantage that cannot be compared.

The “rare” examples of individuals you are referencing are less than 1% of the population. Usually in most cases they are reproductive abnormalities. This is not scientifically relevant and doesn’t prove the point you think you’re making.

DSD is a term that is not scientific, nor is it in the DSM - which is the official standardized encyclopedia of psychological disorders. Created over many years, by people much smarter than everyone here. Including me.

They are using “DSD” in this article as an umbrella term for “gender dysphoria”. Breaking it into specific/strange cases is not what scientists do.

Its clear XY is never fair to play against XX (women) because Sports are physical and the advantage is enormous. But you can't reason it on here because our community turns EVERYTHING an LGBT issue. They can become really blind and if you speak otherwise even when science based, you become enemy nº1 :pleaseshhh_miss_ny_new_york_tiffany_tell_talk_preach_pollard:

Edited by spreadmywings
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On 8/9/2024 at 5:55 PM, A.a.A said:

This all incorrect. This is all about your ideology. If it wasn’t, there wouldn’t be a discussion. Reality and science is real and that’s that. We’re not “denying” the reality of anyone. These people are less than 1% of the population, it’s an abnormality, not a normality that we need to accept. It’s like having a handicap. Doesn’t make them any less of a person, but they don’t need to be accepted for certain things, and that’s how it’s supposed to be. Nothing to do with bigots, or Christian’s or any of that nonsense. People are denying science that’s already proven by people much smarter than all of us.

And in this case this individual had male hormones running through their body their whole life = male.

There is no spectrum, there is reality and then fantasy.

You literally make no sense. For example, in the US people with disabilities are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and have actual rights to ensure they aren’t completely ignored or unaccommodated in society. Did you forget that? Or does it not apply to YOU specifically so it’s not your problem? Not everyone needs to be or think like you and if you learn to accept that, your life and the world at large will be a better off.

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On 8/12/2024 at 11:23 PM, BritneyWiki said:

You can't deny nature and biology. Just because an occurrence is rare doesn't mean it doesn't exist. 

I googled "how common is inter***" and it said 1-2 people out of every 100 is inter***. Check it out yourself.

Trans and inter*** people are being studied more and more all the time, there is plenty of research out there.

Not trying to be mean here but you really just sound like you don't know what you are talking about and are having an emotional response to learning new information and not wanting to accept it.

You’re right, because it’s rare doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. But it means that it is not “normal” or scientifically significant. An abnormality is not something to change laws/rules/culture for. It exists and we are sympathetic, in the same vain as the disabled. 

And no, it is less than 1% of the population. I have a M.S Biological Psych Degree. I know exactly what I’m talking about. This is no way has ever been an “emotional” response.

There is no “new” information at the moment. At the moment the DSM is the current standard and reality of what exists. Let them do the research, let them study people, it takes decades to actually see whats going on.  When the research and information deduces that it is scientifically significant, it will be acknowledged and placed where it needs to be. Science doesn’t exist on trends and social culture.

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On 8/13/2024 at 12:24 AM, Endlessstan said:

You literally make no sense. For example, in the US people with disabilities are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and have actual rights to ensure they aren’t completely ignored or unaccommodated in society. Did you forget that? Or does it not apply to YOU specifically so it’s not your problem? Not everyone needs to be or think like you and if you learn to accept that, your life and the world at large will be a better off.

Yea, you just proved my point. They are accepted, but they have their own olympics, sports and everything else. Because they compete with who they physiologically can. These people aren’t ignored by society, but they take up less than 1%, why should they compete with an unfair physiological advantage?

This isn’t a “thought” or an opinion. This is fact. It was unfair, just like a disabled person who has unbelievable strength can beat a “normal” person. That wouldn’t be fair in a competition, so why would this?

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On 8/8/2024 at 3:00 AM, A.a.A said:

Considering I have a M.S in Biological Psychology, I think I know what I’m talking about. Your article proved exactly what I was saying:

Individuals can either have s** chromosomes generally linked with being female (XX chromosomes) or usually associated with being a man (XY chromosomes), yet have reproductive organs and genitals that may look different.

They are still considered a male, doesn’t matter what is between their legs.
The advantages of someone born with XY chromosomes are:

- Increased muscle mass
- Increased stamina
- Increased lung capacity 
- Increased arm reach
- Increased strength overall…


Your example of a XY male competing with another XY male has nothing to do with a XY male competing with a XX female.

She doesn’t just have a genetic disadvantage but literal overall disadvantage that cannot be compared.

The “rare” examples of individuals you are referencing are less than 1% of the population. Usually in most cases they are reproductive abnormalities. This is not scientifically relevant and doesn’t prove the point you think you’re making.

DSD is a term that is not scientific, nor is it in the DSM - which is the official standardized encyclopedia of psychological disorders. Created over many years, by people much smarter than everyone here. Including me.

They are using “DSD” in this article as an umbrella term for “gender dysphoria”. Breaking it into specific/strange cases is not what scientists do.

It doesn’t matter to me whether she has XY or XX chromosomes because she identifies as female regardless on what chromosomes she has. The issue I have however is that if she has XY chromosomes then she is at a significantly higher advantage than the other female competitors because of the high levels of testosterone compared to her competitors. This puts the other athletes she’s competing against at a significant disadvantage and for that reason alone I think she shouldn’t have been qualified to compete.

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5 hours ago, A.a.A said:

Yea, you just proved my point. They are accepted, but they have their own olympics, sports and everything else. Because they compete with who they physiologically can. These people aren’t ignored by society, but they take up less than 1%, why should they compete with an unfair physiological advantage?

This isn’t a “thought” or an opinion. This is fact. It was unfair, just like a disabled person who has unbelievable strength can beat a “normal” person. That wouldn’t be fair in a competition, so why would this?

I suggest you check the qualifications for the special Olympics. This athlete would not qualify because she’s does not have a qualifying disability nor is she disabled. You just sound bigoted and there’s no talking your way out of it no matter how many rhetorical maneuvers you use.


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