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15 years ago Britney released Before & after airbrushed Candie's ads


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I think what they do to distort pictures is near criminal and creates such false expectations. Not everyone is a 6 foot willowy model type and that's fine. I miss seeing natural looking people with their own look and style, I hate that most of what we see is now false. Part of me is glad I never had to raise a teenage daughter in this era.

I applauded Britney for this at the time. She doesn't always wear the most 'flattering' outfits for her body type which doesn't help matters. But I don't think she needs edits.

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On 6/30/2024 at 12:23 AM, Daniela.tomasseli said:

She didn’t.. her conservators did.

And I bet she was mad as hell when they did. :pieceofwhat_britney_awkward:

I think they only wanted her to look bad after the Freebritney movement took of or when she refused to work.

As long as she was working and the c-ship was sailing smooth, they just wanted people to admire how great she looked thanks to her being controlled. 

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