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Britney posts a new story on Instagram about the paparazzi pictures: I hardly go outside 'cause I know what they do


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2 minutes ago, HairFlipQueen said:

Exactly, she’s actually being incredibly offensive towards women who have NORMAL bodily features, by making out that it’s so hideous and disgusting to have a bit of cellulite or not be perfectly skinny and toned! 

Ok, but I don't think any other woman would be feeling good about those pictures either.

Edit: I mean if their cellulites were being photographed too.

Edited by Fita
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10 minutes ago, Johanpapz said:

Off course because YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM! Oh my Godness some of you make me want to vomit! NOW SHE CAN EVEN COMPLAIN ON HER DAILY HARASSMENT? You guys call her out INSTEAD OF TMZ??? WTF??????? What's wrong with you? Ew!!!

ALL OF YOU, if people would attack you on your body EVERYDAY like Britney since she's 17, YOU WILL BE YOURSELF AFFECTED as well! That's why most of you, make fun of Britney but never dare to post your face here! Because you are scared that people could turn it against you!!! But when it's about Britney, "stop complaining you are so annoying!"

EW! Be on her shoes one week you guys would be n  *uts!!! 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2024 on Exhell! Calling Britney out instead of TMZ wow!

Daily harassment? Just because they posted photos of her without the filters she usually uses on social media? In the article they still praise her, say she is fine. The only one who thought it was really bad was her, who doesn't accept the body she has. I wonder what is so wrong with these photos that it bothers her and her fans so much. Gaga went through the same situation recently and just had a good laugh. Britney, on the other hand, is desperately trying to prove in every way that she is thin because that's all that matters to her. She became an extremely superficial person.

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9 minutes ago, Mutya said:

Some trolls and haters never fail to come for whatever she posts. Britney is right, the photos are clearly edited to make her look bad and the Lana del Rey episode in France confirms that. Britney, keep posting and talking about whatever you feel like, we believe you!

Not really, that Lana del Rey episode only confirms that in her case the paps would edit the pics. Not these ones, to Britney, in a different country on a different day. 

Do you think they use body doubles as well, as Britney claimed a while back? As she also stated at first that those pics at the hotel weren’t her but body doubles? 

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6 minutes ago, EmmaJG said:

NO ONE is attacking her body. She’s the only one attacking her body

Excuse me? Paparazzi and media outlets are posting heavily edited photos of her, and you expect her to stay silent? Yes, by addressing it, she's bringing more attention to the pictures, but she has the right to expose and discuss what she continues to endure with the media and paparazzi. She can finally speak freely, so let her say whatever she wants!

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Some of yall lack critical thinking skills. I love how easy everyone is like oh well let it go go who cares....obviously she does. 

She's told us before how her dad would call her fat even when she wasn't and we know how Hollywood is with women in general so idk why this is so hard for some of you to grasp.

This is obviously a trigger for her and it bothers her. To say no one is worried about her body is simply not true because otherwise these media outlets and paps wouldn't be doing it in the first place.

If you still aren't getting it allow me to simplify it for you...if your family member or friend posted a photo of you on social media that you didn't find flattering would you be okay with people telling you to get over it? Chances are no you'd be upset and more than likely ask them to take it down.

Here's an idea though how about everyone who is bothered by her being bothered let it go no one cares about your opinion.


See how silly that sounds because yall are allowed to have opinions and she's allowed to be upset about HER OWN BODY being misrepresented.

Edited by Busybee
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1 minute ago, HairFlipQueen said:

Not really, that Lana del Rey episode only confirms that in her case the paps would edit the pics. Not these ones, to Britney, in a different country on a different day. 

Do you think they use body doubles as well, as Britney claimed a while back? As she also stated at first that those pics at the hotel weren’t her but body doubles? 

Actually, the Lana Del Rey episode highlights that paparazzi do edit photos, which is relevant to Britney's situation. Just because it's a different country and day doesn't mean similar tactics aren't used. Given the history of media manipulation, it's understandable she might believe such claims. It's essential to listen to her perspective instead of dismissing it outright.

Edited by Mutya
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Just now, HairFlipQueen said:

Exactly, she’s actually being incredibly offensive towards women who have NORMAL bodily features, by making out that it’s so hideous and disgusting to have a bit of cellulite or not be perfectly skinny and toned! 

Nowhere did she say that cellulite is not normal in her initial post, nor did she shame other women who have it. She takes 1000 photos of herself on the daily and knows what her body and legs looks, and even acknowledged her body is not perfect.

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2 minutes ago, Fita said:

Ok, but I don't think any other woman would be feeling good about those pictures either.

Edit: I mean if their cellulites were being photographed too.

Personally I’d be very happy to look like Britney does in those photos. And with the cellulite, yes some women may not be exactly thrilled, but not to the extent that Britney is affected by it. I think she’s overreacting as she does a lot. 

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1 minute ago, HairFlipQueen said:

Exactly, she’s actually being incredibly offensive towards women who have NORMAL bodily features, by making out that it’s so hideous and disgusting to have a bit of cellulite or not be perfectly skinny and toned! 

Yeah sure! Then what about Xtina and the other girls who use Ozempic? To make women feel like you have to be skinny like a needle to be a **** powerful woman? What about the Kardashian who taught to so many young girls that they need to have big b *tts and big lips???

Britney is insecure with her own body which is normal, considering all the nasty things they said about her body since she's 17 and still to these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it's about her own body, it has nothing to do with the other women!!!

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It would be exhausting being her sister. Listening to her complain all day. Like you’re a popstar go be it.

not everything is a conspiracy. There are cameras and they take photos. A lot of people look bad in like direct sunlight yeah it shows everything. This is not a studio with good, blending lighting 

since u got with paul and rejected Sam’s help yeah your body is changing. That is ok!! But it’s not anyone’s fault. Gyrating will move your body but if you like really wanna burn fat u need to go deeper than bouncing around and riding a horse like go workout hard. 

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4 minutes ago, HairFlipQueen said:

Could this not be a case of different lighting? 

No. And it's nuts how you claim she's overreacting when she's been ridiculed for her looks since the age of 16 years old. It's not something you can flip on and off like a switch. Some of you truly have no empathy at all. 

Edited by Gutterguppy
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Just now, LoveYourselfMas said:

It would be exhausting being her sister. Listening to her complain all day. Like you’re a popstar go be it.

not everything is a conspiracy. There are cameras and they take photos. A lot of people look bad in like direct sunlight yeah it shows everything. This is not a studio with good, blending lighting 

since u got with paul and rejected Sam’s help yeah your body is changing. That is ok!! But it’s not anyone’s fault. Gyrating will move your body but if you like really wanna burn fat u need to go deeper than bouncing around and riding a horse like go workout hard. 

Why is this troll still here? Is that okay now?

@Jordan Miller @Princessmimi

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5 minutes ago, Mutya said:

Excuse me? Paparazzi and media outlets are posting heavily edited photos of her, and you expect her to stay silent? Yes, by addressing it, she's bringing more attention to the pictures, but she has the right to expose and discuss what she continues to endure with the media and paparazzi. She can finally speak freely, so let her say whatever she wants!

They’re not edited. lol

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Just now, Mutya said:

Why is this troll still here? Is that okay now?

@Jordan Miller @Princessmimi

You’re literally horrible what do you want me to do be like gutterpuppy and agree with every conspiracy oh yeah these photos are doctored. What problem specifically do you have with what I said? 
yeah her sister can experience trauma too she’s human. 
Speak specifically what your problem is. This is not a cult where everyone has to have the same opinion. God Britney fans are different than Madonna fans let’s just say that 

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7 minutes ago, Mutya said:

Actually, the Lana Del Rey episode highlights that paparazzi do edit photos, which is relevant to Britney's situation. Just because it's a different country and day doesn't mean similar tactics aren't used. Given the history of media manipulation, it's understandable she might believe such claims. It's essential to listen to her perspective instead of dismissing it outright.

Ok fair enough.

What do you think about the body double claim she made, do you think that’s happening also? 

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3 minutes ago, LoveYourselfMas said:

It would be exhausting being her sister. Listening to her complain all day. Like you’re a popstar go be it.

not everything is a conspiracy. There are cameras and they take photos. A lot of people look bad in like direct sunlight yeah it shows everything. This is not a studio with good, blending lighting 

since u got with paul and rejected Sam’s help yeah your body is changing. That is ok!! But it’s not anyone’s fault. Gyrating will move your body but if you like really wanna burn fat u need to go deeper than bouncing around and riding a horse like go workout hard. 

STFU for a hundred times! Why are you still here? I get that you must have a pathetic life like every trolls but still... They have limits! Also this is your JUDAS TRASH LYNNE




Remind me what she did in her last tv show? COMPLAINING CRYING COMPLAINING CRYING COMPLAINING CRYING COMPLAINING CRYING COMPLAINING CRYING COMPLAINING CRYING AND THEN QUIT because boo hoo it was too haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!!!

So believe me, if in this sisters duo they have on annoying pathetic person like you, it's def not Britney!!!


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Just now, LoveYourselfMas said:

You’re literally horrible what do you want me to do be like gutterpuppy and agree with every conspiracy oh yeah these photos are doctored. What problem specifically do you have with what I said? 
yeah her sister can experience trauma too she’s human. 
Speak specifically what your problem is. This is not a cult where everyone has to have the same opinion. God Britney fans are different than Madonna fans let’s just say that 

Your comments are literally disgusting and demeaning. Britney's been able to maintain a fit figure without the help of her ex-husband or any man for years and years. 

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