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Britney posts new dancing video: it's been nine months since I've danced

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4 hours ago, britisthecolor said:

The bodyguard's hand touched her face (at least that's what I saw in the video) but yeah she didn't fall and her friend didn't pick her up like she said. And she has been posting videos of her dancing both in the studio and in her home in the last months, idk what she's talking about. The thing is, it is not necessary to lie about trivial things like that, I don't get why she does it for no reason at all. Or is her memory THAT bad?

I think she’s just a drama queen sometimes 

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51 minutes ago, DiamondCircus said:

Idk why go see that when Taylor, Beyonce and others are out giving sold out shows!

Having Brit up there in 2025 lipping to old vocals with dancers trying to help her wouldn’t be a cute look.

Madonna can't move so good anymore. People still going to see her. There are plenty other veteran performers still going. I saw recently Stevie Nicks playing to a huge crowd in Ireland? People like to relive memories of times in their lives with music, they'll still pay good money for it, even if the performer isn't what they used to be. Britney's legacy is big enough to always be able to do something.

Not sure how I personally feel about it but it's something she may be talked into sooner or later whether she's keen on it or not. They'll have a video of her saying "I'm so excited to be back y'all!!!" and it will be a done deal.

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5 hours ago, rebellion_is_the_way said:

She could write “ …in a studio”.  But she didn’t. Why can’t y’all accept something but has to find an excuse all the time? Knife video was at her home. She danced a gazillion times after that.

Relax bro. I just said she uploaded an old video 

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7 hours ago, DiamondCircus said:

Hard to believe even after she said she was hit so hard by that basketball player and was knocked to the ground, only for video footage to debunk that.

She ended up reportedly slapping herself and never hit the ground in the video.


sometime when things happen to you, your mind and feelings tent to exaggerate, she probably was feeling like that at the moment. she is not purposely lying about something that never happened. not everyone remember things like how it happened exactly. you can’t say she is lying lying, she might be exaggerating a bit, but the interaction was real and she was emotionally hurt by the action and how they treated her afterwards. 



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1 hour ago, B In The Mix said:

Here we go again. Every post of hers, fans saying she can't dance anymore, she can't be releable, Insta should take down her account. This forum is full of bullies and haters. No wonder she will never release music again. To please these fans? We don't deserve her. Keep dancing to yourself, Brit! And keep writing wherever you want. You don't owe us any truth or perfect timeline of events.

yeah like what do they want? if they want the primeney they can literally go watch youtube for days. they probably don’t even own any physical media because they are “fans”, allegedly 

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1 hour ago, Derrick said:

I don’t understand how as a former dancer, and an amazing one at that, she can post these videos and call it “dancing” like girl… what happened to you? The delusion! I am so curious if she can actually execute real choreography anymore. 

people can be dancing and practicing and consider it a work out, not every single dance move can be as good as a choreography that she used to rehearse for shows for weeks. 


she is not putting on a show here. she is dancing her heart out. it’s all these little moment now and in the past made who she is and the glorious pst is part of her this is part of her. you can’t expect every move she make is stage worthy.

It’s like asking people about if walking considered a work out? you are not lifting weights? you are not sweating? it’s all about definition and perspective, try to have some empathy and understanding not dislike and doubt as soon as it’s something that you don’t understand.

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5 hours ago, Gutterguppy said:

I've always felt this aggressive, almost vitriolic approach some users here take (and even the GP at large to an extent) in wanting to prove so badly that she's not 'perfect' or a 'saint'  is because of the innocent image she portrayed when she first came out. It's like these people feel they were duped and need to do everything to showcase she's not who she is, when. she's been saying for the longest time that she was never that person anyway, and confirmed it in her book. Another user here said it best, but there is an inherent hatred some fans have toward Britney, especially for the smallest things, and it's sick. 

it’s basically the same as those tv hosts asking about if she was a virgin if the breasts are real, disgusting. who gave them right to judge people like that? i don’t understand why they consider themselves fans and come post nasty things here. all they want to is to spread negativity.

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For the haters saying she can’t dance anymore, I’ll just leave these here..

Granted these are a few years old, but at the time she was half a.ssing it in Vegas (you’d know why if you actually read her book). This proves she can still kill it with proper choreography. Don’t be so easily fooled by her IG where she’s just having fun. She says herself she’s not very good in the IG clips, so where is the delusion?

I’d see her over Taylor any day of the week. And if you wouldn’t, what the hell is your lame *** doing in the Britney Spears section? Some of you literally spend your entire lives here, yet nothing she does in her personal or professional life pleases you. Get lost.

Edited by Emil87
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12 minutes ago, Emil87 said:

For the haters saying she can’t dance anymore, I’ll just leave these here..

Granted these are a few years old, but at the time she was half a.ssing it in Vegas (you’d know why if you actually read her book). This proves she can still kill it with proper choreography. Don’t be so easily fooled by her IG where she’s just having fun. She says herself she’s not very good in the IG clips, so where is the delusion?

I’d see her over Taylor any day of the week. And if you wouldn’t, what the hell is your lame *** doing in the Britney Spears section? Some of you literally spend your entire lives here, yet nothing she does in her personal or professional life pleases you. Get lost.

This second video is the only proof we have that Britney can still dance, but... that's only one video, this is from 2018. 

People are just shocked because she used to be a good dancer. Clearly something's wrong going on, but usually a person can’t lose talent. 

Maybe it's lack of training, or she is having more bad days than good days. I still hope we will see more videos like this one of her dancing well a Janet song, not this whatever she keeps doing making no sense.

Chillax, people can have different opinions you know.

Breathe Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

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2 hours ago, Dark Willow said:

This second video is the only proof we have that Britney can still dance, but... that's only one video, this is from 2018. 

People are just shocked because she used to be a good dancer. Clearly something's wrong going on, but usually a person can’t lose talent. 

Maybe it's lack of training, or she is having more bad days than good days. I still hope we will see more videos like this one of her dancing well a Janet song, not this whatever she keeps doing making no sense.

Chillax, people can have different opinions you know.

Breathe Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

Girl, please. I see you spewing out your negative bulls**t here daily. It’s fascinating to me why you’re still here at this point, when you take every chance you can to discredit her, both as an artist and a human being.

You don’t just lose all dancing abilities when you’ve been trained since you were a toddler, and the clips I posted prove that. I do wish she showcased her actual dancing abilities more, but there’s no need to cry about it. Breathe, calm down.

Edited by Emil87
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1 hour ago, Emil87 said:

Girl, please. I see you spewing out your negative bulls**t here daily. It’s fascinating to me why you’re still here at this point, when you take every chance you can to discredit her, both as an artist and a human being.

You don’t just lose all dancing abilities when you’ve been trained since you were a toddler, and the clips I posted prove that. I do wish she showcased her actual dancing abilities more, but there’s no need to cry about it. Breathe, calm down.

I see you don’t want to have an adult conversation, your accusations are just... lol.

It's so funny fans like you preaching about positivity, and Britney herself always being negative on her super relatable instagram.

Nobody's crying about anything,  we are just talking about her dancing nowadays. Like I said, you need to chillax because we probably will see more of the regular videos and less of the Janet good one.

Breathe Jack Black GIF by Tenacious D

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7 hours ago, B In The Mix said:

Here we go again. Every post of hers, fans saying she can't dance anymore, she can't be releable, Insta should take down her account. This forum is full of bullies and haters. No wonder she will never release music again. To please these fans? We don't deserve her. Keep dancing to yourself, Brit! And keep writing wherever you want. You don't owe us any truth or perfect timeline of events.

Its funny that the first posts are always these haters, they bully her so much yet theyre always here and have no lives, no wonder theyre so spiteful 

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