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Kevin Federline's Attorney - Mark Vincent Kaplan "Only 1 Phone Call Happened Around Mother's Day" "Reconciliations and the reunification of relationships are difficult and take time. They are sometimes complicated and always a lengthy process."

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Just now, Crayboy said:

I can't imagine being a parent and seeing your kids taking your abusers side. 

Like if my mom was in the situation, everyone is catching hands, rather than me doing an interview saying she's not well.

Or going through that C Ship hell thinking you'll have your kids back and become free only for them to sell her out to Daphne, and TV interview.


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1 minute ago, whenthedogscaneout said:

I can’t get past the condescending and humiliating tone… like, right now she “seems well”, so they have a desire to speak with her… if she does SUPER well and pays EXTRA well, they might even act on that desire and physically talk to her! And if she pays EXTRA EXTRA well, they might even - get this - meet her!!!


It's depressing, she keeps losing... 

It's all about money and power, the forced reconciliation is so humiliating, not healing... 

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"The good thing is that the boys saw their mom was doing well and have a desire to speak with her," he added. "There has been some telephonic communication between Britney and her sons, and we think that is a step in the right direction."

Hm. This part from the article is confusing to me. How can her sons be the judge of that if they supposedly haven't seen her?

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8 minutes ago, Puppy said:

I just don’t understand how this man intervened and disrupted a family only to now say reconciliation will take time…yeah why didn’t you say before you ruined lives for over a decade. I ******* hate this guy!

I think they seem to be trying to dip their toes in the water and take the temperatures to see what they can get unfortunately.

They haven't seen their mom, and one is 18 so I'm not sure why Kaplan is involved. 

Edited by DiamondCircus
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The way they twisted the story is insane! It sounds like everything is Britney's fault and she has to work hard to deserve their forgiveness! I want to vomit! Nobody is buying this reconciliation, they left without saying goodbye to their mother! They just want her money! Pretty sure they are like "look Britney you acted so bad, let the boys the time to heal, show them how you love them don't cut the finances!"


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I know she loves her children but she needs to step away. This is insane.

Some gossip gets around online that the boys are improving their relationship with their mom, and the family lawyer is directed to give a statement contradicting that and saying it was just a phone call?

God Kevin is so shameful. But her sons are young men now, not little boys, and they should be speaking up and not just standing by while this happens. 

I do hope one day they can make amends but they obviously are no where close to apologizing for how they’ve treated her.

She shouldn’t degrade herself begging them to care about her.

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