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Breaking news: Justin Timberlake arrested in New York for DWI

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3 hours ago, DiamondCircus said:


I was going to say the same thing, they claim they don't want drama and like to have faux outrageous in here and entertain the tabloid threads and threads they claim they want nothing to do with.

Yet the streaming threads or 'positive threads' are ghost towns even for them.

They know why they're here lol. 

Your threads about the Paul drama and bashing b get more pages than this… stop playin 

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4 hours ago, DiamondCircus said:

The only thing that's moot is people celebrating a DUI capture and trying to equate it to justice for Brit and their 20 year old break up.


this is the exact same thing some people in this thread are doing by bringing up things britney did 15+ years ago? at least she never got arrested for a DUI. nothing she has done can be compared to this situation.

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4 hours ago, Gypsy Woman said:

This is the exact point here!

This post could've been about his actual behavior and condemning what he did, but the fact that it was posted in the Britney section (and of course the constant bashing towards him that is posted in this forum) shows you what the true underlying purpose is...about this revenge fantasy 80% of fans on here hold on to.

That's why I made my comment about the faux outrage because at the end of the day, it's not about the outrage towards what he did but rather using his arrest to fuel this ridiculous 20 year old revenge fantasy.

why are people in this thread bashing britney for things she did almost 20 years ago in an effort to mitigate and deflect from JT's arrest and DUI? this situation has nothing to with her and yet certain people have been trying to bash her for her past mistakes, which are nowhere near as bad or serious as a DUI, in this thread. anyone's outrage towards JT's DUI is completely justified and i don't think there's anything "faux" about it. keep missing the point though.

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6 hours ago, Gutterguppy said:

clock it



He left in handcuffs? What the hell?? If this was Britney TMZ would be doing a live stream with all kinds of specialists saying that she's in trouble, in need of a cship etc. 

I want him to receive the same treatment as Britney did!!! 

Edited by LizeS_
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2 minutes ago, LizeS_ said:

He left in handcuffs? What the hell?? If this was Britney TMZ would be doing a live steam with all kinds of specialists saying that she's in trouble, in need of a cship etc. 

I want him to receive the same treatment as Britney did!!! 

Britney got a TMZ special on “is she addicted to coffee - is she addicted to knives”. Literal ***ism, double standards and misogyny from TrashMZ and some of their fans on this site :peasants_taylor_swift_walking_away_bye_goodbye:

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6 minutes ago, LizeS_ said:

He left in handcuffs? What the hell?? If this was Britney TMZ would be doing a live steam with all kinds of specialists saying that she's in trouble, in need of a cship etc. 

I want him to receive the same treatment as Britney did!!! 

Now, you darn well know that ain't gonna happen. TMZ is already spinning Justin's DWI as 'well, he wasn't blackout drunk' as if high functioning alcoholism doesn't exist. 

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9 hours ago, Gypsy Woman said:

Wish you had this same energy when Britney drove with Sean Preston in her lap. I guess speeding down the highway at a high speed with a baby in your lap and no seatbelt is not disgraceful or dangerous.

Oh and spare me the "she was escaping the paparazzi" bit when that has long been proven as not even true.

Did I say a DUI was the same as a simple hit and run? No, I even specifically said it wasn't. I'm pointing out that everyone wants to jump on JT as if Britney has never once done anything dangerous or irresponsible. 

Yeh the thing is everyone did pounce on britney when she was a single mom in survival mode, while Justin is always getting excuses made for him. 

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