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Britney on Instagram: I have to be the bigger person and forgive my own parents...

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1) She is sharing her inner thoughts and she doesnt have to that. I appreciate it.

2) Her life seems far from perfect. Nobodys life is perfect. It surprises me she thinks that.

3) Forgiving - its up to her. I dont judge that.

4) Britney come across like its often someone elses problems. We dont know whats really going on in her life, so I cant judge her.

5) The picture was not a good one to choose. Where was she during the peak of BLM. 

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18 hours ago, TTrouble said:

One thing I've learnt in this life is that you don't have to forgive to those who treated you badly.

You only have to accept that it happened and cut those people out. Take relief in the fact you never have to see them again and they can't hurt you anymore.

You should absolutely always forgive, just don’t forget that they showed you who they are 

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• She feel bullied cause she is bullied past 25 years!

• She feels that world is unfair?! Well it is especially for her but I think she should do more for her justice and sue at least Los Angeles court (I don’t know what is her plans about that but it seems like there is no case in federal court)

• She speaks about her parents/generations and probably it was one of the reasons of that pic choice + she shared that pic in BLM period you guys had the same reaction before (first was why she didn’t say anything and after that pic why she posts it) and that pic of hers went under bullying as well so maybe that another reason why that picture is a perfect choice for that posts meaning..

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