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Biden: “what’s happening is NOT a genocide”

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25 minutes ago, A.a.A said:

You’re self-righteousness will be the end of society. Everything you just copied and pasted is nonsense words. This isn’t even the conversation we’re having.

You are nobody to tell anybody anything in this world/life. But i think theres no arguing with your hubris. Im telling you right now, the vibe coming off your posts is beyond toxic. This is crazy nonsense, you’re ignoring reality and just talking “at” me. You literally copied and pasted random sentences to prove a weird point about something we’re not talking about… 

This. Is. Not. The. Point

look in a mirror. this is 1000% you, not me. in the end you seem to have some weird unconcious selfawareness at last.

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5 minutes ago, trip to my touch said:

look in a mirror. this is 1000% you, not me. in the end you seem to have some weird unconcious selfawareness at last.

Oh. My. God. That doesn’t even make sense. We’re *****d.

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10 minutes ago, trip to my touch said:

nope you are

This is not even a proper response to that sentence. This is the argument your basing this on? “Nope you are” ? I said “we’re” *****d not you.

Spread peace not hate. One love.

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Lol. Laughing at the sheer comedy of this thread.

It's a genocide.

It's a crime against humanity.

Literal humans, non-Hamas and non-terrorists - including innocent women and children - are perishing at the hands of Israeli forces.

No, it's not anti-semitism.

No, it's not woke.

But I'm gonna laugh and carry on at those who continue to perpetuate the atrocities on humanity, desperately attempting to find an uneducated justification for genocide by using these overly used, generalised terms as if to say it cancels everything out whilst turning a convenient blind eye to genocide.

So yes, it's a genocide.

And I'll say genocide again, because it's clear a trigger for the zionists here.

Feeling for those innocent civilians who have lost their lives for absolutely nothing but their innocent existence. A complete insult to the Holocaust and their survivors, who are now the laughing stock given Israel's hypocrisy and constant contradictions. History will not remember as it was, instead they will be ridiculed and will be absolutely deserving of it.

Meanwhile, I'll continue on having said my piece while they eventually waste their time, quoting this reply, desperately - once more - trying to essay their way to an explanation that is completely moot and void of anything but vitriol and suggestive of the vermin that these ignorant zionists are. Perhaps they'll even spot a typo which would add to their argument, but sadly they'll remain zionists. And this will remain... a genocide.



Free Palestine.

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7 hours ago, A.a.A said:

You’re self-righteousness will be the end of society. Everything you just copied and pasted is nonsense words. This isn’t even the conversation we’re having.

You are nobody to tell anybody anything in this world/life. But i think theres no arguing with your hubris. Im telling you right now, the vibe coming off your posts is beyond toxic. This is crazy nonsense, you’re ignoring reality and just talking “at” me. You literally copied and pasted random sentences to prove a weird point about something we’re not talking about… 

This. Is. Not. The. Point

I literally think trip to to your heart/breathe (same acount, one guy) are using AI Trolling Chat GPT. It’s pointless trying to engage with them. It doesn’t even make sense 

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6 hours ago, InTheMix said:

Lol. Laughing at the sheer comedy of this thread.

It's a genocide.

It's a crime against humanity.

Literal humans, non-Hamas and non-terrorists - including innocent women and children - are perishing at the hands of Israeli forces.

No, it's not anti-semitism.

No, it's not woke.

But I'm gonna laugh and carry on at those who continue to perpetuate the atrocities on humanity, desperately attempting to find an uneducated justification for genocide by using these overly used, generalised terms as if to say it cancels everything out whilst turning a convenient blind eye to genocide.

So yes, it's a genocide.

And I'll say genocide again, because it's clear a trigger for the zionists here.

Feeling for those innocent civilians who have lost their lives for absolutely nothing but their innocent existence. A complete insult to the Holocaust and their survivors, who are now the laughing stock given Israel's hypocrisy and constant contradictions. History will not remember as it was, instead they will be ridiculed and will be absolutely deserving of it.

Meanwhile, I'll continue on having said my piece while they eventually waste their time, quoting this reply, desperately - once more - trying to essay their way to an explanation that is completely moot and void of anything but vitriol and suggestive of the vermin that these ignorant zionists are. Perhaps they'll even spot a typo which would add to their argument, but sadly they'll remain zionists. And this will remain... a genocide.



Free Palestine.

nope its not.

1. “Genocide” refers to the physical destruction of an entire group in whole or in part that has been targeted on the basis of its identity. This is not Israel’s objective in Gaza.

Raphael Lemkin, a Polish lawyer of Jewish descent, introduced the term genocide in 1944 to refer to events including the ****s’ systematic extermination of Jews.

Lemkin explained the need for a new legal term to describe this horror, saying: “there has been no serious endeavor hitherto to prevent and punish the mur*** and destruction of millions.... there was not even an adequate name for such a phenomenon.”
What You Need to Know About the Latest International Court of Justice Action in the Case Against Israel

The United Nations General Assembly recognized genocide as a crime under international law in 1946 and it was codified in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in 1948.

The Convention defines genocide as the commission of grave harm against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group - such as by killing, causing serious physical or mental harm, inflicting conditions that bring about physical destruction, imposing measures to prevent births or forcibly taking away children - with the intent to destroy the group as such.

Genocide means targeting members of a group because of their group identity and not something they are individually thought to have done.

Israel’s war is against Hamas: Israel is not seeking to destroy the Palestinian people or the Palestinian population of Gaza, which is what would need to happen in order to correctly apply the term “genocide.” Israel’s leaders have repeatedly asserted that their campaign in Gaza is solely against the terrorist organization Hamas. In fact, this type of military campaign is the exact opposite of reflecting an attempt to eliminate the Palestinian population.
Unpacking South Africa’s Baseless Genocide Charge Against Israel

Furthermore, on occasions in which Israeli officials have made statements reflecting callous disregard for Palestinian civilian lives, they have been disciplined and the IDF has reiterated that it has no wish to harm innocents.

2. Israel is responding to a genocidal attack by Hamas

Since October 7, Israel’s objective in Gaza has been to destroy Hamas, a terrorist organization that carried out an unprecedented and brutal massacre against its people, including infants, children, elderly and disabled people. The goal of Hamas is to wipe Israel and Jews off the map, and its representatives have recently reiterated that they will never stop pursuing it. That’s an example of genocidal intent.

Expose this false claim
Why Israel is Not a Settler Colonial State

Israel is fully justified in using military force to respond to Hamas’s October 7 attack (read AJC’s explainer on Israel, Hamas, and international law). Given the extent of the damage the Iran-backed terror group inflicted and the nature of Hamas’s genocidal intentions, Israel’s goal of eliminating the terrorist group entirely is appropriate, and its use of significant force (which always must be directed at legitimate military targets) to achieve is compatible with the requirement of proportionality. Israel’s use of military force in Gaza in the face of such a threat is not evidence of genocide, but completely consistent with international law.
3. Israel’s actions reflect its desire to spare Palestinian civilians from harm, not to deliberately harm them

The humane practices of the IDF disprove claims of genocidal intent, as the Israeli military sends Arabic-language warnings to Gazans prior to its airstrikes on terrorist infrastructure and legitimate military targets in the coastal enclave.

Humanitarian corridors: In fact, Israel called for the temporary evacuation of the local population in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, and delayed its ground operation in Gaza for weeks to allow civilians time to heed Israel’s warnings. Before and since it has continued to go to great lengths to indicate safe routes for Palestinian civilians to relocate from northern Gaza. Israel has made it clear to residents that Gaza City has become a battle zone because Hamas terrorists are hiding in terror tunnels located under civilians’ houses and has repeatedly stated that residents of northern Gaza will be able to return to the area when conditions permit.

Far from reflecting genocidal intent, Israel’s temporary relocation of Palestinian civilians out of northern Gaza reflects an intention to ensure they are out of harm’s way as it undertakes a  legitimate military campaign to destroy Hamas’s terrorist infrastructure, which unfortunately is embedded in and under civilian areas in Gaza.

Moreover, since October 17, Israel also has allowed more and more humanitarian aid deliveries for Palestinians to enter through the Rafah crossing, further refuting the suggestion that its limitations on the entry of aid and supplies for Palestinians have any purpose other than to deprive Hamas of the ability to resupply and continue its attacks against Israel.

4. Hamas’ actions are designed to cause harm to Palestinian civilians and blame Israel

Israel has a right to defend itself within the bounds of international conventions and law from the thousands of Hamas missiles that have been fired on Israeli towns and cities since October 7. Those missiles don’t originate from military bases, as international law dictates. They are fired from civilian neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip, and from inside, next to, and underneath nominally civilian areas in Gaza like residential buildings, schools, mosques, and hospitals. When Hamas takes these actions it transforms what were once protected civilian sites into legitimate military targets.
Israel, Hamas, and International Law: What You Need to Know

Hamas puts civilians in harm’s way: While Israel goes to great lengths to avoid harming civilians as it targets Hamas’s weapons and operations centers in Gaza, Hamas typically proceeds to place Palestinian civilians directly in the path of the IDF’s targets. It has repeatedly called on Palestinian civilians to ignore Israel’s warnings about impending strikes and reportedly forced civilians to remain in the vicinity of military objectives, using them, like its hostages from Israel, as human shields.
7 Ways Hamas Exploits Palestinian Civilians in Gaza

Hamas’ actions are not only aimed at protecting its leaders, weapons, and property but also at vying for leverage in the public opinion war by inflating the number of civilian casualties.

Through its actions in Gaza, Hamas greatly increases the likelihood that military actions by Israel that are permissible in war and not prohibited by the law of war - let alone by the Genocide Convention - will nevertheless result in some harm to civilians. International law does not prohibit Israel from attacking legitimate military targets even when it is possible or likely that some civilian harm will result - unless the expected civilian harm will clearly exceed the anticipated military advantage from the attack.

While Israel takes many steps to minimize civilian harm resulting from its attacks against Hamas targets, as much as it can, it cannot eliminate it entirely. This is a horrible outcome of war, but it is not illegal, and it certainly is not genocide.

5.  The “facts” of the genocide charge don’t add up

Those who claim that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza not only misunderstand the legal definition of genocide and what the laws of war permit; they also base the charge on unsubstantiated claims.

It is unquestionable that many civilians in Gaza have died and even more have suffered immensely since October 7. However, there are so many “unknowns” with an important bearing on Israel’s conduct in this war that it is impossible to say with certainty that it is acting wrongfully.

    The number of “innocents” vs. terrorists that have died: This is impossible to know given that the Ministry of Health in Gaza is under the control of and susceptible to influence by Hamas, and does not separate innocent civilians from fighters in its announced death tolls.
    The circumstances in which numerous innocents have been killed in Gaza: This includes whether they died because of attacks carried out by the IDF or because of intentional or unintentional harmful actions by Hamas or other Palestinian armed groups. A key example is the explosion at Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, which the U.S. and other governments have determined was caused by a failed rocket fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad and not, as Hamas, the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health in Gaza, and many other sources claimed, by the IDF.
    The nature of the military objective of attacks carried out by the IDF in which Palestinian civilians have died: Given that it is not possible for independent assessments to be conducted into whether a Hamas leader, tunnel, and/or weapons cache was present at the site of any specific IDF attack in Gaza, which Hamas still largely controls.

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37 minutes ago, devilsadvocate said:

I literally think trip to to your heart/breathe (same acount, one guy) are using AI Trolling Chat GPT. It’s pointless trying to engage with them. It doesn’t even make sense 

no its an orcastrated online attack on the free western world by you, krisj, aaa., rik and MMarshmallow.

(if you are all diff accounts...). and then there are me and other standing up and exposing lies.

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, trip to my touch said:

no its an orcastrated online attack on the free western world by you, krisj, aaa., rik and MMarshmallow.

(if you are all diff accounts...). and then there are me and other standing up and exposing lies.

Again, you’re very mistaken, it’s the people screaming at everyone like you that is ruining the literal whole world. Yelling about stuff you know nothing about. 

Stop it. just stop. You’re making everything worse. No one is asking you to stand up for them, in fact they’re asking you to stop standing up for them, you’re only creating more of a divide.
No one is reading your copy and paste posts. Please just be civil and stop the hateful rhetoric. Your just .. mean

Edited by A.a.A
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9 minutes ago, A.a.A said:

Again, you’re very mistaken, it’s the people screaming at everyone like you that is ruining the literal whole world. Yelling about stuff you know nothing about. 

Stop it. just stop. You’re making everything worse. No one is asking you to stand up for them, in fact they’re asking you to stop standing up for them, you’re only creating more of a divide.
No one is reading your copy and paste posts. Please just be civil and stop the hateful rhetoric. Your just .. mean

you perfectly described yourself 200.gif?cid=31ad6aa7pi4hztjwozgtvz2w0hl9

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1 hour ago, trip to my touch said:

you perfectly described yourself 200.gif?cid=31ad6aa7pi4hztjwozgtvz2w0hl9

How exactly ? 
so you’re not going to contribute anything to this discussion .. ? At all ? Like do you have any logical response or argument whatsoever ?

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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, trip to my touch said:

its all written here

No, you literally haven’t said one thing to prove your point. Not one, at all. Like you’re the only person in the world to keep this up and have no argument whatsoever 

Name. One. Thing. Just do it. Name one thing that proves anything you’re trying to say. Oh and don’t copy and paste something from a website you don’t even understand 

Edited by A.a.A
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14 minutes ago, A.a.A said:

No, you literally haven’t said one thing to prove your point. Not one, at all. Like you’re the only person in the world to keep this up and have no argument whatsoever 

Name. One. Thing. Just do it. Name one thing that proves anything you’re trying to say. Oh and don’t copy and paste something from a website you don’t even understand 

i have written several points and no matter how often you repeat the lie of genocide it stays islamist terror propaganda. obvl you dont want to understand and return to the world of reasoning out of your distopian bubble.

there it is: (u can even ask google (as u love it so much and use it yourself) if there is G in gaza - its not)

1. “Genocide” refers to the physical destruction of an entire group in whole or in part that has been targeted on the basis of its identity. This is not Israel’s objective in Gaza.

Raphael Lemkin, a Polish lawyer of Jewish descent, introduced the term genocide in 1944 to refer to events including the ****s’ systematic extermination of Jews. 

Lemkin explained the need for a new legal term to describe this horror, saying: “there has been no serious endeavor hitherto to prevent and punish the mur*** and destruction of millions.... there was not even an adequate name for such a phenomenon.”

What You Need to Know About the Latest International Court of Justice Action in the Case Against Israel

The United Nations General Assembly recognized genocide as a crime under international law in 1946 and it was codified in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in 1948.

The Convention defines genocide as the commission of grave harm against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group - such as by killing, causing serious physical or mental harm, inflicting conditions that bring about physical destruction, imposing measures to prevent births or forcibly taking away children - with the intent to destroy the group as such. 

Genocide means targeting members of a group because of their group identity and not something they are individually thought to have done. 

Israel’s war is against Hamas: Israel is not seeking to destroy the Palestinian people or the Palestinian population of Gaza, which is what would need to happen in order to correctly apply the term “genocide.” Israel’s leaders have repeatedly asserted that their campaign in Gaza is solely against the terrorist organization Hamas. In fact, this type of military campaign is the exact opposite of reflecting an attempt to eliminate the Palestinian population.

Unpacking South Africa’s Baseless Genocide Charge Against Israel

Furthermore, on occasions in which Israeli officials have made statements reflecting callous disregard for Palestinian civilian lives, they have been disciplined and the IDF has reiterated that it has no wish to harm innocents.

2. Israel is responding to a genocidal attack by Hamas

Since October 7, Israel’s objective in Gaza has been to destroy Hamas, a terrorist organization that carried out an unprecedented and brutal massacre against its people, including infants, children, elderly and disabled people. The goal of Hamas is to wipe Israel and Jews off the map, and its representatives have recently reiterated that they will never stop pursuing it. That’s an example of genocidal intent. 

Expose this false claim

Why Israel is Not a Settler Colonial State

Israel is fully justified in using military force to respond to Hamas’s October 7 attack (read AJC’s explainer on Israel, Hamas, and international law). Given the extent of the damage the Iran-backed terror group inflicted and the nature of Hamas’s genocidal intentions, Israel’s goal of eliminating the terrorist group entirely is appropriate, and its use of significant force (which always must be directed at legitimate military targets) to achieve is compatible with the requirement of proportionality. Israel’s use of military force in Gaza in the face of such a threat is not evidence of genocide, but completely consistent with international law.

3. Israel’s actions reflect its desire to spare Palestinian civilians from harm, not to deliberately harm them

The humane practices of the IDF disprove claims of genocidal intent, as the Israeli military sends Arabic-language warnings to Gazans prior to its airstrikes on terrorist infrastructure and legitimate military targets in the coastal enclave. 

Humanitarian corridors: In fact, Israel called for the temporary evacuation of the local population in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, and delayed its ground operation in Gaza for weeks to allow civilians time to heed Israel’s warnings. Before and since it has continued to go to great lengths to indicate safe routes for Palestinian civilians to relocate from northern Gaza. Israel has made it clear to residents that Gaza City has become a battle zone because Hamas terrorists are hiding in terror tunnels located under civilians’ houses and has repeatedly stated that residents of northern Gaza will be able to return to the area when conditions permit.

Far from reflecting genocidal intent, Israel’s temporary relocation of Palestinian civilians out of northern Gaza reflects an intention to ensure they are out of harm’s way as it undertakes a  legitimate military campaign to destroy Hamas’s terrorist infrastructure, which unfortunately is embedded in and under civilian areas in Gaza.

Moreover, since October 17, Israel also has allowed more and more humanitarian aid deliveries for Palestinians to enter through the Rafah crossing, further refuting the suggestion that its limitations on the entry of aid and supplies for Palestinians have any purpose other than to deprive Hamas of the ability to resupply and continue its attacks against Israel.

4. Hamas’ actions are designed to cause harm to Palestinian civilians and blame Israel 

Israel has a right to defend itself within the bounds of international conventions and law from the thousands of Hamas missiles that have been fired on Israeli towns and cities since October 7. Those missiles don’t originate from military bases, as international law dictates. They are fired from civilian neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip, and from inside, next to, and underneath nominally civilian areas in Gaza like residential buildings, schools, mosques, and hospitals. When Hamas takes these actions it transforms what were once protected civilian sites into legitimate military targets.

Israel, Hamas, and International Law: What You Need to Know

Hamas puts civilians in harm’s way: While Israel goes to great lengths to avoid harming civilians as it targets Hamas’s weapons and operations centers in Gaza, Hamas typically proceeds to place Palestinian civilians directly in the path of the IDF’s targets. It has repeatedly called on Palestinian civilians to ignore Israel’s warnings about impending strikes and reportedly forced civilians to remain in the vicinity of military objectives, using them, like its hostages from Israel, as human shields.

7 Ways Hamas Exploits Palestinian Civilians in Gaza

Hamas’ actions are not only aimed at protecting its leaders, weapons, and property but also at vying for leverage in the public opinion war by inflating the number of civilian casualties.

Through its actions in Gaza, Hamas greatly increases the likelihood that military actions by Israel that are permissible in war and not prohibited by the law of war - let alone by the Genocide Convention - will nevertheless result in some harm to civilians. International law does not prohibit Israel from attacking legitimate military targets even when it is possible or likely that some civilian harm will result - unless the expected civilian harm will clearly exceed the anticipated military advantage from the attack. 

While Israel takes many steps to minimize civilian harm resulting from its attacks against Hamas targets, as much as it can, it cannot eliminate it entirely. This is a horrible outcome of war, but it is not illegal, and it certainly is not genocide.

5.  The “facts” of the genocide charge don’t add up

Those who claim that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza not only misunderstand the legal definition of genocide and what the laws of war permit; they also base the charge on unsubstantiated claims.

It is unquestionable that many civilians in Gaza have died and even more have suffered immensely since October 7. However, there are so many “unknowns” with an important bearing on Israel’s conduct in this war that it is impossible to say with certainty that it is acting wrongfully.

The number of “innocents” vs. terrorists that have died: This is impossible to know given that the Ministry of Health in Gaza is under the control of and susceptible to influence by Hamas, and does not separate innocent civilians from fighters in its announced death tolls.

The circumstances in which numerous innocents have been killed in Gaza: This includes whether they died because of attacks carried out by the IDF or because of intentional or unintentional harmful actions by Hamas or other Palestinian armed groups. A key example is the explosion at Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, which the U.S. and other governments have determined was caused by a failed rocket fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad and not, as Hamas, the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health in Gaza, and many other sources claimed, by the IDF.

The nature of the military objective of attacks carried out by the IDF in which Palestinian civilians have died: Given that it is not possible for independent assessments to be conducted into whether a Hamas leader, tunnel, and/or weapons cache was present at the site of any specific IDF attack in Gaza, which Hamas still largely controls.

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