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...and you do know that the GP is fickle as fück? All that Britney needs is a good song/album and everyone forgets about her "strange" insta posts. Besides, she doesn't care anymore. People will always be harder on her than any other artist, this is just the truth. 

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Harsh words but I agree. I'm even starting to think that Britney isn't as smart as we thought she was. After all that she went through in 2007 and the Cship, you would think that she would not post all the trashy posts on Instagram. In 2007 she was harassed by the papz who got these cheap shots of her, but the past 4 years she is taking these cheap shots of herself and willingly posts them, KNOWING the gets a lot of negative comments.

At least behave in a way that doesn't get people to say stuff like 'her father was right, she needed that c-ship'. I know it's horrible to say that. She is destroying her name and frankly I don't think she is getting any help. I hope she gains back her trust in therapists and seeks help and gets better.

She deserves every ounce of happiness in this world.

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3 hours ago, Britney Baby said:

well it's a forum about britney

let us talk about britney

if u don't like it don't come here 

Maybe take your own advice. You made a whole post just to berate her so you could get attention —and congrats, you succeeded, because now we have, yet again, another 'let's bash Britney' thread — so if she's so over to you, why not just bounce? No need to make threads about whether '3' is a better single, when you don't even like the woman. 

Edited by Gutterguppy
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Instagram. That’s why. They know Britney has been trapped and controlled for years, so when she’s finally free people expect her to finally go out and live her life. Instead she’s been hiding, posting odd, concerning videos, all looking like she’s rolled out of bed. Weird cryptic rants. There’s reasons we don’t see her out, reasons she has no one around her. She’s not well. I didn’t expect her to work at all, but you just know by looking at her that there’s stuff going on.

Edited by stronger1992
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30 minutes ago, nakedsoldier said:

Harsh words but I agree. I'm even starting to think that Britney isn't as smart as we thought she was. After all that she went through in 2007 and the Cship, you would think that she would not post all the trashy posts on Instagram. In 2007 she was harassed by the papz who got these cheap shots of her, but the past 4 years she is taking these cheap shots of herself and willingly posts them, KNOWING the gets a lot of negative comments.

At least behave in a way that doesn't get people to say stuff like 'her father was right, she needed that c-ship'. I know it's horrible to say that. She is destroying her name and frankly I don't think she is getting any help. I hope she gains back her trust in therapists and seeks help and gets better.

She deserves every ounce of happiness in this world.

I 100% Agree. It's like she personally keeps providing materials for people and media ( es. TMZ) to trash her. She keeps bringing her down the same road where she was hurt emotionally and physically for years. I don't know if she's either too naive and isolated and only living in her bubble that she didn't know people's opinions on her now or she knows the situation and she purposely doing it. But for what? 

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Unfortunately it's the truth. Britney seems to be on a path of self-destruction, she says on Instagram that she loves making people feel uncomfortable with her posts, but she is not generating discomfort, she is generating pity. She acts like a rebellious teenager against her parents, but she is already getting old.

And for her delusional fans who still applaud what she has done: don't complain in the future, because if it continues like this things will get worse and worse.

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2 hours ago, OneTrackMind said:

...and you do know that the GP is fickle as fück? All that Britney needs is a good song/album and everyone forgets about her "strange" insta posts. Besides, she doesn't care anymore. People will always be harder on her than any other artist, this is just the truth. 

Today’s landscape is completely different than when Britney was relevant, there is a lot a competition with girls that can actually sing live.

I think is for the best that she is fully retired.. the media and GP would mock her limited talent and input in comparison to all the other girls… Britney had the IT factor and that gave her a pass for many years but that IT factor is long gone

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I’m glad the general public doesn’t care about what’s going on. She’s healing from serious trauma and her life isn’t supposed to be The Truman Show.

Don’t like how she sounds on Insta? That’s literally how she wants to communicate and present herself to the public. We’re not getting anything different. She’s broken from abuse and now she’s trying to heal. Healing out of the public eye and without releasing albums or going on grueling tours is probably best. But even if she were to go back to working, she’d still be in the same state of mind, and I’m sure people would be complaining about how she presents herself then.

FFS, leave this girl alone. She was traumatized by the industry. She’s never coming back as the pop girl she used to be. And that’s okay.

Jim Carrey Reaction GIF by Laff

Edited by NotBuyingIt
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The part of the fanbase who is into charts is still active. Just take a look at Twitter fan accs and Ukmix, there are daily interactions and it is one of the bigger and more active threads on there. I am honestly happy the "drama" part of the fan base is slowly dying out, no one needs fans like you who try to dictate her what to do with her life. :prettyney_britney_iggy_girls_bbma_2015_hair_flip_bounce:

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40 minutes ago, Britney Baby said:

So you just because i'm a fan i'm supposed to be a yes man and praise everything she does and agree with everything she posts? I'm tired of her instagram but that doesn't mean i hate her or dislike her. 

I'm just tired of seeing the same stuff all the time. We just want her to bring something fresh, maybe new content like singing, covering songs, or Instagram Lives, answering fan questions would be cool.

I'm a fan of Britney for her music, first and foremost, and we all became fans of her because we love her as an entertainer and performer. And btw i became a stan of her in 2006 during the breakdown so what ur saying doesn't really add up

and there it is...did I say you needed to be a yes person and grovel at everything Britney does? I don't need you to tell me when you became a stan, this isn't a competition. According to you, Britney is OVER. Your mind is made up, so why are you here complaining still? At some point, some of you all may need to come to terms that this is who she is moving forward. 

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TBH, I wonder how many people realize how grueling making albums, touring, interviews, etc. truly is. This is why so many celebrities end up dealing with addictions, broken relationships and homes, sleep disorders, depression, etc. Britney herself said she’s “not made for this business.”

I feel like some fans - even if SOME mean well - are as bad as her team and family were during The Onyx Hotel Tour when she really just needed a break to heal in private.

If she wants to do something on her own terms one day, cool. That’d be great. But this pushing for her to focus on being “that pop girl” as a remedy to her situation or to make the GP interested is puzzling.

Edited by NotBuyingIt
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6 minutes ago, Britney Baby said:


Yes we know that. And we're not asking for the early 2000s Britney to come back, Trauma leaves a lasting impact. 

But Lindsay Lohan faced similar struggles with addiction and the entertainment industry, the medias and the industry literally tried to kill her and yet she maintains a more dignified and classy demeanor compared to Britney

It just seems like Britney hates herself and has no self love for herself, she is on a self destruction path and It's saddening to witness, and we feel powerless as we watch her spiral. We can't do anything about it. 


Lindsay and Britney are different people with very different situations and brains. And Lindsay also got some time away to heal. TBH, I hate playing armchair psychiatrist, but I also suspect Britney has a mental illness (no shame and certainly understandable) that makes her situation very unique.

I agree that Britney acts in ways that are self-destructive sometimes. All the more reason to focus on herself. She seems to be stuck in a rut, but I don’t think working as a celebrity will help her kind of rut right now. She’s said herself she’s not really made for this industry (direct quote).

Edited by NotBuyingIt
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