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Sam Asghari for Cool America magazine

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I can be a Sam defender on occasion so I mean no shade when I say this but ever since the breakup he’s gotten ugly to me. I don't know if it’s the hair or his weight but something has definitely physically changed because he used to really do it for me.

Edited by abcdefyuh
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44 minutes ago, abcdefyuh said:

I can be a Sam defender on occasion so I mean no shade when I say this but ever since the breakup he’s gotten ugly to me. I don't know if it’s the hair or his weight but something has definitely physically changed because he used to really do it for me.

Maybe because his true colors came out and that he's another K-Fed only handsome and young

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5 hours ago, abcdefyuh said:

I can be a Sam defender on occasion so I mean no shade when I say this but ever since the breakup he’s gotten ugly to me. I don't know if it’s the hair or his weight but something has definitely physically changed because he used to really do it for me.

He's gotten slimmer, I think. Also he has aged as everyone does, he still looks incredibly beautiful to me. 

I'm not into hyper-muscular guys, by the way. I am not that and I don't want that either. I still think he's really handsome and has very beautiful features.

No shade either!

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