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Amy Schumer talks about being mentioned In The Woman In Me

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11 minutes ago, rik said:

Great that you can’t stand over 75 years of genocide and mur*** of Palestinian children. No one is defending Hamas, what people are commenting on is that this “use of force” and Israel’s “right to defend itself” is actually West funded genocide. Millions. There is a massive difference in support, arms, and historical persecution.

You cannot excuse the deaths of over 30 thousand people. You cannot explain why former hostages are calling for a permanent ceasefire. You cannot explain to me why development companies in Israel are advertising summer home projects on top of land where people are being terrorized and having their homes demolished by the IDF. You cannot deny the existence of confirmed IDF arun-Telegram channels (example: 72 Virgins) where they encourage one another to dehumanize Palestinians, making fun of them and encouraging violence against them. You are going to be so stuck to propaganda that you’re willing to excuse all of this? For what?

I’m finding it difficult to believe that none of you cannot comprehend how destroying hospitals, ambulances, schools, and homes is purposefully done by the IDF. Also, why is the median age of Palestinians 19.5 years old? does that seem right; are you supporting collective punishment? You need to see outside of the propaganda for half a second and be properly informed. This is a genocide. 

Let’s talk about the abuse and mistreatment of Ethiopian Jewish people in Israel, if you genuinely care about racism. If you really want to slide over that, you might be a racist. If you want to dismiss the targeted mur***s of thousands of civilians in Palestine, you might be a racist. 

No one is denying that there have been other religious forms of tyranny throughout history, and no one is defending Hamas. For you to make it seem like there’s this competition between religions over which can govern a country is suggesting that you believe in religious supremacy.  If you do, snap out of it. In reality, in Palestine there are Christian and atheist Palestinians who are also being attacked; there are Jewish hostages that have been killed throughout Israel’s mass destruction over the last months. Do you actually care about them or?


You are both overlooking this issue and making it seem like this issue has something to do with Islam, which defeats the point you’re trying to make. This is about the humanity of human beings. An internationally funded expansionist project is what we are seeing live. For the sake of the people living there call for a cease fire instead of encouraging further perpetuation of violence and death. 

Finally, someone with a brain on here. I’d  love to read @rednaldeirf response, if he/she/it has one. 

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38 minutes ago, rik said:

Great that you can’t stand over 75 years of genocide and mur*** of Palestinian children. No one is defending Hamas, what people are commenting on is how this “use of force” and Israel’s “right to defend itself” is actually West funded genocide. Millions of dollars. By contrast, Palestinians are being forced out. Made to walk hours and hours that cannot possibly allow them to cross into Egypt with the “warnings” of attacks just an hour before. There is a massive difference in support, arms, and historical persecution that Palestinians have been subjected to. It’s the truth. 

You cannot excuse the deaths of over 30 thousand people. You cannot explain why former hostages are calling for a permanent ceasefire. You cannot explain to me why development companies in Israel are advertising summer home projects on top of land where people are being terrorized and having their homes demolished by the IDF. You cannot deny the existence of confirmed IDF arun-Telegram channels (example: 72 Virgins) where they encourage one another to dehumanize Palestinians, making fun of them and encouraging violence against them. You are going to be so stuck to propaganda that you’re willing to excuse all of this? For what?

I’m finding it difficult to believe that none of you cannot comprehend how destroying hospitals, ambulances, schools, and homes is purposefully done by the IDF. Also, why is the median age of Palestinians 19.5 years old? does that seem right; are you supporting collective punishment? You need to see outside of the propaganda for half a second and be properly informed. This is a genocide. 

Let’s talk about the abuse and mistreatment of Ethiopian Jewish people in Israel, if you genuinely care about racism. If you really want to slide over that, you might be a racist. If you want to dismiss the targeted mur***s of thousands of civilians in Palestine, you might be a racist. 

No one is denying that there have been other religious forms of tyranny throughout history, and no one is defending Hamas. For you to make it seem like there’s this competition between religions over which can govern x number of countries in the Middle East is suggesting that you believe in religious supremacy.  If you do, snap out of it. In reality, Palestine existed long before the colonial atlas. Jewish people, Christians, and Muslims, all lived together.  Even today, in Palestine there are Christian and atheist Palestinians who are also being attacked; there are Jewish hostages that have been killed throughout Israel’s mass destruction over the last months. Do you actually care about them or?


You are both overlooking this issue and making it seem like this issue has something to do with Islam, which defeats the point you’re trying to make. This is about the humanity of human beings. An internationally funded expansionist project is what we are seeing live. For the sake of the people living there call for a cease fire instead of encouraging further perpetuation of violence and death. 

I’m not suggesting that this is a simple issue. But I’m not going to be told that I’m listening to propaganda and how you’re on the right side and I’m wrong when your argument is one sided. I am an American Jew. I defend Israel’s right to exist. This is a post about amy Schumer and people blasting her for being a Zionist. Being a proud Jew today is a scary thing. I’m guessing you’re not Jewish. You don’t understand the experience. You seem to think you have it figured out and that’s fine. 

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30 minutes ago, rednaldeirf said:

I’m not suggesting that this is a simple issue. But I’m not going to be told that I’m listening to propaganda and how you’re on the right side and I’m wrong when your argument is one sided. I am an American Jew. I defend Israel’s right to exist. This is a post about amy Schumer and people blasting her for being a Zionist. Being a proud Jew today is a scary thing. I’m guessing you’re not Jewish. You don’t understand the experience. You seem to think you have it figured out and that’s fine. 

 I was engaging in the conversation in the same way that you did. Please do not skip over everything I’ve said, about the abuses that are occurring against Palestinians at a mass scale. I don’t see how calling for a ceasefire against Palestinians, who once again have a median age of 19.6 years old, has anything to do with your beliefs.

You do not have to support Israel’s actiond and decision to condone and fund violence just because you are Jewish.  Judaism does not equate Zionism in the colonial context. There are millions of Jewish people who agree that the roots of wanting a protection land were appropriated and made to be part of a Western colonial project. Just because there is a religious conception of this does not mean that land gets to be stolen from Palestinians of various religions, who have lived there for thousands of years alongside one another. There is documented evidence of people being forced out of their homes in favour of beach homes. In reality, Jewish, Christians, and Muslims lived in harmony in Palestine prior to British and American colonial interference. 


Another thing, you’re not even in Israel, so to have that much support for a government’s right to colonize and kick people out of their land in the name of birth right is not a matter of how I wouldn’t understand because I’m not part of the Jewish diaspora. I am part of the Indian diaspora. The Indian government also commits persecution against religious minorities and ‘lower’ class-based communities, in the name of Hindu nationalism. If people can be critical of Hindu nationalism while being Hindu, while their family has roots there, I don’t see why it’s so difficult for others. Sorry.

Being part of a religion does not mean supporting violence, land theft, and mur***. Judaism is peaceful and has never been about that. I am sorry you’ve been made to believe that. No one has a birth right over people who actually live there and should not have a say over whether they get to survive and exist in the region or not. 

Edited by rik
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14 hours ago, Crayboy said:

Not this coming from an Israel defender. You defend a genocidal country. That's far more embarrassing than anything I've said since I created this account here. Keep it pushing.

You’re a gay guy on a Britney Spears forum defending a terrorist organization that would be the first to behead you given the chance, I think that’s more embarrassing than anything. 

Plus, don’t pretend it’s just about Israel or Gaza,  you took offense to the thread about Britney’s book cover in Iran. Why would a liberal gay man possibly be offended by that? Also, let me guess you weren’t that horrified by the Hamas massacre and you aren’t that concerned about the innocent hostages that are subjected to s**.ual abuse and torture as we speak. 

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1 hour ago, rik said:

Great that you can’t stand over 75 years of genocide and mur*** of Palestinian children. No one is defending Hamas, what people are commenting on is how this “use of force” and Israel’s “right to defend itself” is actually West funded genocide. Millions of dollars. By contrast, Palestinians are being forced out. Made to walk hours and hours that cannot possibly allow them to cross into Egypt with the “warnings” of attacks just an hour before. There is a massive difference in support, arms, and historical persecution that Palestinians have been subjected to. It’s the truth. 

You cannot excuse the deaths of over 30 thousand people. You cannot explain why former hostages are calling for a permanent ceasefire. You cannot explain to me why development companies in Israel are advertising summer home projects on top of land where people are being terrorized and having their homes demolished by the IDF. You cannot deny the existence of confirmed IDF arun-Telegram channels (example: 72 Virgins) where they encourage one another to dehumanize Palestinians, making fun of them and encouraging violence against them. You are going to be so stuck to propaganda that you’re willing to excuse all of this? For what?

I’m finding it difficult to believe that none of you cannot comprehend how destroying hospitals, ambulances, schools, and homes is purposefully done by the IDF. Also, why is the median age of Palestinians 19.5 years old? does that seem right; are you supporting collective punishment? You need to see outside of the propaganda for half a second and be properly informed. This is a genocide. 

Let’s talk about the abuse and mistreatment of Ethiopian Jewish people in Israel, if you genuinely care about racism. If you really want to slide over that, you might be a racist. If you want to dismiss the targeted mur***s of thousands of civilians in Palestine, you might be a racist. 

No one is denying that there have been other religious forms of tyranny throughout history, and no one is defending Hamas. For you to make it seem like there’s this competition between religions over which can govern x number of countries in the Middle East is suggesting that you believe in religious supremacy.  If you do, snap out of it. In reality, Palestine existed long before the colonial atlas. Jewish people, Christians, and Muslims, all lived together.  Even today, in Palestine there are Christian and atheist Palestinians who are also being attacked; there are Jewish hostages that have been killed throughout Israel’s mass destruction over the last months. Do you actually care about them or?


You are both overlooking this issue and making it seem like this issue has something to do with Islam, which defeats the point you’re trying to make. This is about the humanity of human beings. An internationally funded expansionist project is what we are seeing live. For the sake of the people living there call for a cease fire instead of encouraging further perpetuation of violence and death. 

You have pretty much all the facts wrong so it’s too exhausting to even think about starting a discussion about it, but I will hand it to you that you at least try to keep the discussion somewhat mature. Doesn’t happen often with politics, especially on Exhale.

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6 minutes ago, whenthedogscaneout said:

You have pretty much all the facts wrong so it’s too exhausting to even think about starting a discussion about it, but I will hand it to you that you at least try to keep the discussion somewhat mature. Doesn’t happen often with politics, especially on Exhale.

I appreciate you saying that. But I genuinely really want to convince people that calling for a Cease fire will save so many peoples lives. On a human level, I really urge you to think about this, no matter what your religious beliefs are. There is documented evidence of what I’ve said above. 

Edited by rik
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22 minutes ago, rik said:

I appreciate you saying that. But I genuinely really want to convince people that calling for a Cease fire will save so many peoples lives. On a human level, I really urge you to think about this, no matter what your religious beliefs are. There is documented evidence of what I’ve said above. 

I don’t know if you’ve seen the footage from the massacre that Hamas was proud to broadcast to the world, but I have and it’s horrific. Stopping the war with Hamas still in tact would mean that the next mur.der spree (and another inevitable war in Gaza) is just a matter of time. More casualties on both sides.  Israel said the war would end when Hamas would surrender and bring back the hostages, seems perfectly reasonable to me. But Hamas doesn’t care about Gaza, so they come up with unrealistic demands.

Letting those mur.deres and rap.ists get away with their crimes is completely inhumane. I used to support a two state solution, but NOT after what I’ve seen. Sadly that’s the elected “government” over there and many civilians “celebrated” the mur.der spree as well, so I don’t think they can coexist anymore. 

There are women and infants still being held hostage (and se.xually abused, according to hostages that were released in exchange for terrorist prisoners), what country would just let them rot there and not fight?

But like I said, I don’t really want to get into a heated debate about politics because it usually doesn’t lead anywhere. For example, I know many have died in Gaza, but the 30k number comes from Hamas. I can’t take the word of a terrorist organization seriously. This is the main problem the way I see it - people viewing Hamas as a legitimate party/source, when it’s really just like ISIS and other terrorist groups.

Edited by whenthedogscaneout
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Here's the passage of TWIM in which Britney mentions Amy (chapter 45, around time she was with Sam):

I also found myself laughing more—transported by comedians like Amy Schumer, Kevin Hart, Sebastian Maniscalco, and Jo Koy. I developed such respect for their wit and their cleverness, how they use language to get under people’s skin and to make them laugh. That’s a gift. Hearing them use their voices—being so distinctively themselves—reminded me that that was something I could do, too, when I made videos on social media or even just in a caption. Humor made it possible for me not to get consumed by bitterness.

Edited by Fita
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50 minutes ago, whenthedogscaneout said:

You have pretty much all the facts wrong so it’s too exhausting to even think about starting a discussion about it, but I will hand it to you that you at least try to keep the discussion somewhat mature. Doesn’t happen often with politics, especially on Exhale.

I wouldn't rven know where to start. Except to invite @rik to visit Israel and see with his own eyes the reality here. People on the internet generally dont refute their claims even when presented with facts. The only way for someone to know the truth is to see it for themselves.

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20 minutes ago, Fita said:

Here's the passage of TWIM in which Britney mentions Amy (chapter 45, around time she was with Sam):

I also found myself laughing more—transported by comedians like Amy Schumer, Kevin Hart, Sebastian Maniscalco, and Jo Koy. I developed such respect for their wit and their cleverness, how they use language to get under people’s skin and to make them laugh. That’s a gift. Hearing them use their voices—being so distinctively themselves—reminded me that that was something I could do, too, when I made videos on social media or even just in a caption. Humor made it possible for me not to get consumed by bitterness.

Thank you for getting back to the topic.  (and away from one of the worst tragedies in history)

Britney did funny skits; one about her obsession with Brad Pitt and a rapper skit about big butts. Some of her other skits were bittersweet like sessions with Ashley. Maybe she gets the inspiration to do more of them. 

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6 minutes ago, Hamelia said:

Thank you for getting back to the topic.  (and away from one of the worst tragedies in history)

Britney did funny skits; one about her obsession with Brad Pitt and a rapper skit about big butts. Some of her other skits were bittersweet like sessions with Ashley. Maybe she gets the inspiration to do more of them. 

I wonder if she admires those comedians and their abilities because she also has that gift. Sometimes I think we project our light/good qualities onto others.

I don't remember that one about Brad Pitt and that rapper skitt, though. :ponderney_britney_thinking_sunglasses_hmm_wondering_deciding_orange_blue:

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41 minutes ago, Illegally EATEN said:

I wouldn't rven know where to start. Except to invite @rik to visit Israel and see with his own eyes the reality here. People on the internet generally dont refute their claims even when presented with facts. The only way for someone to know the truth is to see it for themselves.

It’s not just what’s on the internet. There is documented historical evidence of war crimes conducted by the state of Israel. I would say, visit somewhere in Gaza, but you can’t. You have not seen the autocracies that have impeded on everyday life of Palestinians.  I don’t understand how you can justify the mur*** of civilians

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1 hour ago, whenthedogscaneout said:

I don’t know if you’ve seen the footage from the massacre that Hamas was proud to broadcast to the world, but I have and it’s horrific. Stopping the war with Hamas still in tact would mean that the next mur.der spree (and another inevitable war in Gaza) is just a matter of time. More casualties on both sides.  Israel said the war would end when Hamas would surrender and bring back the hostages, seems perfectly reasonable to me. But Hamas doesn’t care about Gaza, so they come up with unrealistic demands.

Letting those mur.deres and rap.ists get away with their crimes is completely inhumane. I used to support a two state solution, but NOT after what I’ve seen. Sadly that’s the elected “government” over there and many civilians “celebrated” the mur.der spree as well, so I don’t think they can coexist anymore. 

There are women and infants still being held hostage (and se.xually abused, according to hostages that were released in exchange for terrorist prisoners), what country would just let them rot there and not fight?

But like I said, I don’t really want to get into a heated debate about politics because it usually doesn’t lead anywhere. For example, I know many have died in Gaza, but the 30k number comes from Hamas. I can’t take the word of a terrorist organization seriously. This is the main problem the way I see it - people viewing Hamas as a legitimate party/source, when it’s really just like ISIS and other terrorist groups.

Please remember that Palestinians have been subjected to r*** and mur*** for decades. It is difficult for them to leave because of the constraints that have been placed on them by the IDF. Egypt does not help very much with exiting. There is something wrong when you cannot leave.

Yes Hamas is horrible, but also not representative of Palestinians and does not excuse collective punishment. And before it is brought up that Hamas was voted in, I want to mention that the children and young adults being mur***ed right now could not even vote at the time… so let’s not generalize the intentions of anyone. Also, if you’re suggesting IDF calls for the right of Israel’s existence, I’m sure you can see how force has historically pressured government and powers to step down on their destruction. Even if Hamas is removed, there will be a new rebelling body because people do not want to be trapped in bordered airspace that is constantly being attacked.

There have been several attempts by Palestinian civilians to peacefully protest. I  want to bring up the recent 2018-2019 Gaza border protests against the blockade, which were largely peaceful, and still resulted in over 233 civilian protestors who were just walking being killed by the IDF. The right to protest is a component of democracy so I don’t understand why middle east’s “only democracy in the world” would shoot at them if this was true.   

Again, no one is defending Hamas, an example I can think of is  their activities in Iran… If I am able to see the autocracies committed by  Hamas, I really want you to at least open your mind to the possibility that the violence and land theft committed by the Israeli government,  that is right in front of our faces, is also unjust. 

The evidence of genocide is there; the 30 K number is not coming from Hamas. There are satellite images that can show you the mass destruction of the land. Just because birth records are being destroyed does not mean that these people never existed. I have studied this at length and have heard first hand from Palestinians what they have endured.  I don’t think it makes me better than anyone, but I do think documented information does bring validity to the cause for a cease fire. 

How can we expect that there will be hostages left to rescue if Israel continues to commit  genocide and apply mass  collective punishment? There needs to be a permanent cease fire. 

Edited by rik
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38 minutes ago, Fita said:

I wonder if she admires those comedians and their abilities because she also has that gift. Sometimes I think we project our light/good qualities onto others.

I don't remember that one about Brad Pitt and that rapper skitt, though. :ponderney_britney_thinking_sunglasses_hmm_wondering_deciding_orange_blue:

Sir Mix a Lot - Baby Got Back ( I Like Big Butts ) - Lyrics (youtube.com)

I think Britney rapped this song. Hotel in Mexico, Asghari came in with pillows stuffed in the back of his pants. Britney raps and they both laugh.

Photo of Brad Pitt in Britney's dressing room. Asghari complains to her that he is better looking than Brad, but all in fun. Some people had a meltdown on Exhale because of that skit.

A few weeks ago, Asghari met Brad in person at an art gallery. They talked about skin care! Some people had a meltdown on Exhale.

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26 minutes ago, Hamelia said:

Sir Mix a Lot - Baby Got Back ( I Like Big Butts ) - Lyrics (youtube.com)

I think Britney rapped this song. Hotel in Mexico, Asghari came in with pillows stuffed in the back of his pants. Britney raps and they both laugh.

Photo of Brad Pitt in Britney's dressing room. Asghari complains to her that he is better looking than Brad, but all in fun. Some people had a meltdown on Exhale because of that skit.

A few weeks ago, Asghari met Brad in person at an art gallery. They talked about skin care! Some people had a meltdown on Exhale.

ooh I think I remember this except for the Brad Pitt picture part.

And Sam and Brad talking about skin care, i'm dead, so random ahah

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10 hours ago, rik said:

Great that you can’t stand over 75 years of genocide and mur*** of Palestinian children. No one is defending Hamas, what people are commenting on is how this “use of force” and Israel’s “right to defend itself” is actually West funded genocide. Millions of dollars. By contrast, Palestinians are being forced out. Made to walk hours and hours that cannot possibly allow them to cross into Egypt with the “warnings” of attacks just an hour before. There is a massive difference in support, arms, and historical persecution that Palestinians have been subjected to. It’s the truth. 

You cannot excuse the deaths of over 30 thousand people. You cannot explain why former hostages are calling for a permanent ceasefire. You cannot explain to me why development companies in Israel are advertising summer home projects on top of land where people are being terrorized and having their homes demolished by the IDF. You cannot deny the existence of confirmed IDF arun-Telegram channels (example: 72 Virgins) where they encourage one another to dehumanize Palestinians, making fun of them and encouraging violence against them. You are going to be so stuck to propaganda that you’re willing to excuse all of this? For what?

I’m finding it difficult to believe that none of you cannot comprehend how destroying hospitals, ambulances, schools, and homes is purposefully done by the IDF. Also, why is the median age of Palestinians 19.5 years old? does that seem right; are you supporting collective punishment? You need to see outside of the propaganda for half a second and be properly informed. This is a genocide. 

Let’s talk about the abuse and mistreatment of Ethiopian Jewish people in Israel, if you genuinely care about racism. If you really want to slide over that, you might be a racist. If you want to dismiss the targeted mur***s of thousands of civilians in Palestine, you might be a racist. 

No one is denying that there have been other religious forms of tyranny throughout history, and no one is defending Hamas. For you to make it seem like there’s this competition between religions over which can govern x number of countries in the Middle East is suggesting that you believe in religious supremacy.  If you do, snap out of it. In reality, Palestine existed long before the colonial atlas. Jewish people, Christians, and Muslims, all lived together.  Even today, in Palestine there are Christian and atheist Palestinians who are also being attacked; there are Jewish hostages that have been killed throughout Israel’s mass destruction over the last months. Do you actually care about them or?


You are both overlooking this issue and making it seem like this issue has something to do with Islam, which defeats the point you’re trying to make. This is about the humanity of human beings. An internationally funded expansionist project is what we are seeing live. For the sake of the people living there call for a cease fire instead of encouraging further perpetuation of violence and death. 

People die in wars. Civilians die in wars. This is a war. That’s what happens. The Americans bombed Japan. Killed thousands. They invaded Iraq. Gosh where else could go on and on and on… not even going into the UK… anyone shaming Israel for responding to an attack on their country are laughable and hypocritical. IMO

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