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We helped fight for Britney’s freedom, so why are we still trying to control her?

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Its funny reading this written by you because I just read your comment criticizing her dancing skills *the hypocrisy cough cough*.


First of all, I didn't criticize the spots she chooses to travel. I was talking about the repetitive cycle, the LOOP, and mention that even her vacations are to the same spots over and over again, and she clearly needs something new in her life, a fresh new air, she's bored and still trapped in her little box.


Secondly, just like you had your opinion about her moves , I and we all can have our opinion about her se'xual repetitive tacky content and about her toxic family and friends circle *cade*. If it was something private she wouldn't share. its public. Having an opinion is not trying to CONTROL, its having a BRAIN, CRITICAL THINKING. in the end of the day, its her life and if what she wants, I'm glad its up to her, not under a conservatorship.


Thirdly, you wrote a few hours "her moves are all over the place" and "I'm a dancer since I'm kid, I have better coordination than currentney" DUDE, are you trying TO CONTROL BRITNEY? aren't you tired of criticizing her dance skills?? lool.... before creating a post just to be shady towards others users and manipulate their intention just to state how a good boy stan you are, look at yourself.

Edited by spreadmywings
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7 hours ago, Gutterguppy said:

I think many fans are entitled. They figured “well, we freed her, so she owes us,’ and they probably had this idea (and still do) of how her career should’ve looked like post conservatorship and what she should be doing with her life. And because Britney has always marched to the beat of her own drum and isn’t toeing the line, these fans get upset. 

But I agree, the comments are out of line now. We’re making fun of where she goes on vacation? Why?  I thought we wanted her to get out of her house. I remember reading one comment say how Rosengart would drop her as a client because she had a fling with that janitor guy. I get being disappointed with her choice, but it’s still her life? Why do we need to go to these extremes to denigrate her?

Now recently, I’ve been seeing people here say that she was probably not abused as she claims, we can’t trust what she says and that she’s stupid for trying to make amends with some of her family and if something bad happens to her she deserves it and fans won’t be there to support her. Do some of yall hear yourselves? So your support of her is only contingent on whether she does something you approve of?  

Another comment here mentioned that Britney’s only family are her fans (maybe they were half joking, but I think they were serious) and I thought, ‘what kind of fans constantly pick on you, make fun of you, and question the choices you make and how you want to live your life?’ There’s so much to unpack, but it’s really sad to see how fans are reacting here. 

Right again. As always. 

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It's possible to support her freedom and be a fan of her without agreeing with everything she does. I think she surrounds herself with some terrible people, and I think she should never speak to Lynne or Brian again after what they did, but at the end of the day it's her decision on what she does with her life. I'm still gonna discuss it tho :mattafact_alligator_telling_talking_chatting_preaching_green:

Edited by Az4Angela
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7 hours ago, Gutterguppy said:

I think many fans are entitled. They figured “well, we freed her, so she owes us,’ and they probably had this idea (and still do) of how her career should’ve looked like post conservatorship and what she should be doing with her life. And because Britney has always marched to the beat of her own drum and isn’t toeing the line, these fans get upset. 

But I agree, the comments are out of line now. We’re making fun of where she goes on vacation? Why?  I thought we wanted her to get out of her house. I remember reading one comment say how Rosengart would drop her as a client because she had a fling with that janitor guy. I get being disappointed with her choice, but it’s still her life? Why do we need to go to these extremes to denigrate her?

Now recently, I’ve been seeing people here say that she was probably not abused as she claims, we can’t trust what she says and that she’s stupid for trying to make amends with some of her family and if something bad happens to her she deserves it and fans won’t be there to support her. Do some of yall hear yourselves? So your support of her is only contingent on whether she does something you approve of?  

Another comment here mentioned that Britney’s only family are her fans (maybe they were half joking, but I think they were serious) and I thought, ‘what kind of fans constantly pick on you, make fun of you, and question the choices you make and how you want to live your life?’ There’s so much to unpack, but it’s really sad to see how fans are reacting here. 


Thank you. 

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10 hours ago, Emil87 said:

Lately with the news of Britney reconciling with her family, I’ve been reading some wild comments, wilder than usual. I know it’s kind of the point of a forum to give our opinions and comments but I mean come on. We helped her so much with the Free Britney movement, yet many of you are still trying to dictate what she does and who she sees. I mean I just saw a comment critiquing her choice of vacation spots. Not to mention the constant critiques of her body, hair, teeth, clothes, etc. And let’s not forget all the welfare checks you’ve subjected this poor girl to. Like, aren’t you guys tired already? This type of parasocial relationship isn’t normal or healthy for anybody. The ironic thing that many of you fail to see is that by doing this, you’re really no better than Team Con who tried to control every aspect of her life. 

Discuss below why you feel so entitled to share your opinions that no one asked for! :gagasmile_smirk_lady_pink:

Why are you such a hypocrite? Your comments on here are literally about how she can’t dance, had no rhythm, and that you yourself are a better dancer 😂 the delusion and hypocrisy from you is truly next level 

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8 hours ago, RBFLOVESBRITNEY said:

I love this and thank you. You should’ve listed names. Also I feel like some of the people that say ridiculous shít on here are just trying to ruffle our feathers. 

…like the haters always have since we have been graced with Britneys presence in 1998. 

He would have listed his own name first of all 😂 have you even read some of OP’s posts? Where he says he can dance better than Britney and that she doesn’t have rhythm? 

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3 hours ago, spreadmywings said:

Its funny reading this written by you because I just read your comment criticizing her dancing skills *the hypocrisy cough cough*.


First of all, I didn't criticize the spots she chooses to travel. I was talking about the repetitive cycle, the LOOP, and mention that even her vacations are to the same spots over and over again, and she clearly needs something new in her life, a fresh new air, she's bored and still trapped in her little box.


Secondly, just like you had your opinion about her moves , I and we all can have our opinion about her se'xual repetitive tacky content and about her toxic family and friends circle *cade*. If it was something private she wouldn't share. its public. Having an opinion is not trying to CONTROL, its having a BRAIN, CRITICAL THINKING. in the end of the day, its her life and if what she wants, I'm glad its up to her, not under a conservatorship.


Thirdly, you wrote a few hours "her moves are all over the place" and "I'm a dancer since I'm kid, I have better coordination than currentney" DUDE, are you trying TO CONTROL BRITNEY? aren't you tired of criticizing her dance skills?? lool.... before creating a post just to be shady towards others users and manipulate their intention just to state how a good boy stan you are, look at yourself.

OP is the most vile user here and he is the first kettle to call the pot black 😂 and princess mimi is probably too busy sucking his **** to care. Hypocrisy is so unattractive and exhale is filled with hypocritical people who attack Britney under the protection of the biggest hypocrite of them all princess mimi. Princess Mimi bans people for being mean to her but allows exhale users to say Britney is on m***, Cade is on m***, and that Britney can’t dance and has no rhythm and MUST be a liar. My god. Princess Mimi is destroying exhale 

Edited by Kindsoul
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thank you for derailing my thread with your nonsense. Please seek any kind of professional help, your comments are completely UNHINGED and you seem to be a very unpredictable soul. But kind, you are not. That’s where this all started right, me calling you unkind? Instead of being so irate with me perhaps you might take a deeper look within and ask yourself, “why am I so angry?”, “Who hurt me?”, “Why am I so alone?” Self reflection Is key to self fulfillment, remember that. And take care of yourself! Whatever battles you’re fighting, you are stronger than you know. :sendinglove_kissing_heart_love_blowing:

Edited by Emil87
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Oh for the love of God 🙄🙄🙄

Who here is actually trying to “control” Britney? Is someone here filing for another conservatorship? Is someone threatening her or tricking her in some way to do what they say? 

People are just sharing their thoughts on what’s going on in her life. This is a fan site. People come here to talk about her music and life. 

I swear, people have (for years now) started some version of this thread like every other week. It’s so boring at this point.

If someone on here has crossed the line and posted something really hateful/gross/threatening then report it to the mods. Otherwise…

If you don’t want to hear people share their thoughts and opinions on Britney … then don’t come to a fan site created so fans could share opinions and thoughts on Britney. 

Come On Now Jimmy Fallon GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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That’s exactly the reason I’m not on exhale as much.

I could care less what the woman says, does, wears whatever. Only thing I can hope for is she’s happy and content with the choices she makes, and unless there’s new music on the way I’m not really interested in following her every move, like some.

Peace. ✌️

Edited by rck92
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19 hours ago, Emil87 said:



thank you for derailing my thread with your nonsense. Please seek any kind of professional help, your comments are completely UNHINGED and you seem to be a very unpredictable soul. But kind, you are not. That’s where this all started right, me calling you unkind? Instead of being so irate with me perhaps you might take a deeper look within and ask yourself, “why am I so angry?”, “Who hurt me?”, “Why am I so alone?” Self reflection Is key to self fulfillment, remember that. And take care of yourself! Whatever battles you’re fighting, you are stronger than you know. :sendinglove_kissing_heart_love_blowing:

You’re so gross and the only one who needs professional help is the idiot who says he dances better than Britney because he took dance classes. I hope you choke on your own condescension 

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