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'Femme Fatale' is now available to stream in Dolby Atmos format on Apple Music

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11 minutes ago, eddieeddie said:

All the songs so far have more prominent main vocals and updated production.

Only on TTWE and HIAM so far, but I agree. That's a good thing though. Some songs got botched on Circus in Dolby Atmos to where they sounded like demos.

At least so far on FF, there are subtle differences that bring out the modern elements in their instrumentals. 

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5 minutes ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

I don't know how I feel about How I Roll. They messed with the piano in the verses, which used to be one of my favorite part of the instrumental.

I agree, always loved the simple piano chord progessions. I find the Dolby Atmos version quirkier tho. It's not wrong or bad, but it's different.

Edited by eddieeddie
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Big Fat Bass had so much potential, but some parts were so demo-ish. It was too rushed and it didn't have any catching vocal hook/melody. Even Scream and Shout had the "oh-we-oh-we-oh-we-oh" that hooked in listeners. 

For those of us actively following Femme Fatale's development, we all know it was recorded last minute less than two months before FF came out when Britney used that deep talking voice that made her sound like she had the flu. 


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