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Lynne Spears seeking a restraining order against Jacob Diamond

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She honestly doesn't have grounds for a restraining order. She may get it on the sole fact that she is Britney Spears' mother but she shouldn't. 

We all would have restraining orders against fake and phony friends/family if that was the case. Lynne was/is an idiot and got played. 

Edited by Seanril
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5 minutes ago, Seanril said:

She honestly doesn't have grounds for a restraining order. She may get it on the sole fact that she is Britney Spears' mother but she shouldn't. 

We all would have restraining orders against fake and phony friends/family if that was the case. Lynne was/is an idiot and got played. 

She should have kept her eyes open. She only saw what she wanted to see and she trusted a person who was not good from the beginning. And when Lynne wasn't right for him, Diamond (Jacob) threw her under the bus and said personal things about her, even though it was confidential information. Neither of these people is a good person. :mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:


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All jokes aside Jacob can be a danger to Britney. He's an overly obsessed fan who manipulated Britney's family to get close to her. He did it so well, he made it to Britney's home in Kentwood and got to know her family and old friends but  Lynn eventually noticed his odd behavior. Her family began to get uncomfortable around him. They should proceed with the retraining order to protect themselves and Britney.   I became concerned when I was watching his Instagram stories. His odd behavior and the way he was speaking to Britney's family was uncomfortable to watch. I observed Lynn's and  family member's body language and you can tell they were tensed and scared of this man. Seems like they wanted to pull back but was afraid of his reaction. They were trying to be nice to him to prevent a retaliation. They were right because once Britney's family decided to put some boundaries and pulled back he reacted even more bizarre which is frightening. He immediately dragged them through the mud by sharing intimate conversations and  pictures. It  just demonstrated his character and true intentions.  I commented on one of his post regarding his odd behavior and he blocked me. Hopefully Lynn learned her lesson. To be more mindful on who she lets in her circle. But something tells me Jacob is not going to let  go easily. He's not doing well loosing access to Britney's family and the illusion he had that he was going to become Britney's best friend. Its giving me Yolanda Saldivar vibe. 

Edited by Toxicboy07
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8 minutes ago, Toxicboy07 said:

All jokes aside Jacob can be a danger to Britney. He's an overly obsessed fan who manipulated Britney's family to get close to her. He did it so well, he made it to Britney's home in Kentwood and got to know her family and old friends but  Lynn eventually noticed his odd behavior. Her family began to get uncomfortable around him. They should proceed with the retraining order to protect themselves and Britney.   I became concerned when I was watching his Instagram stories. His odd behavior and the way he was speaking to Britney's family. I observed Lynn's and her family's body language and they were tensed and scared of this man. Seems like they wanted to pull away but was afraid of his reaction. They were right because once Britney's family decided to put boundaries and pulled back he reacted even more bizarre which is frightening. I commented on one of his post regarding his odd behavior and he blocked me. Hopefully Lynn learned her lesson. But something tells me Jacob is not going to let this go easily. He's not doing well loosing access to Britney's family and the illusion he had that he was going to become Britney's best friend. Its giving me Yolanda Saldivar vibe. 

Britney 's family is just as weird if for allowing him getting that far with all that, just because they love the attention

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