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Britney posts new video dancing with kitchen knives

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Am I the only one who doesn't really care anymore?

Britney has written a book about her trauma.

She's been going to therapy.

She's going to **** up royally sometimes due to triggers from her trauma, and that's fine.

But this is Instagram, it's an illusion. Pretty much everytime she's been in out in public that we've seen her, she's behaved like a normal person. Aside from that one nude horse ride.

Maybe this is just her way to get and keep attention until she's ready to be an artist again. It won't take too much for her to rebuild her brand if she could do it after 2007.


I'm just gonna unfollow because she posts the same think 4-5 times😅

But I do think Britney will keep doing this until she has a lot more. So leave her alone I guess.

She hasn't Injured herself or anyone else so whatever.


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39 minutes ago, SonOfSun said:

I can’t believe how toxic this place has become. The drama is beyond ridiculous.


She literally has seen Shakira’s performance, felt inspired, thought it was “bad ***” and “cool” and improvised some dance and recorded herself. That’s ******* it. 




:mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm: She’s definitely not lying about learning how to dance with knives 

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1 hour ago, SonOfSun said:

I can’t believe how toxic this place has become. The drama is beyond ridiculous.


She literally has seen Shakira’s performance, felt inspired, thought it was “bad ***” and “cool” and improvised some dance and recorded herself. That’s ******* it. 




I mean, the negativity is everywhere and not just on here.

The video has become a meme and Is being  circulated all over socials. 70 percent of comments are saying she needs a cship again and calling her some awful, disgusting names like ‘c’ addict or poking fun at her. Unfortunately she really put herself in the firing line with this one.

I’ve defended her against some of the comments but I’m just being called an enabler or getting laughed at.



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5 minutes ago, nwonder said:

I mean, the negativity is everywhere and not just on here.

The video has become a meme and Is being  circulated all over socials. 70 percent of comments are saying she needs a cship again and calling her some awful, disgusting names like ‘c’ addict or poking fun at her. Unfortunately she really put herself in the firing line with this one.

I’ve defended her against some of the comments but I’m just being called an enabler or getting laughed at.




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7 minutes ago, nwonder said:


I don’t condone dancing around with knives but good lord some the comments are unhinged and just nasty.

I thought we had progressed as a society about how we talk about mental illness and trauma … but clearly not


Absolutely not. That’s exactly why I will continue to defend Britney from mockery and shed some light on her point of view. She deserves that from her fans. And that is not enabling.

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1 minute ago, dulcaewm said:

Absolutely not. That’s exactly why I will continue to defend Britney from mockery and shed some light on her point of view. She deserves that from her fans. And that is not enabling.

if anything we are enabling her right to have her freedom 


Yet people seem to think she should be treated like a criminal and have her basic human rights stripped away like one


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