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Britney and her father in Family Guy's new episode (video)

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1 hour ago, fays1 said:

haha yeah it was clear what you were trying to say, I dont know why they were attacking you.

And yeah I mean at this point, everyone has a story similar to this. When I was in America, I was once told to shut up because im white, When I told them im an Arab, they responded by saying they will treat me like a white person even if im Arab because im white passing, and I benefit from white privilege lol

Another time is when my cousins studied in Europe for college, when they came back to the Middle East, they started accusing me of ***ism and racist every single day of my life. The attacks were causing me daily anxiety I wanted to leave the house. One time my aunt asked me about the kind of woman I like, I was trying to hide that im Gay so I said I like black hair women, they attacked me and said im objectifying women!

Yeah I don’t get it either. I just happened to see him start attacking Joshyworld over this and calling them a racist and transphobic when he doesn’t know them at all. I don’t even know them, so I wouldn’t start applying labels to them, especially something so trivial as woke/cancel culture. I knew what Joshyworld meant when they made their comment and it wasn’t to offend minorities in the slightest, so maybe Viking should take it down a few notches. Sometimes I feel like he likes to troll on here for someone to argue with him which I ended up falling for it like I always do.

I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope that experience didn’t ruin your view of how America is because I know I try to believe we’re not all like that. Also that’s really ****ty of your family to do that. It’s almost like a form of mental abuse if you think about it. It’s like your aunt was setting you up to be ridiculed because she asked what kind of women did you like and it’s like what were you supposed to say? Then when you gave an answer everyone just went in on you. I feel like they wouldn’t have been satisfied with any answer you gave. I hope you don’t talk to them anymore because you definitely don’t deserve that kind of treatment in your life by anybody.

It’s crazy how out of control woke/cancel culture has gotten to the point every word you say or anything you do is going to offend someone. I hope one day that all stops and we can move on with our lives instead of being angry all the time at every little thing. It’s very anxiety inducing to feel like you have to walk on egg shells to navigate through life, I’ve done it with a former friend of mine and let me tell you, I was miserable and it was a very toxic friendship. I’m glad it ended though because I could finally breathe without worrying about saying or doing something she found socially wrong.

I know we all fight on here from time to time, but I also know that our love for Britney is what brings us together (although some people on here drag her and bash her to no end every chance they get, even though they’re on a Britney fan site and those people aren’t fans and need to go somewhere else). People just get very passionate about things hence why this thread got derailed (sorry to the OP and everyone else about that), but I try to believe we don’t all hate each other on here because I feel like that’s something Britney wouldn’t like us doing.

I’ve rambled on this thread long enough so I’m just gonna end it right here officially since there’s a few people wanting it to end. I’m gonna respect their wishes so we can all go back to discussing the topic at hand and say that Family Guy didn’t portray Jamie accurately because he looks like the Crypt Keeper in real life. I guess that’s what happens when you sell your soul to the devil lol

How Jamie looks in real life:

the crypt keeper 90s movies GIF by absurdnoise

Edited by Blackout SZN
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On 3/11/2023 at 4:53 AM, fays1 said:

Im a Gay Arab Leftist and I use the word woke/cancel culture. Stop labelling everything racist and transphobic. I dont care what the "origin" of it is, you guys say everythings origin is racist. Using words like woke and cancel culture is a good way to push back against these types of people, everyone uses that word today.

If you disagree with what I said its fine, just stop attacking people for using that word and stop calling them racist and transphobic.

First of all, I didn't see your posts, so sorry about that. I didn't ignore them. Now I will respond to you also, starting with the older posts. You still fail to see the problem. The English language is a rich language. There are lots of ways to express your feelings. If someone has a problem with something, they should specifically refer to the problem and NOT use the word woke. The origin of the word is indeed very relevant. There is a reason the N-word is unacceptable in English. You don't use a word invented by black people to describe someone who is aware of racial discrimination which was then hi-jacked by the right wing as a response to for example BLM. You just don't. End of story.


On 3/11/2023 at 6:16 AM, fays1 said:

Then you should stop speaking in English, because the origin of the the language is linked to white supremacy and colonialism. 

What are you talking about? English has been around for a lot longer than the US and every language has its roots in barbaric events. All languages share the same roots if you go back far enough. We are talking about a specific word invented relatively recently. You can't compare the two.

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8 hours ago, fays1 said:

I think  @Blackout SZN was talking about how I quoted you twice but you ignored me

But he clearly knows its a minority of non binary people acting this way, which is why he was specifically talking about people (not just non binary people) who will cancel you for using the wrong pronoun by mistake. Nobody here is against non binary people, we are against people who have woke / cancel culture behavior weather they are non binary or not. Im also against right wingers who heavy use cancel culture, and they are everywhere today.

People who attack minorities rights by labelling it woke are wrong, but that doesnt mean thats what we are doing. We are using it the correct and right way unlike people on Fox News for example. The term woke and cancel culture isnt a term used by the right anymore, its a term used by literally everyone in America. Even hardcore leftists use that word and are against woke / cancel culture. Why? because its effecting everyone and its starting to become part of our day to day life.

Woke was made popular in 2016 with the rise of BLM. This is the point at which right-wing news sources like Fox started to use the word as a negative. This is all you need to know about using this word negatively. Express yourself with different words. Do not use a word most recently associated with BLM. Simple as that.

4 hours ago, Blackout SZN said:

The Office Thank You GIF

Both sides are wrong. Right wingers blame the woke/cancel culture and the woke/cancel culture blames them. I sit right on the fence between both because I can’t stand either group because both are annoying with right wingers being all like “you’re such a snowflake” and then woke/cancel culture being like “omg you said something that offends me (when it’s not something that serious), I’m canceling you for it and making your every waking moment hell so you don’t forget your one slip up.” I’d hate to be a public figure in this climate, ****, even us every day people have to watch what we say and do and it’s really stressful.

I’m gonna share this story that happened to me once out in public: my friends, sister, niece, and I were at this place that had sunflower fields. We were walking through them and I noticed someone was carving faces in them which is bad for the sunflower and they ask you not to touch them. Well I saw this little Mexican girl carving in a sunflower and I pointed it out to my sister. My sister told the mom, “hey your kid is carving into the sunflower, that’s not right. You’re not supposed to do that.” The mom responds with “oh are you singling me out because I’m Mexican?” And then another lady with her whips out her phone to start recording, and I’m like really? Wtf?

I told this story because it’s what’s wrong with woke/cancel culture. You slip up on accident or you don’t even say or do anything offensive, but point out that they’re doing something wrong that they shouldn’t be doing and right away they turn it into “omg you’re only saying this to me because I’m xyz” and then the phones start coming out. What kind of life is that, that I have to be nervous to even speak because I might get attacked and canceled over something that I said on accident or rightfully called out an injustice? It’s really gone too far now. That’s my issue with it.

Really? That kind of thing happened long before woke became a popular word. Please. 🤣

2 hours ago, fays1 said:

Yeah it was clear what you were trying to say, I dont know why they were attacking you and put words in your mouth!

And at this point, everyone has a story similar to yours. When I was in America, I was once told to shut up because im white. When I informed them im an Arab, they responded by saying they will treat me like a white person even if im Arab because im white passing, and I benefit from white privilege lol

Another time is when my cousins studied in Europe for college, when they came back to the Middle East, they started accusing me of ***ism and racist every single day of my life. The attacks were causing me daily anxiety I wanted to leave the house. One time my aunt asked me about the kind of woman im into, so I said my type is brunettes to hyde the fact that im Gay, but my cousins decided to attacked me and said im objectifying women!

Again, this kind of thing has nothing to do with our discussion. At all. These kind of things have happened for as long as people have existed and grouping them with BLM, trans activists etcetera is just silly.

Edit: it's as if you would be against gay rights activists just because someone said "you're being homophobic to me" as a response to you complaining about them carving on a sunflower. See how silly that connection is?

Edited by Viking84
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16 hours ago, Viking84 said:

You still fail to see the problem. The English language is a rich language. There are lots of ways to express your feelings. If someone has a problem with something, they should specifically refer to the problem and NOT use the word woke. The origin of the word is indeed very relevant. There is a reason the N-word is unacceptable in English. You don't use a word invented by black people to describe someone who is aware of racial discrimination which was then hi-jacked by the right wing as a response to for example BLM. You just don't. End of story.

Words and culture change meaning by time, it doesnt matter what the origins of them are. Black people took the N word and culturally made it unacceptable for people to use and it effected our culture. But black people have no issue with the word woke being used and changed, its only a minority of white people complaining on their behalf. Exactly like how AOC attacks people for not saying Latinx when Latin people are against the usage of Latinx. 

16 hours ago, Viking84 said:

Woke was made popular in 2016 with the rise of BLM. This is the point at which right-wing news sources like Fox started to use the word as a negative. This is all you need to know about using this word negatively. Express yourself with different words. Do not use a word most recently associated with BLM. Simple as that.

The term woke was used way before 2016 BLM, and it was used to describe someone who was very educated on leftist ideologies and minority issues. But these people who were considered woke in a agood way went too far, and now its seen as a negative if you are woke. This is a healthy backlash against a group of people who took it too far, and culture pushed back which is why the word changed meaning. Today, everyone including leftists, black people, and BLM will use that word as a negative.

16 hours ago, Viking84 said:

Again, this kind of thing has nothing to do with our discussion. At all. These kind of things have happened for as long as people have existed and grouping them with BLM, trans activists etcetera is just silly.

But nobody is grouping wokeism and cancel culture with BLM and trans people. Thats you putting words in my mouth? I support BLM and trans people and have no issue with them or what they politically ask for. What im doing is calling out certain specific kind of behaviors in people and labelling it as woke and cancel culture. Why use the term woke and cancel culture? because its very effective as society adapted that word to mean a certain thing, and if you want to communicate with society and culture, you have to use terms they can understand to be effective in your push back and response.

16 hours ago, Viking84 said:

Really? That kind of thing happened long before woke became a popular word. Please. 🤣

Well yeah human behaviors dont really change, its been the same since the begining of time. But in todays context, its being done in the name of wokeism and cancel culture. Just like what Hit**r did was not new or unique to human history, but we still label what he did under the term **** even though that term was new at that time.


Sorry this is a long response, but im glad we are able to talk about it in a respectful way, and im always down to challenge my ideas.

Edited by fays1
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On 3/6/2023 at 3:06 PM, Emil87 said:

I’m sorry but it’s hypocritical for you to call out people for being mean to you but yet condone these cheap shots at Britney because it’s a comedy show. If Britney saw any of these “Family Guy” clips you seriously think she’d find them funny and not mean? 

Very true tea.

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17 hours ago, fays1 said:

Words and culture change meaning by time, it doesnt matter what the origins of them are. Black people took the N word and culturally made it unacceptable for people to use and it effected our culture. But black people have no issue with the word woke being used and changed, its only a minority of white people complaining on their behalf. Exactly like how AOC attacks people for not saying Latinx when Latin people are against the usage of Latinx. 

The term woke was used way before 2016 BLM, and it was used to describe someone who was very educated on leftist ideologies and minority issues. But these people who were considered woke in a agood way went too far, and now its seen as a negative if you are woke. This is a healthy backlash against a group of people who took it too far, and culture pushed back which is why the word changed meaning. Today, everyone including leftists, black people, and BLM will use that word as a negative.

But nobody is grouping wokeism and cancel culture with BLM and trans people. Thats you putting words in my mouth? I support BLM and trans people and have no issue with them or what they politically ask for. What im doing is calling out certain specific kind of behaviors in people and labelling it as woke and cancel culture. Why use the term woke and cancel culture? because its very effective as society adapted that word to mean a certain thing, and if you want to communicate with society and culture, you have to use terms they can understand to be effective in your push back and response.

Well yeah human behaviors dont really change, its been the same since the begining of time. But in todays context, its being done in the name of wokeism and cancel culture. Just like what Hit**r did was not new or unique to human history, but we still label what he did under the term **** even though that term was new at that time.


Sorry this is a long response, but im glad we are able to talk about it in a respectful way, and im always down to challenge my ideas.

The N-word is unacceptable because of its slavery association. The word woke has been around since the 1930s, so yes, long before 2016. However, it came into popular use by the general public in 2016 because right-wing media outlets used it as a response to BLM. It's absolutely not true that black people don't have a problem with the word being used in a negative way. The word was literally made negative by racists who are against BLM. Maybe Candace Owens at Fox News has a problem with it because she sold herself out.

And what do you mean going too far? Insisting on their gender identification being recognised? Refusing systemic racism? What exactly have they done that is "going too far"? What should they do instead? Every time social minorities have been given more rights in history, it's because they have fought for it. Stonewall. Rosa Parks. BLM is absolutely necessary and those who say it isn't are mostly white and too comfortable with their privilege to understand the struggle of black people. "Fighting back" against BLM and trans activists only ignites the flames more. I can't believe you are comparing black rights and trans rights activism to ****s. It's not like they are forcing you to do anything. They just want equal treatment. That's it. That's the whole point of being woke. To want equality. And as your are not black or trans, you can't possibly understand the struggle. So tell me... If woke people today are "going too far", what should they do instead? Sit back and allow police to keep discriminating against them? Sit back and allow trans people to keep being discriminated against and ******** for being who they are? Think about it a bit.

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9 hours ago, Viking84 said:

The N-word is unacceptable because of its slavery association. The word woke has been around since the 1930s, so yes, long before 2016. However, it came into popular use by the general public in 2016 because right-wing media outlets used it as a response to BLM. It's absolutely not true that black people don't have a problem with the word being used in a negative way. The word was literally made negative by racists who are against BLM. Maybe Candace Owens at Fox News has a problem with it because she sold herself out.

And what do you mean going too far? Insisting on their gender identification being recognised? Refusing systemic racism? What exactly have they done that is "going too far"? What should they do instead? Every time social minorities have been given more rights in history, it's because they have fought for it. Stonewall. Rosa Parks. BLM is absolutely necessary and those who say it isn't are mostly white and too comfortable with their privilege to understand the struggle of black people. "Fighting back" against BLM and trans activists only ignites the flames more. I can't believe you are comparing black rights and trans rights activism to ****s. It's not like they are forcing you to do anything. They just want equal treatment. That's it. That's the whole point of being woke. To want equality. And as your are not black or trans, you can't possibly understand the struggle. So tell me... If woke people today are "going too far", what should they do instead? Sit back and allow police to keep discriminating against them? Sit back and allow trans people to keep being discriminated against and ******** for being who they are? Think about it a bit.

But in real life, black people use the phrase woke and cancel culture, and you see it used in all black media today with nobody complaining. Its also not true that racist Republicans started using it, it first started as a meme online way before it became mainstream and republican. The fact is that word is now used by literally everyone in our culture, and me being part of this culture, I will use that word to communicate with people. If black people start complaining about it, ill stop using the word, but for now its only a minority of ideologically and politically driven individuals who are complaining.

If you really want this conversation to continue and not go in circles, you need to understand that when I say woke and cancel culture, im not talking about black people and minorities. And I never said black people and minorities went too far, I said woke and cancel culture type did. Black people and most minorities are not woke, its only white people who live in a small ideological political bubble online are the woke ones. Im all for minorities going too far when it comes to their human rights, even if it means mass protest all over the country like BLM.

I did not compare minorities to ****s, but lets ignore this point as its not important, and because I tried to explain it and failed considering English is my third language. I can try to explain it if you really want me to though.

Edited by fays1
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1 hour ago, fays1 said:

But in real life, black people use the word woke in a negative way, and you see it used in all black media today with nobody complaining. Its also not true that racist Republicans started using it, it first started as a meme online way before it became mainstream and republican. The fact is that word is now used by everyone in our culture today, and me being part of the culture will use that word to communicate with people. If black people start complaining about it, ill stop using the word, but for now its only minority of ideologically and politically driven individuals who are complaining. 

If you really want this conversation to continue and not go in circles, you need to understand that when I say woke and cancel culture, im not talking about black people and minorities. I never said black people and minorities went too far, I said woke and cancel culture type of people are. Black people and most minorities are not woke, its only white people who live in a small ideological bubble on the internet that are woke. Im all for minorities going too far when it comes to their human rights, even if it means mass protest all over the country like BLM.

I did not compare minorities to ****s, but lets ignore this point as its not important, and because I tried to explain it and failed considering English is my third language. I can try to explain it if you really want me to though.

I gave up trying to explain **** to this guy. Every time I tried to say what I didn’t like about woke/cancel culture, he kept bringing in the black and trans people when woke/cancel culture has gone far beyond them into other things. If he can’t see that then he must be blind or living in a bubble because it’s literally all over the internet and social media. I mean it’s also in this thread too.

If he needs more examples I can supply them, but I don’t want to because then he’ll think I’m against a group of people when I only used them as an example like I did with the non-binary thing. I’m not going to sit here and be labeled something by some rando on the internet that has never met me or knows who I am because I know who I am and the people that know me, know who I am, so that’s all that matters to me.

You didn’t fail anything, it’s his blindness and his comprehension that has failed. Only seeing what you want to see doesn’t help anything. I wish you luck in your conversation with him. As I said I’m done responding to him lol.

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4 hours ago, Blackout SZN said:

I gave up trying to explain **** to this guy. Every time I tried to say what I didn’t like about woke/cancel culture, he kept bringing in the black and trans people when woke/cancel culture has gone far beyond them into other things. If he can’t see that then he must be blind or living in a bubble because it’s literally all over the internet and social media. I mean it’s also in this thread too.

If he needs more examples I can supply them, but I don’t want to because then he’ll think I’m against a group of people when I only used them as an example like I did with the non-binary thing. I’m not going to sit here and be labeled something by some rando on the internet that has never met me or knows who I am because I know who I am and the people that know me, know who I am, so that’s all that matters to me.

You didn’t fail anything, it’s his blindness and his comprehension that has failed. Only seeing what you want to see doesn’t help anything. I wish you luck in your conversation with him. As I said I’m done responding to him lol.

People who are ideologically driven and live in political bubbles online have a script that they go by. If they go off script, their political bubble will attack them, if they go by the script, they get woke points. They cant comprehend that there are reasonable good people in the world that disagree with them. I know they wont understand me, but I enjoy debates and challenging them and myself.

And the only reason I did not respond to your last comment is because I thought you didnt want to continue the conversation, but I also enjoyed talking to you.

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1 hour ago, fays1 said:

People who are ideologically driven and live in political bubbles online have a script that they go by. If they go off script, their political bubble will attack them, if they go by the script, they get woke points. They cant comprehend that there are reasonable good people in the world that disagree with them. I know they wont understand me, but I enjoy debates and challenging them and myself.

And the only reason I did not respond to your last comment is because I thought you didnt want to continue the conversation, but I also enjoyed talking to you.

Same, I enjoyed talking to you too. Yeah I just stopped because people were asking us to and that I felt like I was beating a dead horse repeating myself over and over with him and getting nowhere lol. I just felt like it wasn’t worth my time anymore discussing it with him.

Edit: I should say that I would respond to you, but I’m not responding to him anymore because it’s just not worth it to me after being labeled and putting words in my mouth.

Edited by Blackout SZN
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2 hours ago, Blackout SZN said:

Same, I enjoyed talking to you too. Yeah I just stopped because people were asking us to and that I felt like I was beating a dead horse repeating myself over and over with him and getting nowhere lol. I just felt like it wasn’t worth my time anymore discussing it with him.

Edit: I should say that I would respond to you, but I’m not responding to him anymore because it’s just not worth it to me after being labeled and putting words in my mouth.

haha yeah I get that, I just enjoy debates and controversial topics because its not allowed in my country. Ive always been interested in philosophy, debates, and different cultures and religions. Its hard when people hate these subjects and always take it personal lol 

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2 hours ago, fays1 said:

haha yeah I get that, I just enjoy debates and controversial topics because its not allowed in my country. Ive always been interested in philosophy, debates, and different cultures and religions. Its hard when people hate these subjects and always take it personal lol 

I do as well to a point lol. Sometimes I dislike getting into conversations about stuff like that because I get self conscious that I might sound dumb, but I’m open to learning more. Sometimes though there’s stuff I’m very passionate about that I’ll go all in on because it’s fun to have something to talk about, other times if I’m debating with someone like in this thread and I know I’m not budging and the other person isn’t budging, I gotta stop because it just becomes too much and it isn’t fun for me anymore.

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16 hours ago, fays1 said:

haha yeah I get that, I just enjoy debates and controversial topics because its not allowed in my country. Ive always been interested in philosophy, debates, and different cultures and religions. Its hard when people hate these subjects and always take it personal lol 


13 hours ago, Blackout SZN said:

I do as well to a point lol. Sometimes I dislike getting into conversations about stuff like that because I get self conscious that I might sound dumb, but I’m open to learning more. Sometimes though there’s stuff I’m very passionate about that I’ll go all in on because it’s fun to have something to talk about, other times if I’m debating with someone like in this thread and I know I’m not budging and the other person isn’t budging, I gotta stop because it just becomes too much and it isn’t fun for me anymore.

No, you guys still don't get it. I have repeated myself a million times but it just doesn't seem to sink it. However, I do feel like fays1 has a better understanding. Blackout is just clueless.

Firstly, I have no idea why you keep bringing cancel culture into this. It has nothing to do with the conversation. But on a side note, that term was invented by the right to complain about people being held responsible for their behaviour. I mean, that's just a no-brainer.

I already said the word woke was invented by black people. The point is once again that it has been hijacked by the right as a slur. And all of that aside, regardless of which political leaning you have, the point is still that woke people care about social injustice. That's another reason you shouldn't use that word in a negative way. Blackout still hasn't given me a single good reason for why he has a problem with woke culture. 

However, I see that the people that don't understand this are the same ones who love Sam. So no offence, but intelligence obviously is the determining factor in which side of the discussion someone is on. 

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3 hours ago, Viking84 said:


No, you guys still don't get it. I have repeated myself a million times but it just doesn't seem to sink it. However, I do feel like fays1 has a better understanding. Blackout is just clueless.

Firstly, I have no idea why you keep bringing cancel culture into this. It has nothing to do with the conversation. But on a side note, that term was invented by the right to complain about people being held responsible for their behaviour. I mean, that's just a no-brainer.

I already said the word woke was invented by black people. The point is once again that it has been hijacked by the right as a slur. And all of that aside, regardless of which political leaning you have, the point is still that woke people care about social injustice. That's another reason you shouldn't use that word in a negative way. Blackout still hasn't given me a single good reason for why he has a problem with woke culture. 

However, I see that the people that don't understand this are the same ones who love Sam. So no offence, but intelligence obviously is the determining factor in which side of the discussion someone is on. 

1) There is a difference between cancel culture and holding someone accountable. Its generally very subjective, but there is a red line crossed where holding someone accountable crosses into cancel culture territories. One indicator is collecting a list of sins you did 2 decades ago that was already available to the public. Another indicator is the amount of backlash and consequences doesnt match the severity of the crime. Another indicator is complaining about minor issues like cultural appropriating. 

2) Yes woke was invented by black people, and yes its been hijacked by the right as a "sl**". But lets be honest, the right won this specific culture war, and now the word is part of everyones vocabulary, including black people and leftists, its not a right wing thing anymore. Not every origin historical story is valid, aslong as black people have no issue with the word, im good with it.

3) I completely disagree that woke people care about social justice, but even if they did, not everyone that cares about social justice is good or effective.

+ I dont think Blackout wants to continue this conversation so no need to quote them.

Edited by fays1
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2 hours ago, Viking84 said:


No, you guys still don't get it. I have repeated myself a million times but it just doesn't seem to sink it. However, I do feel like fays1 has a better understanding. Blackout is just clueless.

Firstly, I have no idea why you keep bringing cancel culture into this. It has nothing to do with the conversation. But on a side note, that term was invented by the right to complain about people being held responsible for their behaviour. I mean, that's just a no-brainer.

I already said the word woke was invented by black people. The point is once again that it has been hijacked by the right as a slur. And all of that aside, regardless of which political leaning you have, the point is still that woke people care about social injustice. That's another reason you shouldn't use that word in a negative way. Blackout still hasn't given me a single good reason for why he has a problem with woke culture. 

However, I see that the people that don't understand this are the same ones who love Sam. So no offence, but intelligence obviously is the determining factor in which side of the discussion someone is on. 

Nice bringing Sam (who’s unrelated to the topic at hand) along with everything else into your defense. You’re just grasping at straws at this point in trying to make yourself seem smart and credible. Just keep on digging that hole of yours, I’m interested in how far you’re gonna go to try to prove your opinion is right and is fact. What else are you gonna call me? I was done with this conversation, but I’m just DYING to hear what else is in your arsenal of insults for me!

Tell Me More Lets Hear It GIF by Your Happy Workplace

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1 hour ago, fays1 said:

1) There is a difference between cancel culture and holding someone accountable. Its generally very subjective, but there is a red line crossed where holding someone accountable crosses into cancel culture territories. One indicator is collecting a list of sins you did 2 decades ago that was already available to the public. Another indicator is the amount of backlash and consequences doesnt match the severity of the crime. Another indicator is complaining about minor issues like cultural appropriating. 

2) Yes woke was invented by black people, and yes its been hijacked by the right as a "sl**". But lets be honest, the right won this specific culture war, and now the word is part of everyones vocabulary, including black people and leftists, its not a right wing thing anymore. Not every origin historical story is valid, aslong as black people have no issue with the word, im good with it.

3) I completely disagree that woke people care about social justice, but even if they did, not everyone that cares about social justice is good or effective.

+ I dont think Blackout wants to continue this conversation so no need to quote them.

I was done, but after that little tangent that he posted, I really want to know how many more insults he can come up with just to prove his point which is starting to lose credibility with the more insults he comes up with.

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1 hour ago, fays1 said:

1) There is a difference between cancel culture and holding someone accountable. Its generally very subjective, but there is a red line crossed where holding someone accountable crosses into cancel culture territories. One indicator is collecting a list of sins you did 2 decades ago that was already available to the public. Another indicator is the amount of backlash and consequences doesnt match the severity of the crime. Another indicator is complaining about minor issues like cultural appropriating. 

2) Yes woke was invented by black people, and yes its been hijacked by the right as a "sl**". But lets be honest, the right won this specific culture war, and now the word is part of everyones vocabulary, including black people and leftists, its not a right wing thing anymore. Not every origin historical story is valid, aslong as black people have no issue with the word, im good with it.

3) I completely disagree that woke people care about social justice, but even if they did, not everyone that cares about social justice is good or effective.

+ I dont think Blackout wants to continue this conversation so no need to quote them.

1. Cancel culture is a term made up by the right. It generally involves someone's career being affected because they said something racist, s**ist, homophobic or transphobic. The right has a problem with this because they generally agree with what the person said. There is no law causing people to be "cancelled". It's just people no longer wanting to support someone who they consider to be a bad person, and that's their right. So there isn't really even such a thing as cancel culture. It's just something made up by the right to make excuses for nasty public figures.

2. I think you will find most left-leaning people have a problem with the word woke being used as a negative. Generally almost all black people in the US vote left. So yes, most black people would have a problem with this in the US.

3. The whole meaning of woke is to care about social justice. That's the definition of the word. Of course caring about social justice is always good. Effective? Well, look at the history of gay rights, black rights and women's rights. Did they come about by doing nothing or by fighting? Answer: always by fighting for it. The right doesn't like woke people because they challenge the status quo that they are comfortable with. That's how it's always been.



Edited by Viking84
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25 minutes ago, Blackout SZN said:

I was done, but after that little tangent that he posted, I really want to know how many more insults he can come up with just to prove his point which is starting to lose credibility with the more insults he comes up with.

Let me summarise all of your points in this thread:

1. You don't like woke culture.

2. This is because you think woke people get offended by anything.

3. You have no other arguments.

As 2 is not true, your only argument fell to pieces. That's it. Nothing more to say.


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48 minutes ago, Viking84 said:

Let me summarise all of your points in this thread:

1. You don't like woke culture.

2. This is because you think woke people get offended by anything.

3. You have no other arguments.

As 2 is not true, your only argument fell to pieces. That's it. Nothing more to say.


1. You are blind to think that woke culture and cancel culture don’t go hand in hand.

2. You fail to grasp that woke has drifted away from it’s origin and now includes something different.

3. Your only argument includes insulting others to try and get your points across which tells me you have a very weak argument if you have to resort to insults. Your reasoning for calling me stupid is because I defend Sam and if that’s your only reason, then you’re desperately grasping at straws and it isn’t a good look.

My only argument didn’t do anything, but your argument is looking rather weak if the only thing you can do is insult someone. You have called me a racist, transphobic, and now stupid, but that’s ok because like I said, when someone doesn’t have a strong argument, they resort to insults which you have, and because you have, I’m not taking you seriously. You really lost all credibility when you started insulting people.

I wish you luck on trying to rebuild your argument back up, but I think it’s already too late and you’re going to need more than luck to do it.

Have a WONDERFUL day sweetie!

Sassy Good Bye GIF

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