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What are your thoughts on this Britney Spears tribute? (Radio Disney Music Awards)

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On 1/30/2023 at 4:51 PM, BritBreakitDown20 said:

its weird.. back then i thought it was really sweet and awesome that Britneys sister did the performance 









but knowing what we know now about Jambalyah  :slayde_meme_red_glam_neyde_neydeney_britney: the fact that she was manipulating her own sister going to her property living her life meanwhile her sister lived a complete nightmare :sipnstare_coffee_mug_tea_sipping_spilling_red: it boils my blood

It really reminds me of one of those kids movie where the hero is locked away has their life stolen by a jealous villain who always wanted to be them:idkney_britney_glory_carpool_karaoke_unsure_idk_nervous:


Edited by 3IsACharm33
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