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How do I delete my account?


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I hope @Jordan Miller is starting to wonder why an influx of members are now wanting to leave after 15+ years. :whitney_houston_huh_oh_really_well_look_stare_welp:

I DM'd him well over a month ago asking for my account to be deactivated/deleted and have since tagged him in multiple threads, all whilst he's been active and posting. Not a single peep.

"sO wHy dOn't yOu jUSt lEave? :sponge_spongebob_sarcastic_meme_sarcasm:"

Because we should be able to have our accounts deactivated/deleted if we want them to be and our information erased accordingly. It shouldn't be this difficult. Either allow us/mods the authority to action these requests or make sure you're actually around to do so if you insist on being the only one who is able to.

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On 1/24/2023 at 3:13 PM, Damon said:

I hope @Jordan Miller is starting to wonder why an influx of members are now wanting to leave after 15+ years. :whitney_houston_huh_oh_really_well_look_stare_welp:

I DM'd him well over a month ago asking for my account to be deactivated/deleted and have since tagged him in multiple threads, all whilst he's been active and posting. Not a single peep.

"sO wHy dOn't yOu jUSt lEave? :sponge_spongebob_sarcastic_meme_sarcasm:"

Because we should be able to have our accounts deactivated/deleted if we want them to be and our information erased accordingly. It shouldn't be this difficult. Either allow us/mods the authority to action these requests or make sure you're actually around to do so if you insist on being the only one who is able to.

It’s super frustrating I feel the exact same way. I want to erase my membership here. @Jordan Miller

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If people want their accounts deleted, it should be actioned. It shouldn’t be met with just don’t sign in” or “just leave”.

People have used their personal information to create their accounts. Email address. DOB. Etc. It’s not that big of an ask to request that their accounts are deleted… yet people have been waiting months and are met with deafening silence. 

Why is it so difficult to delete an account here? Is there no function to actually delete an account?  :frenchy_britney_u_sure_ff_femme_fatale_you_look:

With all that said, add my name to the list waiting for their accounts to be deleted. @Jordan Miller

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Youd think after 15 years of being a register member here @Jordan Miller would have more accessibility to get things heard. There isn’t many of us who still come in here after that long so to just be ignored literally every single time is absolutely insane. I’m not just a number for your “end of year” results. I’m an active member who has contributed to these forums and if I want the option to have my account actually deleted I should be given that luxury. It used to be! 

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