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Britney: Humble and Kind....

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I've been going through some things and decided to watch some of Britney's interviews and came across these two very special videos on YouTube. 

The first is called 'Why Britney is my inspiration ' and shows Britney as she gives to charities and organizations, among many more acts of kindness. Watching this really made me feel loved and I wasn't even the organization she was giving to. I just love Britney's kindness. It's really hard to come by these days. People are only out for themselves and humility and philanthropy seems to be dead these days.

This one made me cry simply because she is such a motivational speaker without knowing it! She really inspires me to continue to try to follow my dreams of music and acting even if I don't know how or if I will make it one day. She just is an inspiration. 

We pay attention to Britney the Popstar a lot and I just really appreciate Britney the person. 

Britney, thank you for teaching all of your fans life lessons like following their dreams, never giving up and thank you for sharing your personal struggles with us. Your captions are like diary entries. So personal and there's a lot of your fans who can relate to family trauma. 

We love you B. 

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1 hour ago, The JayTawndre Show said:

We pay attention to Britney the Popstar a lot and I just really appreciate Britney the person.

If most of us cared more about or paid most attention to her as a pop star we would have abandoned ship a long time ago. I don’t think there’s a single fan base in the world who cares more about their icon as a person than their stardom than this fan base right here. We don’t care that she doesn’t sing. We don’t care if she doesn’t dance. We don’t care if she retires and decides to live a peaceful life away from the Hollywood chaos. Because we love Britney the person. We all fell in love with her for the same reasons you have. Those videos do encapsulate her kind essence. Thank you for sharing them. A good reminder why she’s so loved around the world.

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