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K-Fed's 60 minutes Australia interview (video)

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Jamie Lynn faked wiping tears during interview.....

and now Kfed tried to fake cry in the interview too ? 

Can't he try something new after Jamie Lynn's act didn't work at all ? Do they really think faking tears and playing victim in interview would make the public sympathizing them ? 

Do they think people are that stupid? :nyheadache_miss_ny_new_york_tiffany_annoyed_head_rub_irritated_red_tired:

What Jamie Lynn's and now KFeds done don't work at all, instead they all backfired badly on them.  

People still see Kfed as a loser and even see the kids how bratty and unrespecful they are. 

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1 hour ago, Matou said:

The most important part :

"I wasn't evolved in any of this so I really don't know how the conservatorship came about, I don't know whose decision it was."

An absolute lie !!!! :liar_red_mad_angry_anger_yell_slap:

and yes I watched it after all, it's always good to listen to both sides I guess :ehidk_britney_um_eek:

He's trying to save himself but it is too ******* late..it is time to pay you rat

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8 hours ago, Addicted_Heart said:

The ending of that ''documentary'' was really bad for K-Fed. I think 60 minutes portrayed Britney in better light than K-Fed :hahaha_tiffany_ny_new_york_ms_miss_cackle_laugh_lol_haha_hehe_lmao:

I think so too. They allowed the viewer to make their own decision, but lay subtle hints. It was poor journalism though and didn't verify a number of facts, so maintains the general public's misunderstandings. 

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10 hours ago, RebellionSparkles said:

Can you give us updates??? I sooo want to minimize their clicks and views…but at least one of us is going to have to watch it to spill the tea to everyone else.

I'm watching this version 


Producers: Tracey Hannaford & Naomi Shivaraman

"A picture of domesticity." A few clips of Kevin's "very normal and middle class home" with Skeletor washing the dishes and Kflop pouring Beneful into dog bowls.

A cute compilation of baby pictures and photos of Britney with the kids over the years.  Transition with voiceover from the host.  "To make their lives as normal as possible, fifteen years ago, he decided to dim the spotlight."

Daphne Barak shrilly asks, "What happened to you?!"

Voiceover - "A few weeks ago, he invited celebrity interviewer Daphne Barak into his home. He said it was time to explain how he and the boys have fared through the ups and downs of Britney's turbulent life."

Transition to clips from Chaotic and Britney gushing about her new boyfriend. "He's very cute and very sweet."

Kevin in 2022 says, "We were smitten with each other.. It was really different until it wasn't."

Voiceover: "There were complications...Kevin was a love rat who already had a fiance...a fiance, a son, and another baby on the way." (LOL that's the first time I've heard 'love rat'). 

Back to Kevin, gravelly voiced in his blue button down shirt:  "All of the discrimination...[being called] 'poor, white trash, loser'...I was BUILT for it... It didn't bother me at all." (Emphasis Kevin's, not mine).

On the divorce: "I was completely shocked... I called my lawyer.  He met me in Chicago. We sat down...and all I cared about was getting 50% custody of my sons.  Nothing else mattered to me. I'm not the person who will take money over family."

On the beginning of the conservatorship: "Rather than pick one side, Kevin says he supported his ex wife AND her family. It's a diplomacy he's maintained with his sons."


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if i were Brit i would leave the US, the signs are clear, kevin and Spears evil secta are little by little turning Britney's children into the next "CON" of their mother, just as Nichelle Nichols' son did , and they won't stop until they catch her again.

Maybe that sounds very dramatic and impossible but nothing surprises me anymore after everything we have seen from judges, lawyers and family... in the end they all work together.


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7 hours ago, Myosotis said:

That's it?! 


What kind of "journalism" is this? They can't even get easy-to-check facts right. :wtf_britney_what_confused_um: KFlop already had a daughter and Shar was pregnant with his son when he met Britney, not the opposite. Not that it matters much, but c'mon, do your job right. :flop_britney_candies:

There's some'd say this IS their job.

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KFed when asked what he would want to say to Britney (at the very end of the interview): “I would want to apologise, give advice and then ask if there’s any way I can help”.

If he’s being sincere, why doesn’t he do that privately rather than running to the media to bank some coin and drag her name in the mud??


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5 hours ago, Annabanana said:

It was weird around the end where Kevin said if he could talk to Britney he would tell her he is sorry and ask if there was any way he could help. 

She should keep that guy well beyond arm's length, make sure no meetings without witnesses and **** sweeps. I bet he'd like to get close enough  to do mischief.

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5 hours ago, ConceptD said:

So what happened to the parts where Kevin and Victoria were sat outside being interviewed? Lynnes appearance? The parts of Kevin and his kids around the pool? Clearly the backlash worked, because this was about to be an entirely different monster and all of those BAnons saying that britneys PR team/legal team didn’t do their jobs is obviously delusional. It also makes you wonder why Preston didn’t appear. Maybe he’s on his mothers side, but he’s still a minor and Kevin has full custody, so if Kevin doesn’t want him to see Britney then he simply won’t be able to see her. 

Well you can't snark on her for posting naked stuff and then show the kids topless can you.

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3 minutes ago, Ghoulia said:

I'm watching this version 


P2 8:30-15:00

Daphne Barak asks Kfed "How did you explain to your kids 'what is a conservatorship'? Why is mom not being able to make her own decisions?" 

Kevin's {non}response: "They've had a lot of questions about it. I don't know that I can answer all of them for them, you know, but I just try to explain to them that "your mom needed help, you know, and the people were in play to try to make that happen. To make it better."

Cut to Jayden sitting in front of the piano, not looking at the camera. A $450 Harry Potter lego set adorns the top of the upright piano. 

Jayden mumbles something about Jamie. "At first, I mean, everyone's mostly hitting him for the conservatorship, right? But I think at first he was just trying to
be like any father. Like, pursue her daughter's dream of like, being a superstar, and working, and going and all these, uh, concerts and performing. But, um, I think some people are, just like, ceasing to realize how much he cares about her." (Yes, he definitely said "her daughter's dream"). 

Kfed then gives his 2 cents on the Spears family. "Just because they're not my immediate family, you know, they're my my kids and maybe a family, you know? There's that's their grandfather and their grandmother and their uncle. I feel that it's very important that they have relationships with all of them regardless of what happens."

SUPER AWKWARD TRANSITION/CUT "I wasn't involved in any of it so I really don't know. All I know is that you have a family that is worried about
their daughter and trying to do whatever they can to help her. That's all. That's that's all that I knew. The boys, the boys, the boys -  my kids, my family. And that was it. I had to worry about them. I couldn't get involved in all of the other stuff because it's jus - I don't feel like it would be fair to Britney. I don't feel like it would have been fair to my sons. I have no part in any of that."

Daphne Barak asks: So you feel Jamie might have saved his daughter?

Kfed: "One hundred percent I feel he saved her back then."

Transition with clips from "For the Record" with clips from Britney's recent voice post! "Honestly still, to this day, I don't know what really I did but the punishment of my father: I wasn't able to see anyone or anything and you have to imagine none of it made sense to me."

Sixty seconds ticking clock segway music & visual...

Transition with Free Britney visuals. "For 13 years, Britney was not allowed to make any decisions for herself."

Overview of "global campaign known as the Free Britney movement".  Introduction of the audio recording released last week. They play some of the part where she describes how they made her feel like nothing and the pain it caused her.  "How the f.u.c.k did they get away with that?"

Kfed then describes her sons' reaction to the ending of the cship last November.  "Both of them were happy for her because...it's not always about
whoooaahhhht's rooiight. (I watched this part so many times. I can't tell what this accent is, or if the audio is distorted accidentally, but Kfed says "what's right" so oddly).  It's about -- this is -- what mom wanted, you know, mom got."

Host voiceover: "40 years old and free at last! Britney had a lot of life to catch up on." Cute transition with clips from her instagram (on a boat with Sam, dancing in the studio)

Clips from the wedding and then Jayden's opinion: "I mean, she didn't invite the whole family, and then if it's just going to be me and Preston, I don't know how that situation would have ended on good terms."

Host gives brief overview of the custody changes in 2019. Back to Kevin talking on the couch...I need a break, lol.  




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5 hours ago, limecakes said:

She must hate him so much. She must know she was conserved because he played a big part. She must hate him because he must always be undermining what little parenting she can do.  She must hate him because he must be their childrens favorite parent. Now him, what the hell does he hate her for? She has given him everything 

Because he’s immensely jealous of her. She is what he could never be. 

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Disgusting to see:billiebarf_ew_gross_disgusting_throw_up_vomit_green_eilish:. It’s embarrassing they are doing this. What and ungrateful family Britney has. I don’t understand how a pure heart like Britney’s has to be surrounded by hateful leeches. First thing I’ve thought while watching this is that if those dogs are being feed it’s thanks to Britney. Please, cut them off and rescue the dogs.:firega_lady_gaga_flames_burning:

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