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jamie lynn spears and lou taylor relationship

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page 61 jamie lynn book

Ms. Lou Taylor had staunchly defended me in the midst of the turmoil. She had become a part of my team two years earlier, and I grew to trust her to oversee my interests. But Ms. Lou had a vested interest in keeping me profitable. As my pregnancy progressed, Ms. Lou became a mentor to me, teaching me financial planning and budgeting to keep me solvent. Previously, I had not been involved with how much money I earned or how it was invested. But now, everything was different, and as much as I would have loved a supportive partner during this critical time, Casper was indifferent to planning for the future. Don’t get me wrong—he loved the creature comforts that came with being in my life, he just didn’t want the responsibility.


page 66 Jamie Lynn Book

Ms. Lou and I continued to build on our relationship, and she was a big help to me in these first months. I knew she was someone I could rely on. Her support was invaluable, especially at that time when my relationship with my folks was just beginning to mend. Ms. Lou’s take-charge attitude appealed to me and was, frankly, refreshing. Her bulldozing and dynamic personality served me well at a time I came to realize that most of the women in my family struggled to stand their ground and make good decisions for themselves. She visited from Nashville to see how I was managing, and she made sure I got the things I needed to improve the quality of my daily life. She set out to make a cup of coffee and realized I didn’t own a machine. When I told her the nearest place for coffee was a gas station eight miles away, she balked. Within hours, I had a French press, and she helped me make a house a home. Ms. Lou provided suggestions on decor and design, and even delivered a picture for Maddie’s nursery gifted from my parents. She took one look at Casper’s camouflage room and gasped. Without judgment she said, “Come on, Jamie Lynn. Let’s get some stuff to refine the decor here.” With no children of her own and my unique needs at the time, Ms. Lou and I developed a rapport that went way beyond professional. I know she wanted to help in any way she could to alleviate the stress in my life. I cherished having someone in my corner whose exclusive job was to put my business concerns first and coach me on how to secure my future. But in the process, she positioned herself in such a way that made Momma uncomfortable. On one level she soothed my family’s hurts and precipitated the healing process. But I got a sense that Momma may have struggled with the closeness Ms. Lou and I shared. No one could ever take Momma’s place in my life, but the previous months, the ones wrought with fear, disillusionment, and guilt, had put a strain on our relationship.



As for Momma and Ms. Lou, they came together as guiding forces in my life and even coordinated the deal for Momma’s book Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World. Still, to this day, I have not read that book. I saw firsthand the difficulties that Momma and Britney suffered after my sister read it, and I wanted to avoid the possible outrage reading her words would evoke.


Page 72

Ms. Lou came for a visit specifically to sit me down and present me with some painful truths. She didn’t like the way things were going with Casper and felt like she needed to get me thinking about my future. “So, Jamie Lynn. What are you going to do to pay the bills—and what kind of legacy do you want to build for Maddie?” I felt like I’d been punched in the gut. Ms. Lou didn’t mess around. She was direct and her delivery was intimidating. And truth was, she had skin in the game. If I worked, she got paid. But still, she wasn’t wrong. When she left, I sat in my living room, stared into space, and tried to get a hold on my panic. I never had to actually consider this issue before. Before Maddie, money was readily available. I’d thought I would continue to perform on television and then delve into movies. But now, I had basically destroyed my career and lost the steady income that came with it. She gave me a lot to think about. The seeds were planted, but I needed time for them to take root.


PAGE 105:

The responsibility that comes with success and fame can be overwhelming. For me, I felt the pressure to keep a show at the height of popularity to ensure everyone had a job and got paid. I have always kept my own support team small. But the bigger the star shines, the larger the team supporting their efforts becomes. An expansive team runs the risk of employing scammers and opportunists. With so many people involved in day-to-day operations—image, finances, and care—it’s nearly impossible to know who to trust. As my sister’s career exploded, professionals came in and out of her life in rapid succession. Many genuinely cared for Britney’s well-being and protected her interests. But she also became a target for unsavory and duplicitous people. I believe that Britney’s experiences with people who only wanted to use her tore away at her ability to trust others and left her vulnerable. In the midst of all this, she’d had her heart broken more than once and become a mom. And even while she retained her iconic pop-star status, the cracks from earlier disappointments became fissures. Britney didn’t reach out for help dealing with the issues she was facing, and it seemed that almost everyone on the team was more interested in keeping the money coming in than in getting her the help she needed.

I’m assuming that this, among other things, was what led to the conservatorship that was established in 2008. Lawyers and third-party entities were taking advantage of Britney’s success at a time when she was suffering with what appeared to be some emotional issues. My sister didn’t seem well, and those closest to her at the time, especially my parents, believed the conservatorship was the best way to protect her and the fortune she had amassed throughout her career. I think their only intent was to keep her safe at a time when she couldn’t do that for herself. My father, Jamie, who wasn’t a stranger to difficulties, worked with lawyers and the court to develop a trust that would serve Britney’s interests. In 2008, I was sixteen years old and getting ready to deliver my first child. I knew things were difficult for Britney, but I was wrapped up in my own life. At the time, I supported her by remaining loyal to her, by listening to her and protecting her in whatever manner I could. As a daughter, I conducted myself as any well-intentioned person does. I remember what it was like to stand in opposition

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I hope this potato face realizes “Ms. Lou” only used her to get to Britney.  Lou knew she couldn’t make much off a z-list “celeb” like Junk.  She only stays with Lasagna now because she’s already brainwashed her to be her minion.  I can’t believe people still work with this scumbag.  Wish the Kardashians would fire up one of their collective 12 brain cells and drop the sk@nk.

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