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Britney calls out Christina Aguilera and thanks Lady Gaga

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8 hours ago, hazel24magic said:

This fan base is embarrassing. We fought to let BRITNEY speak on her own terms. We don’t know that Christina wrote that post back in June. And if Christina really cared and it meant so much to her, she would have taken 30 seconds to send love and encouragement... Regardless if her publicist was rushing her. Instead, she hides behind social media.

Let BRITNEY speak on how she feels. That’s what we fought for!



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17 minutes ago, Switchy said:

If you are referring to me about why can't she say anything (I am assuming you are since you quoted me) I never said she couldn't say anything. I said her feelings are valid and that this is a trauma response. She has every right to voice how she feels. Just like everyone, sometimes we word things wrong, speak out of anger. She'll figure it out,  she just needs time and support. 

In your reply, I was referring to the fact that Cher wrote that in Vegas everyone was talking about Britney's situation.

It's not that no one knew anything. The girl was deprived of all human rights, but from the very beginning of the conservatorship she was working. She made hundreds of millions of dollars, and on and on her family referred to her as a little sick girl who would have died without their help. Well something is ******* wrong here, if she is sick then why the **** is she working and traveling all over the world and doing concerts? She was successful and it was thanks to Britney that Vegas shows became popular and even Christina performs there.

My point is no one cared what they did to Britney and let them do what they did to her. Christina has known Britney since she was a kid and she knew very well what problems she had, she knew what a bad person Jamie was. Britney regrets that all these years of captivity none of her old friends reached out to help her.

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5 hours ago, Llem said:

Caer bajo es cantar sobre el poder de la mujer y que se le pregunte sobre Britney y su violación de los derechos humanos durante 13 años y esta señora que anteriormente se hartaba de hablar de la posición de Britney SOLO porque iba a sacar nueva música? o porque sentía que como mujer debía defender a otra mujer en apuros? y ahora que le preguntan no dice nada??? sorry pero las cosas no van así... 

Christina se pronuncio sobre la situación de Britney en su Instagram, hablo de ella y fue muy buena con ella. Porque no lo hizo frente a 20 cámaras en un show televisivo a nivel mundial significa que no le interesa?

Lo siento, amo a Britney, pero no es el centro del universo como para obligar a que cada persona hable sobre ella y sobre una situación personal que no ellos no tienen la culpa. Britney deberia enfocar su ira sobre su familia y no en celebridades. Nada mas. 

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5 minutes ago, dfffff said:

In your reply, I was referring to the fact that Cher wrote that in Vegas everyone was talking about Britney's situation.

It's not like anyone knew anything. The girl was deprived of all human rights, but from the very beginning of the conservatorship she was working. She made hundreds of millions of dollars, and on and on her family referred to her as a little sick girl who would have died without their help. Well something is ******* wrong here, if she is sick then why the **** is she working and traveling all over the world and doing concerts? She was successful and it was thanks to Britney that Vegas shows became popular and even Christina performs there.

My point is no one cared what they did to Britney and let them do what they did to her. Christina has known Britney since she was a kid and she knew very well what problems she had, she knew what a bad person Jamie was. Britney regrets that all these years of captivity none of her old friends reached out to help her.

Gotcha! Completely agree!

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Xtina fans are calling her mentally unstable and what not all over Twitter. Saying she should’ve checked Christina’s post, forgetting that Britney got free last week and likely had minimal access to everything before she got a lawyer…..

At the end of the day, Britney is entitled to her response, whether the way she went about it was right or not. I just wished this is something she tried to solve in private.

although her lashing out will probably happen more due to 13 years of abuse.

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I don’t think it’s fair to say the whole industry knew. We stans thought that everything was fine and the conservatorship was what was best for Britney for a while. There were years where Britney was happy and thriving at performing. The gross stigma about her mental health that was fed to everyone also was a big part of it. Saying so and so knew and did nothing is baseless. The only ones we can say that for is her family and team that surrounded her. 

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I think she may have referred to conflicts between her and Xtina that we don't know about. Just because Xtina has made one or two Twitter posts saying she supports her, there could be hundreds of other situations / texts / calls whatever behind the scenes where Britney felt insulted. And since she's now completely free to share her opinion, she took an opportunity to speak out.

After all, we don't know what exactly happened between these two over the years and that's why I'm neither gonna judge Britney nor Xtina. I am, however, judging people who are saying that "it's a bad look on Brit" because she's lived 13 years worrying about what people think about her. Give her a f break.

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9 hours ago, lemonbaby said:

This is so embarrassing on Britney’s part, such a stupid thing for her to post. In my opinion Britney should apologize to Christina, especially bexause Cristina did a whole twitter thread about brits situation

GTFOH this isn’t embarrassing on Britney’s part. This is embarrassing for how Xtina handled the question 

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3 minutes ago, jordeezy said:

For posting that rustic photo of bald baby Britney on her birthday and for tipping paparazzi to get a picture of Britney drinking Coke so she could steal her Pepsi sponsorship. 

wait is the part about that Coke/Pepsi thing true? 😵


also, we all know Coke >>>>>>> Pepsi. Pepsi is what you taste when you eat a Coke drinker's ***

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