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Britney’s ancestry


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I’m responding given that I did both 23andMe as well as AncestryDNA, and it was interesting learning more about ancestry within a family:

Ancestral genetics are difficult to predict because we don't inherit 100% of our biological parents' genes. We inherit 50% of each parent's genes and the specific genes passed onto us are completely random. That's why one sibling can show as 3% Native American on a DNA test and another can show as 0% Native American. On average, we only share about 50% of our DNA with our full siblings. Shared DNA between half siblings is about 25% on average.

Given that her ancestry appears to have lots of English, I'm willing to bet Britney would show as heavily Northwestern European, with a small amount of Southern European from her Maltese side. Maltese people often have smaller amounts of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and/or African DNA - 23andMe and AncestryDNA forums have shown this a lot!

Apparently, many have websites have traced her genealogy. Of course, your paper trail / documented family tree can't gauge your actual genetics, but there's often decent alignment. I can't say whether Britney is truly 1/16 Maltese because I'm not sure how much of that DNA she or her mother actually inherited down the line (it could be more or it could be less), but that's what her paper trail would indicate. A quick Google search brought me to sites like this: https://ethnicelebs.com/britney-spears

There’s also the reality of these tests not being perfect and country borders being irrelevant because they have shifted over time.

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27 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

I’m responding given that I did both 23andMe as well as AncestryDNA, and it was interesting learning more about ancestry within a family:

Ancestral genetics are difficult to predict because we don't inherit 100% of our biological parents' genes. We inherit 50% of each parent's genes and the specific genes passed onto us are completely random. That's why one sibling can show as 3% Native American on a DNA test and another can show as 0% Native American. On average, we only share about 50% of our DNA with our full siblings. Shared DNA between half siblings is about 25% on average.

Given that her ancestry appears to be heavily English, I'm willing to bet Britney would be heavily Northwestern European, with a small amount of Southern European from her Maltese side. Maltese people often have smaller amounts of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and/or African DNA - 23andMe and AncestryDNA forums have shown this a lot!

Apparently, this website (don't read the comments) traced her genealogy. Of course, your paper trail / documented family tree can't gauge your actual genetics, but there's often decent alignment. I can't say whether Britney is truly 1/16 Maltese because I'm not sure how much of that DNA she or her mother actually inherited down the line (it could be more or it could be less), but that's what her paper trail would indicate: https://ethnicelebs.com/britney-spears

There’s also the reality of these tests not being perfect and country borders being irrelevant because they have shifted over time.

Omg that’s what I was thinking about. Because my dad did one of those tests. He’s North African but according to the tests his ancestry are 60% Italian/maltese/Greek which is very interesting. :calculating_confused_meme_blonde_math_woman_thinking_what:

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30 minutes ago, Sambritney said:

Omg that’s what I was thinking about. Because my dad did one of those tests. He’s North African but according to the tests his ancestry are 60% Italian/maltese/Greek which is very interesting. :calculating_confused_meme_blonde_math_woman_thinking_what:

It really is interesting! And it makes sense given that people have traveled between those regions for centuries.

I know Lynne said she felt connected to her Maltese roots as well as her British mother. Once she's out of the conservatorship, I hope Britney can explore Malta (it sounds beautiful there) and spend more time in Britain in the future - and get out of the U.S. for a bit (or for good if she wants to do that)!

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38 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

It really is interesting! And it makes sense given that people have traveled between those regions for centuries.

I know Lynne said she felt connected to her Maltese roots as well as her British mother. Once she's out of the conservatorship, I hope Britney can explore Malta (it sounds beautiful there) and spend more time in Britain in the future - and get out of the U.S. for a bit (or for good if she wants to do that)!

Yeah, I hope that too. I remember watching an old interview of her saying that she likes London and wanted to live there. So I hope she gets to move to wherever she wants to, when she’s out of the c-ship. :fakecry_christina_aguilera_xtina_crying_tears_wipe_sad:

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3 hours ago, Sambritney said:

Because my dad did one of those tests. He’s North African but according to the tests his ancestry are 60% Italian/maltese/Greek which is very interesting. :calculating_confused_meme_blonde_math_woman_thinking_what:

That's not surprising at all though, your dad is Mediterranean a.k.a the most crossed sea of the planet for the past milleniums :inbed_ahs_hotel_sarah_paulson_grin_smirk_cackle_bed_reading_phone:

And you have the Roman Empire which linked Southern Europe to North Africa. Morocco has colonized Spain for 800 years (during that era, there were lots of mixing), and Spain has colonized a part of Morocco for 100 years. That's just one example. Interesting part of history. In a nutshell, if you're south European or North African, you're mediterranean, and you're very likely to share genes from both coasts. It also explains why North Africans don't really have subsaharan blood/are not really mixed with 'Black Africa'. The Sahara was extremely difficult to cross contrary to the Mediterranean Sea. Huge cultural differences started in the VIIth century. Morocco-Spain still shared a millenium of history after that though. 


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3 hours ago, NotBuyingIt said:

It really is interesting! And it makes sense given that people have traveled between those regions for centuries.

I know Lynne said she felt connected to her Maltese roots as well as her British mother. Once she's out of the conservatorship, I hope Britney can explore Malta (it sounds beautiful there) and spend more time in Britain in the future - and get out of the U.S. for a bit (or for good if she wants to do that)!

My 23 and me used to sAY I was like 5% Maltese before. I was mad when they took it off cos it made me feel closer to Brit. LOL 

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