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What Covid-19 taught you?


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What did the pandemic period teach you and what did you realize? I realized

  • that we shouldn't say 'I don't want to go to school'. Because it is actually nice to go to school. :nynod_miss_new_york_ms_nodding_yes_yas_agree:
  • that how stupid people can be when it comes to covid. Wearing a mask protects both sides is not hard to understand. :watrusayin_britney_xfactor_confused_shocked_surprised_um_what:
  • that there is no such thing as "if I had time I would do this and that". We spent a lot of time at our house, we don't go out, but I read very few books, did not learn a new language, I did not improve myself. Shame on me... :tiffsniffle_ny_miss_new_york_crying_sobbing_sad_tears:

What did this period teach me

  • actually, how free we are in our daily lives. Going to a cafe with friends, having a drink, walking down the street, going to school without hesitation. We were not aware of this. 
  • worrying about loved ones every day, what it feels like to not being able to hug

What about yours?

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Wow, I love this topic.

Honestly, it really showed me that I should appreciate the little things in life.

I think I took for granted giving friends a simple hug, being able to walk around freely with no worries, being able to go out to eat, drink, see friends and socialise.

I think when things hopefully get better i'll really cherish the fun moments in life and just being able to do 'simple' things.

I can't wait for things to be 'normal' again, I genuinely hate how things are now :kyliecry_crying_tears_jenner_wipe_sad:

Hope everyone is staying safe and does their bit to keep everyone around them safe :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support:

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I learned that a lot of exhale doesn't like Beyonce :crying3_britney_sobbing_tears_sad: 

That exhale points aren't valid outside of exhale :crying3_britney_sobbing_tears_sad: (all my hard work)

And most importantly that eating a lot of fried chicken makes you fat :crying3_britney_sobbing_tears_sad: ( this one was tragic)

I wanna be there when you touch fire

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That most people in public service don't really care how the virus will impact the every corners of citizen's lives, especially those who struggle financially. They rather keep and assure their political agendas, and public image instead of addressing short and long term solutions to aid national crisis.

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