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Do You Ever STReam MOVIES just with your mindpower alone?


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Imagine this

There is lucid dreaming with possibilities (lucid dreaming is a thinggoogle it :) 

If you don't have money 4 Cinema ticket

 Do You Ever Try to STReam movies just with your mindpower alone.


                       Giving the theory that universe is one and omnipresent it should be possible.

Can you stream movies with your mind you haven't watched

and also can you stream used/watched movies when you are 1)asleep/2)awake


believe it or not i can stream Mozart in my dreams :) i know now more about Mozart's childhood years 2-5. these years are all so different. wild ride initially with rattles and then baby drums and xylophone. i look forward to have more music lessons with Mozart... these times were wild and so different

You should look these things up

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