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Jamie Spears claims that Britney's mental health is deteriorating again?

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19 hours ago, CarelessDiva said:

Or she'll be sad her dad died and will go into a depression and be bombarded by fans saying your free now while she's  trying to cope, all meanwhile she'll probably still be  under a conservatorship.

Hoping someone's dad dies who you know nothing about is pretty low and a ****ty quality in a person as a human being. A fan base couldn't be more hypocritical than the Britney Army, but that's what ya get with a bunch of Britney fans. Fake, shallow minded type  of people. Heres a good example of your typical free Britney fan.

"I'm  a good person trying to fight for the freedom of a person I've never met who I think I know so much about and shes such a good person because I see her post and I've saw some interviews where shes really nice and she never shades celebrities or causes drama so shes a really nice person and we must free her bc shes fine now bc I saw her at piece of me and she was like kind of okay and she works so she doesn't need a conservatorship anymore. Britney can manage a multi million dollar account and can remember to put clothes on, maybe not a bra but free the nip! She doesnt need anyone watching her bc she performs like how can she perform but need someone to watch over her and she has no rights bc we know that everytime she asks for a coffee they tell her no. Like she performed at a piece of me with a live mic at times and she was trying to tell us to free her. She wouldn't perform and screamed help, or at least that's what I saw so were trying to free Britney now." Theres a rally to free her this thursday, omg let's get starbz before we go!" This is gonna be so epic were gonna have so many people saying free Britney, they are like going to come out and present her to us and shes gonna like wave say thank you and peace the **** out." But we did it! We freed our girl. Wait what's she doing no Britney not another umbrella, I told you she wasn't ready for this.

And that is the way these forums and arguments sound. Oh wait it gets better. 

We have proof yawl from all these instagram people saying they've worked with her. Oh yeah and dont forget shes like telling us through her  Instagram that something is wrong with all these subtle things like wearing yellow because someone's there who's gonna beat her up if she doesnt. 

Her fan base just cant accept that she has a mental illness that is pretty clear. No one is helping her at this point, bull ****, theres something wrong with her and yawl crazy conspiracy theories need to accept that your little bubble pop princess can no longer be your little barbie. Time to move on and play with some of your other childhood dreams and let this one live her life in a stress free way. 

U making assumption about typical Britney fan has no truth at all.  Just bc she has a mental condition(by the way no1 really knows if she is-records r sealed) doesn't mean she needs cship. U better learn about fans esp who were interviewed on a podcast (do not remember the names)and they talked about whole cship issue not only for Britney but for a lot of other ppl who usually taken advantage of. That is a about personal freedom of human being and this is some1s life not a soap opera. 

And yes wishing some1 death is horrible. I agree. But that doesn't mean u should put labels and assumptions calling ppl fake fans etc. That generalization ia really wrong

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