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Just a thought: what if this whole time Britney has been making odd Instagram posts solely to attract our attention and put her name in the headlines because she’s been planning to make her break for it since she cancelled Domination. She’s leveraging the public scrutiny of her conservatorship against her father as we speak. Her posts have been nothing more than ‘odd’ at times and I’m really starting to think she’s been posting them as a lure. The odd posts always seem to come when there is also breaking news about the conservatorship. Sis has been plotting her grand escape for years. She may just be a genius. 

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I still believe her videos where she walks back and forth are meant as mini photoshoots that she doesn't intend to post as videos, but rather pictures/stills. I personally don't believe she controls her Instagram and I think someone else gets pictures and videos from her through whatever method that may be either contractual or IDK what. I do believe she tries sending clues in her spoken videos though.


Has anyone ever thought to analyze her old typing style from maybe past social media posts from many years ago and compare it to now? I mean that type of stuff doesn't change much once you're an adult. Like if she uses a lot of "..." or capitalization. Emoji use. We all know handwriting and typing varies from person to person.

Another thing I've noticed is a lot of her captions are always(to me) trying hard to convey that it's Britney who is typing. Like when they put "you know us girls *flower emoji* x20" or when they put things like "Growing up in Hollywood is tough..." ya know? or "I took this picture today" "This picture is from x" Stereotypical stuff the GP would be like oh yeah barbie Hollywood girly Britney. or overcompensating with explanations for simple things. It is just the vibe I get so if you believe it's Britney please don't take it personal. Then who could forget the "me time" post when she was in the facility against her will. OR when that caption was put saying Sam Lufti wrote the emails and not her...and then the video didn't say that. AND then Lou brought it up weeks ago to a fan she was attacking "Didn't YOU READ HER CAPTION". and then Lou got the cease and desist letter from Lufti because Britney probably DID write those emails lol. My point is that caption was awfully convenient for LOU and he wouldn't send her a cease & desist unless it was a LIE now do ya'll really think Britney is lying for Loulou?

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3 hours ago, Karmickiss said:

I still believe her videos where she walks back and forth are meant as mini photoshoots that she doesn't intend to post as videos, but rather pictures/stills. I personally don't believe she controls her Instagram and I think someone else gets pictures and videos from her through whatever method that may be either contractual or IDK what. I do believe she tries sending clues in her spoken videos though.


Has anyone ever thought to analyze her old typing style from maybe past social media posts from many years ago and compare it to now? I mean that type of stuff doesn't change much once you're an adult. Like if she uses a lot of "..." or capitalization. Emoji use. We all know handwriting and typing varies from person to person.

Another thing I've noticed is a lot of her captions are always(to me) trying hard to convey that it's Britney who is typing. Like when they put "you know us girls *flower emoji* x20" or when they put things like "Growing up in Hollywood is tough..." ya know? or "I took this picture today" "This picture is from x" Stereotypical stuff the GP would be like oh yeah barbie Hollywood girly Britney. or overcompensating with explanations for simple things. It is just the vibe I get so if you believe it's Britney please don't take it personal. Then who could forget the "me time" post when she was in the facility against her will. OR when that caption was put saying Sam Lufti wrote the emails and not her...and then the video didn't say that. AND then Lou brought it up weeks ago to a fan she was attacking "Didn't YOU READ HER CAPTION". and then Lou got the cease and desist letter from Lufti because Britney probably DID write those emails lol. My point is that caption was awfully convenient for LOU and he wouldn't send her a cease & desist unless it was a LIE now do ya'll really think Britney is lying for Loulou?

Lou also deleted her comments talking about the post regarding Sam pretending to be Britney. 

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