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I’m scared


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I’ve been very optimistic and hopeful through all of the events going on in the world the past few months. I’ve been making music as an outlet and it’s helped so much. 

Today I woke up in a cold sweat, I’ve had no motivation to make music the last two weeks, I just have an overwhelming feeling of emotions and anxiety. Going back to work at a place that is great, but not my passion very soon is also another layer added to the stress and uncertainty. I don’t know exactly what I’m expecting from posting this, but Exhale has been an escape from the outside world for so long so I figured why not. 

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what is your job? 

try to diversify your hobbies and forget about music for the moment, sports in a natural environment (and not in a noisy dark gym perfumed with sweat noisy & unnecessary screaming) can be a great ally (running, biking, hiking). that'd make a huge cut with your usual environment, and you'd be able to forget quickly about your anxiety. there may be very nice places easily accessible from your house that you don't know about. my English is pretty poor to explain why it could be great, sorry (it has to do with green spaces, dazzling landscapes & what your body liberates when you practise a sport) :quirkney:

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  • 1 month later...

I am sorry that you are having a difficult time. Try to go under the sun to get vinamin D or buy it as supplement. This helped my mood a lot during lockdown in Germany (no sun at all). As the previous member mention, diverisfy your hobbies, and i would add, do activities that do not require to think a lot, cooking, doing a difficult puzzle, read a short book. Write a list of things you like about your life, things you would change, and then write the first step you should do to change the things you don't like about your life.

Best wishes!

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