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"When I Say So" - An Unreleased GEM!

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I was trying to remember the story behind this leaking the other day. Didn't a member here (Britfan505?) find this song through a CD they bought on eBay? Would appreciate the story if anyone remembers. :lizzie:

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1 minute ago, Damon said:

I was trying to remember the story behind this leaking the other day. Didn't a member here (Britfan505?) find this song through a CD they bought on eBay? Would appreciate the story if anyone remembers. :lizzie:

I’ve never heard this before! I’d love to know the stories behind how each of her unreleased tracks ended up leaking. Were you here when Jordan leaked 911 back in the day?

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3 hours ago, SouthernOreo said:

Where are the STAN STANS?!!

Can we talk about the GEM that is “When I Say So”?! I came across this song about 5yrs ago and I’m in LOVE with it! The beat, her vocals, the melody, like .... 🔥🔥🔥 Could you imagine if she came back and B10 sounded like THIS?!!! 💀💀💀 003.jpg.448dfdc012389031f9da76eeb1aedf21.jpg



power rangers dancing GIF

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THIS IS SO GOOD. (every time I do hear it though, it reminds me of a commercial or something.)

Her team needs to take a note from Carly Rae and release B-Sides of each album, even if some of the releases are demos, more raw sounding. Even from the leaks we have now, some of these songs are far superior of songs that actually made the cut for the final albums.

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