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A YouTube video. Names the 5 worst fandoms of all time..

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What was that Britney Army erasure. Why are we not included in the montage at the end?


I mean, I get that we're not as powerful or as relevant in the mainstream media as we used to be - but judging from this montage, he included atleast 5 fandoms that to my opinion, are beneath us. But i'm not telling which ones. :tiffdrink:

We were even selected by MTV as one of only 7 fan armies on their Last Fan Standing competition back in the day.

Our dear @JordanMiller was even the one selected by MTV to call on the B-Army and I know for sure we were not the one who got eliminated first, or even second. Wait, were we? Can someone please say what place did we finish? I don't remember us winning. :kidcries:

Link here.

We're passed our prime but we're still above some of those he showed. I'm a little salty about it but it's whatever. :imacat:

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