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Lifetime's ripped from the headlines takes on the case of Lorena Bobbitt.


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It's one of the most infamous crimes ever. 


Lorena Bobbitt spent a decade in jail for infamously cutting off her husband's full erect member. She accused him of ****. Doctors determine that was false. He has been medically diagnosed with an unusual high *** drive. She actually did admit. That he wanted too much ***. She was more comfortable with once or twice a month.


The family of the victim felt like ten years was too light of a sentence that she got away with a serious crime. That could have killed him if he bled out..FYI. he had surgery unfortunately it's not the original size. He lost about 7 inches of a 12 inch member. 



He was suggested by adult film legend Rom Jeremy to do adult films. They marketed the helluva of it. "FRANKEN*****" IS ONE of his films.


Lorena however was praised by the press for moving from the whole situation whereas her ex husband was ridiculed and shamed for going down the path he took.


After the movie. She's will give a two hour interview with Feminist news reporter Diane Sawyer..

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