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why did jive force her to sing like that?


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She can sing in many ways/styles, that's a talent, artists do just that, they transform themself in particular way. Singing itself is not regular way of communication, right? Her lyrics also are not raw tought process, She rarelly do freestyle like ; giphy-151.gif?resize=500,305

“My pu$$y Is Hanging Out”




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8 hours ago, Jill Valentine said:


singing and dancing live? POMney is rolling in her grave

5 hours ago, BraveGraphics said:

Is it confirmed that they actually FORCED her to sing like that ?

I've always thought that this subject is a theory :imok:

i think even other artists have talked about it, how max (i think it was him) would record Britney's songs phrase by phrase making sure it was done in that specific style

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On 11/23/2017 at 11:42 PM, Damon said:

They tried her natural register but it just didn't work


Damn you Larry :lemmetellu:

They probably thought her more nasal voice was sexier and more marketable. I don't mind it but her natural voice is beautiful and I wish we had more sings of her using it. I still hope the full version of the Early Mornin' demo leaks one day.


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