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Is anybody getting a bit over the 'Britney' image?


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I mean it goes without saying that her trademark is the blonde hair, catchy *** songs and the high nasal voice.

But is anybody starting to think it's wearing out nowadays? Like, I'm finding myself over it and wanting a change.

Which isn't a bad thing, (her blonde hair isn't even bad. Maybe a shade or two darker though....).

It seems that the longer they continue to push this image of her, the less popular she becomes.

She doesn't need to do anything to achieve the power celebrity status she had back in 2004. 

But an image change would do wonders, and at this point, it couldn't really hurt her to try it.

That's why we liked Blackout. She had dark hair, darker music, it was a change and it was rather nice!

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Completely. And I never thought I’d say that because I thought (and still think) that in her prime she was the most exciting entertainer in the world. 

Now she’s just riding off her past success and we all know if she was a new artist she’d get literally nowhere

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8 minutes ago, Brad Adamson said:

Completely. And I never thought I’d say that because I thought (and still think) that in her prime she was the most exciting entertainer in the world. 

Now she’s just riding off her past success and we all know if she was a new artist she’d get literally nowhere

We get that you don't like currentney. Now would you stfu? :bang:

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14 minutes ago, Brad Adamson said:


I like Britney. What I dislike is her laziness and the way she lets her fans down time after time after time, like the majority of people in here. 

I don't know if you like currentney or not, but when you keep posting how Britney is not caring anything is just annoying.:girlwhat:

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45 minutes ago, Brad Adamson said:

Completely. And I never thought I’d say that because I thought (and still think) that in her prime she was the most exciting entertainer in the world. 

Now she’s just riding off her past success and we all know if she was a new artist she’d get literally nowhere

Primeney was badass, currentney is a Barbie, that's the main difference.

It's not about the hair colour or what she sings about, it's about her attitude.

You cannot reply with "I don't know, I think it's just a song" when someone asks you what a song of yours is about

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1 minute ago, toy soldier. said:

Primeney was badass, currentney is a Barbie, that's the main difference.

It's not about the hair colour or what she sings about, it's about her attitude.

You cannot reply with "I don't know, I think it's just a song" when someone asks you what a song of yours is about

She was SO badass :crying1:

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1 minute ago, idkidk25 said:

It's not because it hurts.

You sure? 

Listen: Britney is consistently lazy, has destroyed her reputation as an entertainer and lost a large percentage of her fan base and support from the general public. That’s kind of her thing now. 

Believe me, when she does something worth talking about, I’ll be the first one there lapping it up. 

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