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Imagine Britney doing this


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What choreo? There isn't any choreo in that performance. She's not dancing, she's improvising and most of her improvising is hair shaking/flipping and walking/stamping around the centre stage.

If Britney was singing live in POM with her current choreo, it would be 10x more entertaining than this performance imo.


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I'm sorry, but no. Nowadays they just pump out these female solo acts and rush-deliver them to the GP without any thought process. Being in the music industry means having a brand, a name, an image, a feeling. Rita Ora has NONE of that.

So she can sing decently well. OK.
So she's pretty. OK.
So she has a nice body. OK.
So she can do some interesting movements with that body. OK.

NONE of that even touches Britney and what she represented and still represents. Britney became so famous because of her talent and her image; she became so beloved because people could relate to her and could connect to who she was. Rita Ora? A cheap knockoff of other girls in the industry. No thanks! I'll take Britney's worst day on stage over a free ticket to this "performance".

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