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Britney is the best pop star because she's the most interesting and mysterious

Someone Who Knows

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People who obsess over Britney's technical talent or lack thereof relative to her peers simply miss the point. Britney Spears is, in Rob Sheffield's words, "the most perfectest of perfect pop stars" because she has the whole package. Her life has been glorious but tragic, difficult and fascinating; the choices she makes are sometimes questionable but always interesting and her risk-taking sometimes majorly pays off and sometimes blows up in her face; she's been at times the most public of pop stars and the most reclusive; her live shows are distinctively hers because she takes the idea of concert-as-pure-spectacle to a total extreme to the point where live singing is completely beside the point, which is both exhilarating and exasperating. She has always kept the emotions riding high. And quite frankly, she can also just be downright weird at times, which the fans love. And she has somehow remained a real person through all of this rather than turning into a robot or a diva. And she loves her kids more than anything in the world.

Oh yeah, and of course lol she has the best collection of GREAT POP SONGS like ever, lol lest we forget. She has always prioritized having THE BEST SONGS instead of being the most 'authentic' by having her own hand in everything. 

I love Britney. Every other celebrity is boring by comparison lol

oh boo i forgot to take 'and mysterious' out of the title, it's true that she has an element of mystery to her but it's not the most important point here

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41 minutes ago, DoSomething954 said:

I may be in the minority but nothing about her is interesting to me. She seems like a homebody who just chills with her kids and works out. For a pop star, that's not interesting. Unless u mean it in another way but I don't see it :-/ 

That's totally respectable. The question is, how did you end up here then? Are you really here because this is a "pop forum"? Because you even have a Britney picture as your avi? Or what's the part that isn't interesting about her?

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1 hour ago, PokemonSpears said:

That's totally respectable. The question is, how did you end up here then? Are you really here because this is a "pop forum"? Because you even have a Britney picture as your avi? Or what's the part that isn't interesting about her?

I also think she's not interesting as a person or star. I am here because I loved her since the beginning. I joined this forum back when I was still obsessed with her. Now I'm still here hoping for something amazing, like Britney singing her songs live, looking great and dance like she used to. I almost lost faith, but I'm still here out of habit. She has become a shadow of herself and to the world she's just a joke. 

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1 hour ago, PokemonSpears said:

That's totally respectable. The question is, how did you end up here then? Are you really here because this is a "pop forum"? Because you even have a Britney picture as your avi? Or what's the part that isn't interesting about her?

I understand that member. I don't think Britney is interesting... she's boring... I love her since very start and I even like exhale since forever. I like this place it's fun to speak to other people about her or about other pop stars/ pop culture. But nothing about her is exciting anymore, even when she's about to release new music or something new i'm like "eeeh ok, whatever let's see" :girlwhat:

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Her story is very interesting, the virgin Lolita to the pop star gone wrong fallen star. That is very interesting, with a touch of mystique, definitely. But she opted for a low key lifestyle after the fall and fair play so she's not so interesting.

But yes, if you mean her story, then yes, it's the most interesting of our generation and leaves us with so many questions which is why she's so iconic. She a pop culture icon, and will be a pop culture legend the moment she's in a box.

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6 hours ago, PokemonSpears said:

That's totally respectable. The question is, how did you end up here then? Are you really here because this is a "pop forum"? Because you even have a Britney picture as your avi? Or what's the part that isn't interesting about her?

I'm here because I've been a fan since I was 7 and I'm 27 now so she's been a big part of my life forever. Doesn't mean I have to find her interesting. I loved her music and performing style that was that, what made me draw into her. That's why I asked in what way does the OP mean interesting because is she personally interesting? Not in my opinion. She seems pretty boring in her everyday life. Is it interesting seeing what new sounds and music she will come up with each era? Yes. But even that isn't super exciting because it starts to fizzle after awhile. And the performing part that made her interesting to me isn't there anymore either. I don't crave a Britney performance like I used to as a kid/teen. But that doesn't mean I'll stop coming here when I've been a fan for 20 years. She's not the only pop star I like either, so when I want excitement I see what they are up to. It is what it is.

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On 9/22/2017 at 1:05 AM, DoSomething954 said:

I may be in the minority but nothing about her is interesting to me. She seems like a homebody who just chills with her kids and works out. For a pop star, that's not interesting. Unless u mean it in another way but I don't see it :-/ 

well she has said in interviews that she's kinda boring. But honestly I can see both sides. I think the pop star side is fascinating and the "regular" britney is just a chill homebody b/c let's face it when she's out working; she always on the road so I imagine when she's not working she just wants to chill at home

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