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Guest $elfish
1 hour ago, Shadow. said:

And how she sets trends by being a leader not a follower? (Britney logic: "I'm a trendsetter" *records Revival rejects for Glory*):mjpopcorn:


Is that true?!:wendycry:

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Guest $elfish
Just now, Shadow. said:

No it's that a few of the songs on Glory remind of Revival :britstare11: Not that its a bad thing but I miss when Britney was the trendsetter

Oh thank godney:gloria: me too I wish she'd start being a leader rather than a follower again 

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If she honestly believes she sings live than anything is possible.

I mean how strange would it sound to have current Britney vocals mixing with 16 year old Britney vocals. It doesn't even make common sense. It wouldn't even sound good. That's why Beyonce, Gaga prerecord vocals so they can Ad lib and sing a long so the songs sound good.


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