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Is Baby One More Time in HD on VEVO?

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Hi guys, i recently hear that some videos has been re-uploaded on VEVO.com (NOT YOUTUBE) in HD and today i decided to see if it's true. I started with some Universal and Warner artists (They are the labels that i hear that were doing that), and some videos were in HD (at least in a better quality than YouTube), so i tried with some Britney's videos...

I start with Do Somethin' and Toxic but they were the same than the YouTube's ones but Baby One More Time look better... you should check by yourselfs... :bwink:


Also, i think that others videos too...





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Guest Paris Hilton $

Still 480p :shameless:

What are they waiting to put overprotected remix ??

They even took the time to upload some trash from BJ :dontlike:

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6 hours ago, CripplerCrossface said:

But i'm talking about VEVO's page or app not in YouTube...

Most videos on VEVO are 1080p but it may be a fake 1080p (upscaled from the 480p video). The quality is usually terrible when this is the case. Same goes for old Rihanna and Gaga videos, etc.

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