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How is it that her team at this point can't even figure out where she has or hasn't been throughout her career. I mean, it's not a big deal but it just shows how incapable they are of handling even the easiest  PR-related matters.... Marketing - I'm not even gonna go there.

Conversation went like this:

Larry: "Brit, u been to Korea before?"

Britney: "Hmmm.. I doooooon't think I have.. I'm not sure."

Larry: "Ok. Perfect."


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On 5/31/2017 at 10:09 PM, JP9101 said:

LOL that promo videos are the consequences of the MMVIDEO Scrapped mess> no money :staysalty:

Cuz Larry and the conservators are pocketing that cash hence why his response is "it didn't work" 

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