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I'm sure they've read at least some of the nasty and rude comments ya'll put on her social media.

I mean, if they read about Slumber Party or Tinashe, they must have come across the hate comments towards the residency waaay more than once.

However I don't think it's ending just because of that, we know Britney gets bored really easily, I'm actually surprised she agreed to the extension, or with the two years original contract to begin with. It wouldn't be that obnoxious for her if they actually kept renewing it every other leg of the show, you know, the changes we always talked about besides cutting off choreo, or those hideous outfits she would always come up with. I understand if she's tired of it by now, but I repeat, what I don't understand is why they didn't take advantage of all of the breaks she had, not renewing the whole show in one break, but updating at least one number at a time. By now the show would feel so much different than POM 2.0 even, and I'm not talking about us who watch the clips every night, but for Britney and the dancers themselves. I still believe she would eventually get tired of it, but at least it would be more challenging and interesting and fresh for her to perform till the end.

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