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What happened to Europe Dates?


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9 minutes ago, Wouszz said:

all these Britney twitter fanpages keeps saying about a france and uk date.
i need one european date asap. no matter where :sobbing:

im going to france this summer. i hope she announces it before i make my plans. gotta save some money for expensive europe :byebitch:

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17 hours ago, reecejwilson said:

I don't know but all I know is that she NEEDS to perform in Scotland as there's a 16,000 person arena 5 minutes from my house :staysalty:

don't get your hopes up. I've already accepted she wont do Scotland and i'll be travelling to Manchester. i'd actually die of shock if she includes Scotland if I'm honest


But yeh I wish she'd hurry up and announce UK dates. I don't care if they are far away I'm just hating the anticipation now!!

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