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xoxo, Stan.

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As you guys already know, I'm doing her Superbowl in 3D!

And I want your opinion about her stage. I made this one -- it's not finished, it won't be white lol -- just to clear my mind about size, design etc. The Britney's image on the floor will be the backdrop (in that case, it's the backdrop I made for her entrance) just like Madonna's/Katy Perry's superbowl.

So yeah, give me your stage idea. Let's work on this together.



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8 minutes ago, Dark.Knight said:

im not a fan of the sign but i do like the backdrop a lot. maybe i'd do another side stage at the end of the +

Isn't it too simple tho?

EDIT: What do you think about making a triangle at the end of the +, like a diamond thing? I think it's more her style

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Another superbowl topic :otears:

lets dream... 

set list:

1. Oops I did it again (mature vocals) she is falling from above while the intro of oops stars (yeah, yeah, yeah). 

2. Womanizer with a powerful choreo.


3. Me against the music starts and Madonna appears from under stage and join Britney, Finish with a hug and Britney praising her. 

4. I'm slave 4 u and Make Me Mashup (TTWE theme).

5. New single.

6. Toxic.

* A total everytime live performance but is not probable :sobbing: 

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since she likes stairs

what about two stages


a large triangle shape, where one of the points is centered and its actually stairs, but looks like a triangle from above with a rectangle stage in front of it. 

she could appear from under the stage onto the triangle stage, with maybe the toxic tree or some kinda high platform to use later? idk. 

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45 minutes ago, AndrejBLV said:

Maybe you can put on other sides some other religious signs. It would be controversial and It could represent the message of peace and unity.

And on the end those signs will burn and disappear and it would be written peace in the world.


I think the stage sign OP has is the universal sign for women, no ? It's not religious lol

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