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Why I don't want Britney to do the Super Bowl 2018


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34 minutes ago, WilderWein said:

Im sorry bit you can be a fan and NOT be delusional. I agree with not being disrespectul towards her etc but its just realistic to think she cant do it anymore.

She can't even release three singles or promote after the first week.

They think she is gonna spend weeks practicing for a performance as huge as the Super Bowl...



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4 hours ago, Finkypop the 3rd said:

I'm not reading any of this because just from reading a couple of sentences from your original reply to what I said it is clear that you are ridden with delusion and I pray for your low standards and acceptance of mediocrity and actually passing it off as "good". Maybe you'll come to your senses one day and realize that Britney doesn't really care anymore and that this fact is CLEAR AS DAY in her MEDIOCRE performances which is why she flops miserably and will never be taken seriously until she decides to do something about it. :jfallonlol: 

No point in beating a dead horse with people that live in a dream. :jfallonlol: 

Seethe harder and stay mad, delulu Britard. :jfallonlol::jfallonlol::jfallonlol::jfallonlol::jfallonlol:

Don't read it because you failed too many times to re-start with me anyway. 

You talk about delusion and low standards, yet you just said its justified for Madonna to lip-synch while bashing Britney for doing the same.
Your logic is so flawed its unreal. You also went in to degrade Britney and for what... for a thread? You just proved you're not even a fan.
Lol I'm sorry I hit a nerve so hard. 

You're so adorable. Thank you for making my day. You look like a hater who is close to committing suicide.


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3 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

She can't even release three singles or promote after the first week.

They think she is gonna spend weeks practicing for a performance as huge as the Super Bowl...



Oh, this. It's sad though because it is not even worth arguing with them or trying to reason with them.

It is literally like beating a dead horse - they see only what they want to see and believe only what they want to believe no matter what. It's best to just leave them be and not even waste the time or energy. :shadelaugh:

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56 minutes ago, sue the expectional earner said:

calm down fanboy

it's extreme comment
we all know she can do it so much better, you don't need to praise whatever she do,
she has 20 years old career but she acts like amateur sometimes so this makes us angry sometimes
it's normal, her career is dying slowly, can't you see it? :brityeah:

Calm down hater.....   we all know you haven't got anything else happening in your life but to hate and be shady.
Come back to me when your reputation hasn't been shoved off a ******* cliff.
Her career is dying. Sure. That's why she's won awards and grossed over 100 mill in ticket sales.
I guess being in denial of all success, but only looking and focusing on the negatives is what backs up your arguments.
You might as well tell me she doesn't sell tickets at this rate tbh. Don't be on here or a fan of someone when you're as pissed as you are.
Its dumb beyond measure and makes no sense. Get a life and move on from her. She don't care whether you live or die or love or hate her.
She still making millions while you're sat typing about how dissatisfied you are with her. 
Stay mad though and continue to prove my point by sending me more posts about how **** she is.

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6 minutes ago, Kiiddy said:

Don't read it because you failed too many times to re-start with me anyway. 

You talk about delusion and low standards, yet you just said its justified for Madonna to lip-synch while bashing Britney for doing the same.
Your logic is so flawed its unreal. You also went in to degrade Britney and for what... for a thread? You just proved you're not even fan.
Lol I'm sorry I hit a nerve so hard. 

You're so adorable. Thank you for making my day. You look like a hater who is close to committing suicide.


@Spearsfan Just look at this. It's definitely trolling, it must be. I hope it is for it's own sake. :shadelaugh::shadelaugh:

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38 minutes ago, Pedro Dantas said:

I'm not denying the slayage of those moments you showed. I was really proud of her. HOWEVER, the performance wasn't perfect. It was quite flawed in fact.

  • She kept cheking her hair every 5 seconds.
  • She stiff in various points.
  • The pole dancing part was cringeworthy.
  • She barely moved her lower body.
  • She was lipping to 15-year old vocals (the problem isn't the lipping it's the fact that she is lipping to CD tracks).

It's definetly not Super Bowl worthy. The GP barely has any respect for her anymore and the Super Bowl isn't the place to try and get some. It could either go really well or really badly. She should prove she is a performer in award show performances with good choreo, big production and convincing pre-recorded vocals.

You said it wasn't perfect. No one is perfect. No performance is perfect.
You only wanna talk about and bullet point the negatives while saying the performance was still 'apparently' okay or good.
How can it be okay or good if you can notice this much that's bad about it?
To me that seems like you really did hate the performance. 

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Just now, Finkypop the 3rd said:

Oh, this. It's sad though because it is not even worth arguing with them or trying to reason with them.

It is literally like beating a dead horse - they see only what they want to see and believe only what they want to believe no matter what. It's best to just leave them be and not even waste the time or energy. :shadelaugh:

It's starting to get exhausting. 

Like most fans on here actually seem to get it. We all joke about it, even if it's sad deep down for Britney's career current state. 

Im just amazed at the delusion that still is happening. It's truly amazing! It's like they know...they are the ones pushing for accepting Britney hates fame but want her to do the Super Bowl :oknolol:

It doesn't make sense 

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7 minutes ago, Finkypop the 3rd said:

@Spearsfan Just look at this. It's definitely trolling, it must be. I hope it is for it's own sake. :shadelaugh::shadelaugh:


You just degraded her and said its justified for Madonna to lip-sych and that its wrong for Britney to LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO


Try harder ****.

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53 minutes ago, Finkypop the 3rd said:

Don't even try to reason with him. 

Britney could **** in a toilet on stage to the beat of her album tracks and he would probably praise it as iconic (it would be tbh but ew), groundbreaking, and push it as the standard for modern pop performances. Fandom tends to blind people into thinking their fave can do no wrong, it's sad but it's what happens. :crying1:

Lol deluded. Supporting isn't about that ****. I guess licking Madonna's *** clean while she pretends to dance and pretends to sing isn't deluded.

You can stick your tongue up my *** though so I can **** on it for all I care tbh.

That's what you're on this planet for. 

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2 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

It's starting to get exhausting. 

Like most fans on here actually seem to get it. We all joke about it, even if it's sad deep down for Britney's career current state. 

Im just amazed at the delusion that still is happening. It's truly amazing! It's like they know...they are the ones pushing for accepting Britney hates fame but want her to do the Super Bowl :oknolol:

It doesn't make sense 

Oh yeah, for sure. We love our fave and want what's best for her and we WISH that she was still on top, but we know what's up and aren't absolutely delusional. 

Preach it, babe. Preach it loud. :comingthru::crying1:

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Just now, Finkypop the 3rd said:

Oh yeah, for sure. We love our fave and want what's best for her and we WISH that she was still on top, but we know what's up and aren't absolutely delusional. 

Preach it, babe. Preach it loud. :comingthru::crying1:

I feel like they think they are better because they love everything. They can't love everything or there wouldn't be a million threads posted about being pressed others slayed or got good deals. 

Preach as well :slayney:

Maybe it will hit them when this site closes for lack of traffic. That is why I come here even though we know nothing is happening. The days are numbered I'm sure...it only will get worse. 

Since literally nothing has changed for greatness or not enough in 6 years...

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I think she could pull it off, 5 or 6 songs, decent choreo, prerecorded vocals and great production. Something like BBMA realistically. She probably wont get praised like Gaga or Beyonce but its w.e. Katy Perry wasn't amazing and got praised so...im sure Britney can top that. :verycool:

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1 hour ago, Kiiddy said:

Calm down hater.....   we all know you haven't got anything else happening in your life but to hate and be shady.
Come back to me when your reputation hasn't been shoved off a ******* cliff.
Her career is dying. Sure. That's why she's won awards and grossed over 100 mill in ticket sales.
I guess being in denial of all success, but only looking and focusing on the negatives is what backs up your arguments.
You might as well tell me she doesn't sell tickets at this rate tbh. Don't be on here or a fan of someone when you're as pissed as you are.
Its dumb beyond measure and makes no sense. Get a life and move on from her. She don't care whether you live or die or love or hate her.
She still making millions while you're sat typing about how dissatisfied you are with her. 
Stay mad though and continue to prove my point by sending me more posts about how **** she is.

well, your britney obsession bigger than your life, i think you should worry about your life, not mine :hairflip:

there is a platform that we criticize & support her, not praise her *** 7/24 so who the **** are you to say me get away from here ? 
i know she doesn't care about me or my thoughts but you should know she doesn't care about you or your love to her too hun,  :ririshade1:

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I normally have a sixth sense about these things and I honestly CAN see her doing it. I think Britney is taking on 2017 and wants to do things big this time. If not this year then definitely in the near future. 

Some of you seriously doubt Britney... I bet you never thought she would craft an album like Glory again. Or perform at multiple award shoes, festivals, carpool. 

Britney would BRING IT at the Superbowl. She knows how big it is and with BBMA energy, a new fresh album, prerecorded and some live singing (she would have to or there would be no point.) it would slay. If her team were smart it could also be used to set a new era off with a head start...

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On 3 March 2017 at 7:55 PM, Pedro Dantas said:

Most of you want Britney to do the Super Bowl in 2018 but I don't. Here's why:


  • Her team: We all know how good her team is at failing at simple tasks: Glory cover, MM video, etc. They would probably replace Britney's pre-recorded vocals by the 20-year-old BOMT vocals at the last minute (remember the ABC special? :meltdown:). She needs a team of young, fresh, creative people who will help her instead of sabotaging her career.
  • It would be exactly like Vegas: The Super Bowl is one of the biggest events ever and if Britney did it they would probably use her Vegas sets and costumes (:umomg:) for it.
  • It would have 4 or 5 guests: Her guest list would probably be Iggy, Tinashe, G-Eazy, Sabi, The Ying Yang Twins. They would steal Britney's Super Bowl time and ruin it completely,
  Reveal hidden contents

It could be worse, tho.

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Larry is their manager, isn't it?

I can already imagine the meltdowns. :meltdown:


  • Britney doesn't dance like she used to: This is a fact. Even tho the BBMA's was one of her best performances of the decade she was really stiff at some points (a.k.a. the first half of the performance and the Slave pole dance). However, SHE IS IMPROVING

You know life is going weird when you are a fan of a performer but you don't want them to perform on the basis of what other people will think of the performance . :ricackle:

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8 hours ago, sue the expectional earner said:

well, your britney obsession bigger than your life, i think you should worry about your life, not mine :hairflip:

there is a platform that we criticize & support her, not praise her *** 7/24 so who the **** are you to say me get away from here ? 
i know she doesn't care about me or my thoughts but you should know she doesn't care about you or your love to her too hun,  :ririshade1:

It really isn't. Cute theory though. One thing's for sure I'm not wasting time on something I'm dissatisfied with. You are though.
So if anyone needs to worry about their life, its you. I'm happy with my career, relationship, friends, idol and life. You can't say the same, clearly.
You admitted she makes you angry for ****'s sake lol. So spare me, you look ridiculous here. This isn't a platform to be negative. Its a platform to chat and support.
You can still criticise without trying to kick her down, degrade her and her career out to be dead, even though statics prove otherwise.

A career is dead when you can't even hit the top 40 in the charts.
A career is dead when you can't even sell show tickets.
A career is dead when you can't win awards.

You sprout garbage and then wonder why people challenge you over it and its so ******* hilarious.
You are renowned here for posting non-stop negativity. Your reputation proves it. I don't praise her 24/7 either.
I have always said **** when something looks off, done poorly etc.
Though I ain't about to go crazy with it, degrade and then redefine it to 'criticism' to delude myself when someone challenges or calls me out on that ****.
I don't need her to care or love me. That's beside the point. She's a source of entertainment, but I still respect her as a human being.    :begone:

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