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WTF is this s--t?!


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Ok I have never seen this article before, this is simply one of the nastiest and most mean spirited articles I have seen


I think it was written in 2014 but re-posted in 2016, it is so truly disgusting and nasty. Not only is it offensive to Britney but ANYONE who suffers mental health issues, it pretty much says once you've 'gone crazy' there's no coming back, oh wow what a positive message to send to the MILLIONS of people suffering mental illness out there. Unbelievable that this trash can get published. It also tries to claim that she still does *****, is that not grounds for slander? I contacted the people through the site asking the author and who published it and asked them what their aim was apart from continuing to add to the stigma of mental illness. I encourage you guys to do the same because it's truly such a gross and unfair article in every way. 

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Honestly, when will EVERYONE understand that what she does about her career now is just for pure fun or because she really wants to. She knows she has nothing to prove and will continue to do this until the day people dont buy her music anymore and she retires. End of story. :forkit:

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20 hours ago, GypsyWoman said:

So why post it?



20 hours ago, ifuseekari said:

This. Why bother? 

I legit explained in the OP...because I thought the more people that complain to them they might take it down, I wouldn't bother if it was some crap about bad lip syncing/dancing but that article is absolutely appalling and shouldn't be written about anyone.

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5 minutes ago, Slave4Brit88 said:


I legit explained in the OP...because I thought the more people that complain to them they might take it down, I wouldn't bother if it was some crap about bad lip syncing/dancing but that article is absolutely appalling and shouldn't be written about anyone.

I know your intention is good but I wouldn't give any attention to the site/article tbh. Haters looove the attention. Plus, it only has less than 1k views.  Let's not give them any more than that. 

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29 minutes ago, ifuseekari said:

I know your intention is good but I wouldn't give any attention to the site/article tbh. Haters looove the attention. Plus, it only has less than 1k views.  Let's not give them any more than that. 

Fair enough, I'm glad it's only got a small number of views, it really is just such a foul article and seeing s--t like that is just infuriating and I wish writers would be held accountable putting crap like that out there but of course whoever wrote it is too cowardly to put their name, ugh.

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