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Is Britney relatable and likable?


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At her core, she's extremely relatable. In my opinion, it's actually a fundamental part of what made her such a colossal superstar in her early years.

Unfortunately, due to her having been so guarded for several years post-2007 (not that I blame her at all); she no longer has that same relatability with the public, and I think it's really hurt her popularity.

However, if she were to once again do more things akin to "For The Record," I believe she would once again be considered the most relatable popstar in the business. 

Either way, it's her decision how much of herself she feels comfortable sharing with the public, and we need to respect that :verycool:

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1 hour ago, ElectriqueBrit said:

What kind of illuminati bs you believing? :weirdmeout:

Sis, it's a fact. Samsung had a deal with TIDAL and they paid for 1M copies to be given away for free on TIDAL as a digital download. The actual sold copies of the album were like 407 first week. You can Google it.

The payola was what certified her album. She's a flop.

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She's likable, definitely. Relatable, no. Who can relate to someone still being monitored by their father at 34 years old?

The difference with the two artists you mentioned is 1. Beyoncé isn't trying to be relatable nor does she care, she releases music, does a fantastic job and let's ppl in to only parts of her life. That's given her life mystery but allowed ppl to only focus on her art, which has worked really well in her favor. And even though she has a million other song writers, she sings with such conviction that ppl really think lemonade is an autobiography. ( And I love beyonce but we all know that album ain't about her life. It's just a story that needed to be told.) But it works. She sells it. Britney can sing about drinks and *** and parties and we all KNOW she isn't doing that stuff. Doesn't she still get an allowance? And her dad monitors her guy friends/boyfriends? No one believes she's having one night stands.  There's a disconnect. 

2) Adele releases music and feels like a girlfriend talking to you about her life lessons and letting you into what she's gone through via music. Even her interviews are super fun and chill. I saw her in concert and it's a big *** stadium and it felt like she was just talking to me over coffee. I loved it. Britney can't even talk about her music that's supposed to be personal without just saying it's cool and that's it. She doesn't let ppl in during her shows (even though she is getting better with doing more spontaneous things) but how can GP relate to your music like that when you won't even bother to sing it? Like do you even like your music? Even stuff like Carpool karaoke. Adele was the girl you want to take a road trip with. Britney looked like she wanted to roll out the car head first. GP cant see themselves in that...

No bashing, Just my thoughts... 

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