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Imagine a three part video!!!!!


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came up with the craziest but i think it is the best idea ever! i was listening to glory straight through and DYWCO, SP, and JLM, all play back to back in the order, so i was thinking...

Part one: DYWCO

starts with a brunette Britney going to a party with a bunch of people, simple plot. awesome break downs in the video. she meets a new guy that she thinks is really cute, he owns the house, and she stays over. 

Part two: SP

after all the people leave SP starts and its her and the guy basically doing whatever the song says plus of course more lol. the night drags on and eventually they fall asleep.

Part three: JLM

starts with brunette britney and the hot guy laying in bed still sleeping. Then pans over to the real Britney :) blonde of course on her way home to her house that her boy friend has been watching for her. Yep you guessed it!! real brit gets home turns the key and she just cant believe that the girl her boy friend is with looks just like her. then maybe a fight could happen or she kicks the brunette Britney out of the house.


Just a fun idea, even if it wasn't this one, a three part video would be the best thing ever!!! 

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Love the concept but a few questions.


Which JLM? Can you specify if you mean JLM or JLM. 


Where's Love Me Down :comingthru:


Which Brunetteney? Onyx or 2014 brunetteney? 


Will it connect to Make Me, will the dude whose cheating on Britney with brunetteney be the guy from the beginning of Official MM(Micheal I think his name was)?? 


Would they use a man in a wig for her extra this time like in HIAM scene when she fights herself? 


Will Preston's DJ set be in the background of Slumber Party? Brit needs to start promoting him early if he wants to give his dad a run for his money.


How will she dye her hair brown but be blonde later in the trilogy of videos?



I'm sorry if Im coming off a bit sour about your concept, I honestly love it(expect LMD is missing) and would be happy with any 3 of those videos as stand alone videos. :kisses2all:

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