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If Britney did a tour now, would you be ok with her...

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... leaving out her old classics?? I feel like she now has so many old singles that if she did a tour for Glory she wouldnt be able to use many songs?? We have seen enough perfromances of Baby, Oops, Slave, Boys, Everytime and Toxic. I would love to see her do more new songs (even from other albums)

I know it will never happen because not all people who see her on tour are hardcore fans and they come for the classics, but I would totally love it if she did a tour with only new songs. Would you like that?


My tour would include (in no parrticular order)

Make Me...
Man On The Moon
Do You Wanna Come Over
Slumber Party
Change Your Mind (No Seas Cortes)
Mood Ring
I Run Away
My Prerogative

(I Got That) Boom Boom
Breathe On Me
Touch Of My Hand
The Hook Up
Mona Lisa
Break The Ice
Get Naked (I Got A Plan)
Ooh Ooh Baby
Get Back
Out From Under
Shattered Glass
Trip To Your Heart
He About To Lose Me
Brightest Morning Star

Most of these songs are amazing but have never been performed.. I need to see  them live


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I'd be ok with it, but do I think it would ever happen....no. I think she'll honestly always do BOMT/Toxic/Slave because they were so big/iconic so she feels obligated in a way to always perform them.


A dream of mine would be for her to do a tour of all songs that have never ever been performed before, like some year she doesn't have an album out or something. 

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As you can imagine, the Tour is not only for the fans but for the GP, as a fan i get your point, you have seen it since ever, you know all the songs, but you gotta rememeber the other side, that would be the same thing if you went to a tour of some singer you like some hits, and once the concert started that person would only do like non-singles and just the recent studio álbum and no signature songs, that wouldn't make any sence, it's like going to JT and not have Cry Me a River or **** Back, or Backstreet Boys and not having I Want It That Way or Everybody, do you get? So that wouldn't make any sence, she always has to have some/one of these (Bomt/Oidia/Slave/Toxic/GimmeMore/Womanizer/Ttwe) at least, cause people wouldn't be here for that, just like any of us would be for a singer that we only know the hit songs

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I think it's unrealistic to think she ever wont do the big ones like Slave/Toxic/BOMT but songs like Boys, I Love Rock N Roll, Freakshow etc. as much as I love those songs the average person who isn't a stan and goes to her show doesn't care about those songs and we the fans have seen her perform those songs plentyyyyy of times so she should drop them for new material if she does a tour.

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19 minutes ago, Erreur 2 La Nature said:

She would not perform 31 songs :sofedup:

those were just the songs i would like to see. I know she wouldnt use all of them.

18 minutes ago, PBoy said:

As you can imagine, the Tour is not only for the fans but for the GP, as a fan i get your point, you have seen it since ever, you know all the songs, but you gotta rememeber the other side, that would be the same thing if you went to a tour of some singer you like some hits, and once the concert started that person would only do like non-singles and just the recent studio álbum and no signature songs, that wouldn't make any sence, it's like going to JT and not have Cry Me a River or **** Back, or Backstreet Boys and not having I Want It That Way or Everybody, do you get? So that wouldn't make any sence, she always has to have some/one of these (Bomt/Oidia/Slave/Toxic/GimmeMore/Womanizer/Ttwe) at least, cause people wouldn't be here for that, just like any of us would be for a singer that we only know the hit songs

I actually wrote that in my OP tho...


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Yeah I think she could skip bomt and oops unless she gives amazing performances, meaning a badass remix and choreo. 

I think she should make a setlist and then in the middle of the show or something perform one song from her catalogue as a surprise. A song that she decides and wants to share. Different song every show.

It's not even that difficult BUT she has to be more comfortable on stage. Because every show would be different, they couldn't plan a performance. It would just be her on stage performing = no choreo (guess you could have dancers doing freestyle) and some parts at least must be live.

I would be so happy if she were to do this! :hype: but I guess I'm dreaming :otears:

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