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I still don't know why Britney fans say Hold It Against me "had no impact"

Bees To The Honey

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5 hours ago, CurtisB said:


Britney didn't write or produce the song.  Didn't she just say that she had no creative control over her last few albums before Glory? 

That sound was all over the pop scene because the writers of the song were writing for everyone at that time, just like Justin Tranter and Julia Michaels are now.

I'm not talking about who wrote it or produced it though. I'm talking about the impact it had. The impact was real.
That's what the thread is focused on. 

While Britney may have not had much input lyrically, production wise etc... that does not mean she didn't have
ANY say whatsoever with the sound. She is the artist after-all. So if Britney said she wanted to delve into a little dubstep,
those producers would have gone with that and delivered that sound for her. Every producer does that for every artist.
No artist produces their own material. The producers she's worked with never played around with dubstep either when
working with Britney in the past. So its possible she shared what sound she liked and wanted to go ahead with and they
did their job on cooking up that very sound. If not, then it still doesn't disregard the fact that the sound did have impact upon
mainstream popular music. There are critics that even agree with me on this. Lyrically though she clearly had little to no credits ofc. 
It was mentioned that she wrote a lot of songs for FF, but they were all denied due to being too controversial, honest and open for the label/team's liking. I don't know true that was, but that's what I read all the way back then. 

Though whether or not she had no input in the direction of sound, the album and song still had impact.   

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23 minutes ago, CurtisB said:


Britney didn't write or produce the song.  Didn't she just say that she had no creative control over her last few albums before Glory? 

That sound was all over the pop scene because the writers of the song were writing for everyone at that time, just like Justin Tranter and Julia Michaels are now.

Umm sure it was dance pop which was common in 2011 but it had the dubstep element which was not common at all so the song was innovative compared to the songs of that time. And it actually succeeded in setting a trend because after it became a hit, you got songs like Xtina's Your Body or Taylor's trouble something song getting released. And I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that she's the one who suggested that something was added to the song because it lacked punch. If I find it I'll give you the link.

The writers are Max Martin who has been working with her since 1998 and Dr Luke which has been mainstream since Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway album in 2004, so no she did not hop on any trendy writers/producers. Just the same one she had been using for the past 12 years then. She had been working with Luke since like 2009 so don't come at me with TD's success (2010 onwards) :howiroll:

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The FF era was a ******* smash hit all around, and HIAM had an impact because of dubstep. I remember me listening to that song over and over and over and over again.

Looking back tho I'm really indifferent towards FF. I grew out of it pretty fast. Hell, it took me over a decade to grow out of Britney.

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1 minute ago, A.D. said:

I thought the gif from the MM video would give it away...the cackling hyenas ruined it :beynah:

Who thought it was good idea to bring them back from retirement? It worked for The Lion King but not a Britney Spears music video :sofedup:


Yeah true that 

The laughing was so unnecessary  

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Ah I remember when HIAM released... We got this Bonnie McKee demo first which was like a raw sketch, and then the full song dropped early on iTunes New Zealand I think. The slayage when we heard the final full production for the first time with Britney's voice :crying11: The deaths over the dubstep breakdown :scalped:

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Im getting so nostalgic right now, I remember how anxious I was before it came out, how I playied it on loop when going to school, how I forced my sister to watch the music video and how awesome I thought it was, and she was all like "I like it... But its weird" lool, seems like yestarday that song came out.  Either way I think that song was dope. :saycheese:

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5 hours ago, PBoy said:

HIAM has one of the best melodies ever, is not about the beat or the bass or whatever, is the melody of the song that is simply beautiful, and not every song out there has that as a result, that's why a lot of songs sound crap when they are remixed cause a lot of the times the instrumental gives it all, when HIAM even with a crap instrumental would still sound awesome

Yes!!!!! It reminds me of Shattered Glass, another of her best melodies (and another Dr Luke track)

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:yaknow: As a song I probably wouldn't like HIAM half as much as I do (more than TTWE tbh) if it hadn't had that music video. Even for Britney going through a rough time in that era, the video is on point. I consider it one of my all-time favorites because it's the story of her rise, fall, and return. It makes a song that's seriously just about hooking up with someone at a club actually seem more than it is to me. 

But TTWE and IWG are still the ones that had the longevity. :ehum:

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