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Blackout Britney isn't the REAL Britney...


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I truly don't think the real Britney is this Britney...


I don't think that is "her at her most honest and confident" either.


I think she was trying to be what she thought the general public wished she was or wanted her to be (a "bad ***", not a good girl "pop princess") mixed with trying to impress Kevin.  I don't think partying, doing *****, or just being in that atmosphere etc are who she really is inside and that's why she didn't stay that way and why she insists on not being that way today or these past almost 10 years.  I think the real Britney is the girl next door.  She's sweet, and kind and a little sassy.  She **** too but she isn't sleazy or slutty.  That's why she didn't release the original Make Me video, that's why she calls herself boring today, or a "mom" a couple of years ago and that's why she said she avoids partying on Johnathon Ross.  Those things make her uncomfortable.  She's not that girl at heart.  That's not who she actually is.


This is the Real Britney Spears:


The simple girl from Kentwood, Louisiana who stole our hearts nearly two decades ago.



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I agree, but I do think that thats the album she was totaly transparent in. She put all her emotions in the most candid way on that album, what she felt at the time of recording this album is on that record. And thats what make it so good. Honest even.

Slayout will slay :smokney2:

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I think she fiercely strays away from talking about anything of that stuff or admitting any of it because of her kids and mostly because of her team silently breathing down her neck to make sure she doesn't say anything that would be "controversial" in their eyes. Hence why they cut the c-ship discussion from JRS. I don't think her shaving her head and beating the car with the umbrella were her per se because that was the breakdown.& her being a ***** to the paps was obviously stress from them stalking her all hours in a daa. But that was Britney unfiltered, more than she's ever been. Wehave had a VERY filtered Britney since then ,even now, but I think she's slowing easing into being comfortable being herself again Infront of the world.

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5 minutes ago, larac said:

I agree, but I do think that thats the album she was totaly transparent in. She put all her emotions in the most candid way on that album, what she felt at the time of recording this album is on that record. And thats what make it so good. Honest even.

Slayout will slay :smokney2:

I think she's always transparent in all her albums.  Each one is a diary of that moment.  

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2 minutes ago, ElectriqueBrit said:

I just mean it's not the REAL Britney.

OK but dont think so, when i'm really depressed i don't think i'm not my real self just everything is transformed into the stage I'm living and start to live in a toxic way, i dont know if I explain ....

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2 minutes ago, lirebelde said:

OK but dont think so, when i'm really depressed i don't think i'm not my real self just everything is transformed into the stage I'm living and start to live in a toxic way, i dont know if I explain ....

It was clearly her but I don't think it was who she is at her core not so much the sadness but the behavior because of the sadness.  We can agree to disagree I suppose.

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2 minutes ago, david lachapelle said:

do you expect the "real" britney to be simple and happy all the time or something?

we're all human and we all have our complex emotions that are part of who we are. 

Totally!  I just think Britney is a naturally pretty happy person.  Some people are.  Some people aren't.  When I look at the rest of her career (which is all I know) she is a much different person in it and it's a lot more time that way then a couple of years during blackout.  I'm not saying it's not okay to feel depressed if that's how it's coming out.  I'm saying more the behaviors were not her.  It's like when a child behaves badly because they're hanging out with the wrong crowd.  You say "you're not being yourself"...etc.  Hope that makes sense.  If not that's okay too.  Everyone is different.    

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2 minutes ago, ElectriqueBrit said:

Huh.  I must have missed that segment?  :rude2me:

Hence the "now scrapped". She pretty much insinuated that the conservatorship hasn't allowed her to really record the music she has wanted to record and that songs would come to her already finished. 

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Honestly, I think 2006 through early 2008 was Britney just letting loose and enjoying herself a bit. Think about it, since she was 11 years old all she ever did was work. She did the Micky Mouse Club until she was about 13. Then three years later she released BOMT. Then for the next 6 years she released music, toured all over the world, interviews, etc. She got married by the end of 2004 and had Sean by the end of 2005. Then a year later she had Jayden. She never really had a chance to fully immerse herself in her teenage/young adult years, and after the divorce she just decided to let loose and have a little bit of fun. Was it the most mature thing to do? No, not really. But when you think about it it was probably the best thing for her to do. After almost 3 years of non-stop partying she was able to get the help she needed and focus on not only her career, but her kids, the most important thing in her life.

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