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I think the conservatorship is about to end!


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Guest Halaut7
7 hours ago, CaptainAmerica said:

What happens if/when Jamie dies?  Does she get passed on to her mother/manager/lawyer? How far is permanent? 

I think she would be put under her mother,and if she died before Jamie did then it would go to her sibling or whoever is more fit to "care for her". It's probably documented though.

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Sometimes it's hard for me to think about Britney because it depresses me so bad. She's such a nice, sweet person, that is surrounded by people that just take advantage of her. I can't even imagine what she much feel.

I am glad that Brian seems to be taking more of Jamies responsibilities. I think someone said he's the one fighting for her to have more freedom? So maybe that's why she's been somewhat happier lately. Really does seem like she is taking more control of things now.  still think the c-ship is disgusting, though.

I just want Britney to be happy, and I want someone to stand up for her.

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I heard because of the cship she doesn't pay any taxes may be it's 1 of the reasons. I know Britney is really wealthy but she also a wise person. She said she likes money...so.  And that intimate BS collection did she really came up with the idea or her father just wanted more money. I think they will end it then some of the conservators die. Or her kids will be adult enough so she can't loose them again. I hope it will end then Britney ready. Like it was permanent from the beginning and obviously princess needs to be out from her cage

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if it ends in the next like, 5 years i will literally host a formal party and celebrate like it's nineteen-ninety-*******-nine

after that ill be too old to go ham / not see it as a victory if shes in it for that long but i will still be happy lol 

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10 hours ago, cgshaw said:

I'm from England so we don't have these stupid conservatorships here. How do they get ended, is it when Britneys dad says no more or is it forever permanent? 

Are you sure? It's probably known with another name. I think almost every country of western world has a process in place to protect people with little autonomy (mental disorders, addiction, Alzheimer, dementia). In Italy the person who acts on these people behalf is called tutor or administrator (depending how severe their disability is. With a tutor you basically have no power to do anything. With an administrator you can manage money in everyday life, let's say buying groceries or whatever under a certain amount of money, but the administrator will take care of all the extraordinary expenses, like buying a house, mortgage, car, and complex procedures like applying for a pension, etc...). 

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On one hand I would be happy for her if she gets out of it, on the other however the conservatorship itself is not the problem. The problen is the freedom she has within it.

The conservatorship is there in order to protect her and her finances.

We don't know this for sure but assuming she does have some type of mental disorder, even if she seems to be fine now, nothing can assure she won't slip in anothet bad situation. Sometimes, with certain disorders, is just they way it is.

Hopefully it will never happen, but if it were to happen and the conservatorship is not in place, she could destroy everything she's worked for. And on some levels maybe she agrees with this. If she's doing that well now, she has the capability to realise what risks she could face without it.

Imagine having a daughter or a sister in a situation like this, imagine succedeed in helping her bringing her life back on track. Only the legal struggle to actually get the power to do it is ridiculous (in some countries, dunno the USA).

So just imagine to put an end to these measures. They probably think "what if it happens again?".

Also, we all think something else happened to her in 2012. The reason why it wasn't much publicised is probably thanks to the conservatorship.  Maybe they managed to get in the situation very quickly. Unlike 2007, when she had all this power and troubles and people didn't know how to help.

The way I see it, the moment her brother started being more present she started being happier. If she's ok with, why shouldn't we?

I do find absurd that she can't hire her own lawyer though. Like legally, I understand why she couldn't. If you don't have the rights of an adult, you can't hire a lawyet. On the other hand she's not exactly disabled. For sure it doesn't look like it!


Sorry for the long post!

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