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Britney.com: Which Song Should Be Single #2


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2 hours ago, agirlnamedlucky said:


Unfortunately, I think people are just voting for their favorite song and not the song that would realistically have the best shot from potential performances, music video, etc. They forget that the GP includes people OUTSIDE of the Army who need to be blown away by the things I mentioned above in order to like and listen to the song. Slumber Party is a stupid, alienating name for a song (sorry not sorry) and will have a boring "here's Britney being pretty" video, whereas Liar could have any number of cool "revenge" concepts (I'm here for the western theme like someone posted earlier), plus there's the obvious "is this about JT?" publicity. People also forget that country is HUGE in America (FGL just outsold Brit) and a song with a country-like vibe could blow up.

Revenge video is so Toxic ago.. Slumber Party is current. Drake material. Lets not use JT. Cry me a river was already answered a long time ago.. EVERYTIME. stop dissing Slumber Party just because u like Liar. The fact that it is on a standard version means it is Britney or Britneys team priority. 

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i love every song on the album so i really don't mind, but of course i chose liar, my favorite song on the album, it could have an amazing music video (:saycheese:) and i would just love a "you oughta know" performance for this song with a live band and live vocals, i think it could be something new for britney and people would love that

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I think Slumber Party could have the best video(If they can find a director that will work with them)


Luv Me Down would be better supported by Radio(until something tragic happens like MM video and everybody stopped requesting)


Liar a breakup anthem, but it is to up beat right now, Gaga has an upbeat song out, they need to see how she performs on the radio/chart with all the mid tempo songs out right now and then decide if they want to risk putting Liar out. 

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